Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1844: No more flour!

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Wang Brown looked at the information while Jiang Xiaona also explained.

"The manager of Yelan Xiaomian is named Yanlan.

Yanlan has a weird temper and no business, and it is totally worth noting.

However, I found that the funds behind Yelan's noodles came from a restaurant named [Yushi].

The manager of this night food restaurant is also the president of the Egret City Catering Association.

His name is..."


Before Jiang Xiaona finished his speech, Wang Bulang accepted coldly.

He closed the folder hard, his eyes full of ice.

"It doesn't matter if the Fischer Group is completely destroyed, and now it still bullies my daughter. Is it true that my Wang Brown is a vegetarian?!"

He stood up and ordered to Jiang Xiaona: "Notice that a high-level meeting will be held in half an hour and formally discuss how to deal with Yelan face!"


It's a sunny and sunny day.

After the heat wave of Zeng Fengshusheng passed, Yelan's business was greatly reduced.

But even so, passenger traffic is still much more than other restaurants on Dongmen Street.

Fifth Qinglan, the manager, no, should be called Yan Lan, lazily moved a chair, leisurely sunbathing in front of the restaurant.

The hat concealed her gorgeous face, and at the same time concealed the identity of her store manager, making countless passers-by wondering why the store's employees were so loose.

In order to avoid being targeted by the Fifth Family, Fifth Qinglan was changed to Yan Lan, a pseudonym once used.

Her days are extremely leisurely.

In the daytime, soy sauce is played in the shop, and at night, I will visit the silver pen painter at the 185 Hospital.

As for her residence, she was forced to rely on Murong's dream home.

This carefree life does not require all-day carefree life, making Fifth Qinglan satisfied.

But anxious shouts broke this leisure and calmness.

"Manager, the big thing is not good!"

Shouting is the small chef and buyer in the shop.

After Fifth Qinglan taught him the technique of making noodles, he stopped going to the kitchen.

"What's going on, so screaming, be careful your old lady fires you!"

After being disturbed by the enthusiasm of the sun, Fifth Qinglan opened the hat on his face dissatisfiedly.

The little chef was frightened by the terrifying eyes of Fifth Qinglan, but soon panicked again: "The manager, there is no flour in the store!"

The fifth Qinglan stunned.

Yelan small noodles, as the name suggests, is the main pasta.

The main ingredient of pasta is flour.

It can be said that flour is the most important ingredient of Yelan noodles.

Once there is no flour, Yelan noodles are almost unable to operate normally.

Being unable to operate means that there is no income.

Without income, it is impossible to provide silver pen painters' convalescence funds...

Fifth Qinglan didn't dare to think about it, but just yelled angrily: "If you don't have flour, go buy it!"

The chef smiled bitterly: "I don't know what's wrong. When I went to buy flour this morning, the stalls selling flour in the usual market all closed early.

I went to the supermarket and found no flour.

It's like someone has bought all the flour from the city overnight! "

Fifth Qinglan frowned: "Isn't there in the city, what about the field? What about the Internet?"

The smile on the chef's face was even more bitter: "There must be some in the field, and online shopping should be available.

But let’s not say if we can deliver it immediately, just say the purchase cost is..."

Fifth Qinglan soon realized the seriousness of the matter!

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