Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1868: Bizarre swords

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The last time Fifth Qingtong went to Haiye Island to destroy his mouth, he fled from the pit.

Since then, Ye Hong has sent people to search continuously in the nearby waters.

However, there is nowhere to find the vast sea.

In order to prevent the fifth family from attacking again, Yehong asked Yeren's people to set up a net in the city of Egret.

But the fifth family did not seem to be stupid, and did not send someone to come.

But today, a trip away, leaving the scope of Egret City, this woman appeared again.

"Why not, I wandered outside Egret for a long time, and finally waited for this excellent opportunity!"

An excited voice came from the fifth Qingtong mask: "This time Wu Chi is not with you, Sima Zhengming is not with you, Qingmei is not with you...

Only the fifth Qinglan is in your car!

Hurry up with her, otherwise I won’t let anyone else in your car pass! "

In Yejue, the fifth Qinglan pinched his palm, his eyes full of anger and sorrow.

In her mind, there was a flash of the fifth Qingtong's stab at herself!

After that, Fifth Qinglan was completely abandoned by the Fifth Family.

But the fifth family didn't seem to intend to let her go, and Fifth Qingtong came to the door again!

Ye Zhinuo was a little dumbfounded, not knowing what the man with the gold mask outside the car had to do with Fifth Qinglan.

But she didn't have a worried expression.

Because she firmly believes that no matter what kind of monsters and monsters, in the end will be picked up by her invincible brother.

Ann Zaitian went too far, actually yawned and continued to take a nap.

Only the fifty-sixth shrine focused his cold eyes on a spot in the forest.

Outside the car, when he heard the threat of Fifth Qingtong, Ye Hong ignored her.

With the slyness of Fifth Qingtong, it didn't make sense to know that it was not Yehong's opponent, and he was so stupid that he came alone to find Yehong.

If you remember correctly, Fang Qingtong only said [we] instead of [me] when he appeared.

In other words, Fifth Qingtong has a companion nearby!

And this companion is so powerful that it gives the fifth Qingtong and Yehong the confidence in the battle!

Yehong's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the same place as the fifty-sixth shrine in the car.

There seemed to be only one big tree, but two branches bent abnormally.

"[Nine], don't hide it, you can't hide this kid."

Fifth Qingtong shouted at that place and sneered: "Hurry up and deal with this kid together, lest you have a long night."

Fifth Qing Tong's voice just fell, but inside the tree was a strangely exuded middle-aged man.

He was around forty, pale and stiff, like a zombie.

Although he is sturdy, he always hangs up.

The weirdest are the two weapons in his hand.

I saw that they were two round-handled scimitars, and the blades gradually became sharper from front to back, like two curved horns.

The two strange branches of Fang Cai were actually the two scimitars hidden between the leaves.

"Ding! Trigger mastery seeing ability, seeing through target..."

"Ding! After seeing through, the target type: land.

The target is good at abilities: ancient double sword flow tactics.

Fighting style: double sword flow.

Threat level: strong.

Target weakness: temporarily unable to see through. "

Ye Hong suddenly discovered that after he realized the intangible Taoism, he was able to see through the information of some of the ancient Taoist warriors.

And this man in front of him is also a land warrior equivalent to the ancient warrior!

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