Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1840: Give you a thousand dollars to go to the ophthalmology

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"It turned out to be Brother Ye's sister?"

Panda glanced at Ye Zhinuo in surprise and smiled bitterly at her: "Then you can't call me Uncle."

After all, I am commensurate with your brother, and you will call me Brother Pan later on. "

"Brother Pan!"

Ye Zhinuo immediately pushed the boat along the water and screamed sweetly.

Suddenly recognizing such a young and lovely sister, Pan Da burst into joy.

But the next second, his face became serious.

"Since someone bullied you, look at brother to exhale you."

He suddenly turned his head, took out ten red banknotes from his wallet, and threw it directly on the face of the consultant who was constantly rubbing his cold sweat. People are low."

The property consultant's face was pale, and he heard Panda's words.

Just after today, he might be fired directly.

He kept bending down to apologize: "It's my fault, I don't know Taishan. You will give me another chance, Mr. Pan."

"Give you a chance? Give you a chance to bully my God?!"

Pan Da glared his eyes, and a high-level master suddenly and suddenly pressed toward the consultant.

The property consultant's legs softened and he couldn't help but fall to the ground.

He was full of remorse and only hated that he didn't polish his eyes when he went out today.

If it was the right choice, it is not so miserable now.

But now it is useless to say anything.

Looking at the back of the lonely home consultant's desolation, the audience was cold.

Many of them just like this property consultant, they despised Ye Hong and others.

In order to worry about causing Panda displeasure, a group of people suddenly changed their faces, and it was a boast to Ye Hong and others.

"I have long discovered that this teenager has extraordinary temperament, it must be very simple, and I was right!"

"These young girls are born smart and clever, and they will definitely do a lot in the future!"


Xiaolan, they were suddenly boasted.

They were lonely since childhood, where did they receive such treatment.

For a moment, it was both shameful and excited.

A few red faces fluttered towards Yehong.

Since they met Ye Hong, several of them felt that their lives had changed dramatically.

This made them even more determined to stay with Yehong and repay Yehong's faith.

Pan Da looked at Ye Zhinuo with a smile: "I saw my sister for the first time today, and I didn't bring any gifts.

What you just saw was this ten-story office building, right?

Then I will give you this building as a gift.

How is it? "

Ye Zhinuo's little mouth suddenly became an o-shape, scared to respond, and turned to look at his brother Ye Hong.

Ye Hong knew that the 20 million buildings would be nothing more than Panda.

If you are kind to him on this kind of small money, not only will there be no benefit, but it will also hurt the brotherhood between the two.

So Ye Hong smiled and said, "Thank you, Brother Pan?"

"Thank Brother Pan!"

Ye Zhinuo's eyes laughed into a crescent shape.

Suddenly she felt like she made 20 million yuan!

The other four girls were already dull.

20 million!

Say it and send it? !

Is this the world of the rich? !

After confirming that it was not after dreaming, the four girls shivered with excitement, hoping to dance on the spot.

And the people around were all surprised.

But at the same time, they also understood Ye Hong's weight in Panda's heart and could not help guessing Ye Hong's identity.

The only person on the scene was so dark that he was about to drip water.

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