Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1865: This is the new love you just hooked up with

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In order to break this slightly embarrassing atmosphere, Ye Hong immediately asked, "What is the village chief looking for me for?"

Fifth Qinglan took his gaze back, no good air: "Of course it's wheat, you won't forget the business today?"

Ye Hong immediately patted his head with a wry smile.

He really told An Runiu that he would have to explore the wheat with him when the village was almost over.

It was just because Song Qianqian's arrival was temporarily forgotten by him.

Fifth Qinglan glanced at Song Qianqian again, rolled his eyes, and turned to leave.

Song Qianqin looked at the back of Fifth Qinglan and suddenly asked Ye Hong on the side: "This is the new Huan you just hooked up with?"

Ye Hong was stunned, but before he could speak, Fifth Qinglan turned his head shyly: "What are you talking about?

Who, who is that guy's new favorite? ! "

Song Qianqin embraced his arms and walked to the fifth Qinglan leisurely, his mouth lightly: "Every woman who denied him was deceiving himself. You are not the first one I have seen."

As soon as the words fell, Song Qianqian didn't know what he thought of, and there was a hint of self-deprecation in his eyes.

Fifth Qinglan immediately sneered: "Are you also deceiving yourself?"

Song Qianqian suddenly choked, flushed on his face, staring at the fifth Qinglan.

Two women with bad tempers stared at each other like two tigresses.

Ye Hong just felt like sitting on a needle felt, and hurriedly shouted: "I, I went to the village chief!"

He fled here as if he had fled.

Fifth Qinglan and Song Qianqin stared at each other, snorted, and left.


In a secluded room, only Ye Hong and An Runiu sat at the table.

Yehong is not a nonsense, he opened the door and said his purpose.

"I want to ask you not to sell wheat to Fengyi Group, but to me.

If it involves breach of contract, I can pay you a penalty for breach of contract. "

An Runiu was shocked when he heard Ye Hong's request.

For the villagers in Anjia Village, who sold it to them instead of selling it, let alone Yehong also had to pay liquidated damages for them.

Logically speaking, there should be no problem, but...

"You are a big benefactor in our village, I should have promised you this request.

But I promised to sell wheat to Feng Xiao Group's Guan Xiaoshu yesterday, and he came back to fetch wheat in the evening.

Guan Xiaoshu usually takes care of our village. If I suddenly regret it at this time, I always feel conscientious. "

Hearing An Runiu's concerns, Ye Hong nodded in understanding.

"Let me handle this matter, it will never embarrass you."


At dusk, a cargo truck slowly drove into the mouth of Anjia Village.

The car stopped and a young man wearing flared pants jumped from above.

His squinting eyes swept all around and shouted loudly: "Lao Niu, I'm here to collect the wheat, hurry out!"

If Fifth Qinglan is here, he will immediately recognize that this is the squinting young man who went to Yelan small noodles and helped Fengyi Group sell flour.

It turned out that his name was Guan Xiaoshu.

An Runiu's figure turned out from under the tree on the roadside, and he kept smiling and said: "Small tree, something happened. The wheat in our village seems to be unable to sell you."

"Are you so funny about me?"

Guan Xiaoshu glared his eyes: "Do you know that if I don't receive wheat, I may not even have my life!"

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