Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1862: Worries of female anchors

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Compared with those people who are mourning, An Runiu is crazy.

He hurried to the village and ran around to inform the villagers of this happy event.

At first glance, the people in Anjia Village didn't believe it when Mrs. Qiao fell.

But when they saw a famous Qiao family bodyguard **** and saw the figure of the old witch fainting like a pig, they suddenly boiled!

Throughout Anjia Village, a string of firecrackers was lit to celebrate the fall of Mrs. Qiao.

The next thing they did was to go to the factory and release all the village children who were forced to broadcast live.

These women are their wives, daughters, sisters...

Previously, because Mrs. Qiao's strict supervision of these cash cows, they couldn't even meet their relatives frequently.

Now Anjia Village sees the sun again, and when they meet again, they can't help but cry.

Ye Hong and others took a short break in Madam Qiao's villa, preparing to wait for An Runiu to deal with the matter before discussing wheat with him.

By the way, here are waiting for the people sent by Mo Tianlin.

Around two o'clock in the afternoon, the people in the village took the group of "female anchors" and came to the villa to thank them for Yehong.

The villagers almost regarded Ye Hong and others as saviors, grateful, but only kneeled to them.

"Ding! Eradicate the power of village tyrants, +1 evil ability!"

"Ding! The ability to eliminate evil has been upgraded. The current level: Mastery will provide the host with a more accurate solution to eliminate evil."

"Ding! The villagers are grateful to Dade, their ability to help +1, character +1, charm +1!"

Ye Hong suddenly found that, contrary to the villagers, the rescued "female anchors" didn't seem to have much joy on their faces.

This made Ye Hong suddenly bewildered.

When An Runiu heard Ye Hong's doubts, he beckoned a girl from the group of "female anchors".

The young girl has a beautiful face and bright eyes, and it is the most prominent one among a group of women of ordinary appearance.

"Benevolence, she is my daughter Anya Ya, and was forced by Madam Qiao to be a female anchor before.

Let her explain it to you. "

An Runiu smiled bitterly.

Anya first looked at Yehong curiously.

She was born in Anjia Village and hardly took half a step.

The people in the village have no culture, they are a group of barbarians.

Therefore, Anya Ya has never seen Ye Hong, who has such a handsome and handsome look.

In addition, learning from An Ru Niukou that Ye Hong was the benefactor of the whole village who defeated Mrs. Qiao, it made An Yaya have an unlimited desire to explore Ye Hong.

Seeing Yehong frowning impatiently, Anjaya also reacted to staring at others for too long.

Her face turned red, and she quickly lowered her head and said, "This handsome guy, the reason why we are not happy is because Mrs. Qiao fell down, and our livelihood is also gone.

The women in our villages have never received any education since they were young, and their educational level is not high.

Let us go outside to work, and we may not always be able to find work.

Although Mrs. Qiao was bad for us, she gave us work anyway.

So although we thank you for giving us freedom, but..."

Anya said nothing, but Ye Hong had already understood the concerns of these women.

Indeed, although Ye Hong rescued them, they forced them to be laid off collectively.

He closed his eyes silently, thinking about how to arrange this group of women.

"Ding! Trigger proficient business instincts, trigger proficient business management capabilities.

After systematic analysis, it is recommended that the host build a live broadcast platform. "

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