Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1886: Live teaching

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Just when Cai Bozheng was in doubt, the Dark Queen had begun a dazzling spellcasting trick.

Draw the ball to level A and then dizzy to level A and then the ball... At the same time, the summoner skill [ignite] is also hung up at the same time.

The operation of this set of running clouds and flowing water is completed in just 1.5 seconds.

"How could it be so fast?"

Cai Bo sleepy exclaimed.

He also planned to wait for the dizziness to end and launch a counterattack.

But the Dark Queen did not give him this opportunity!

A set of ruthless combos, so that the blood strip of the missing demon Ji directly bottomed out.

The loud blood broadcast made the other four [Ji Mu Tai Mei] members in the battle situation stunned.

They hadn't had time to investigate the details of the captain, and they discovered that the Dark Queen appeared on other lines while the lost monster was resurrected.

Every time this figure appeared, it was accompanied by the death of the members of [Ji Mu Tai Mei].

Later, the members of Jiji Tomei were too afraid to step out of their own defensive tower, and pityed under the tower.

Only one person can suppress the opponent team!

This is Ye Hong's terrible strength.

"Brother! You are amazing!"

In reality, Ye Zhinuo couldn't suppress the feeling of worship in his heart and jumped up from the stool.

The other girls of Phoenix Rose frequently steal from Yehong to admire their expressions.

Before Ye Hong went away, they were in a state of repression online.

As soon as Yehong's dark queen acted, she activated all the lines and overwhelmed the other party.

Fortunately, Ye Hong was invited, otherwise they are really not opponents of each other.

"Make you Cai Bo sleepy, make your foundation mud too beautiful!"

Ye Zhinuo stepped on the stool and danced.

"Sit down and continue studying!"

Yehong double-handedly glared at Ye Zhinuo, who was stunned.


Ye Zhinuo sat back on the stool, hugged her knees, and looked at the computer screen with her mouth open.

Ye Hong glanced at Ye Zhinuo and shook his head helplessly.

It seems that educating this impatient sister still has to use some other means.

"Ding! Trigger the guru-level education ability, trigger the guru-level effect [醍醐菐緒】, instill in the game ability..."


Ye Zhinuo suddenly discovered that Fang Cai Yehong had many operations that he didn't understand, but now he suddenly understood them.

She immediately took the book from the side and carefully recorded it.

Ye Hong was certainly not eccentric, and he also taught the other four little phoenixes.

Instead, he used several people who were [Ji Ni too beautiful] as teaching materials, and showed them skills to the little Phoenix by killing them again and again.

The five are growing at a very fast rate.

But for the members of [Ji Mu Tai Mei], it was the most painful day in life.

They found that Phoenix Rose was reluctant to end the game, and just sent them back to the spring again and again.

If it was not for the official event that they could not surrender, they would definitely immediately press the surrender button to end this crumbling game.

Later, they simply left the keyboard with both hands and numbly watched the members of Phoenix Rose shopping outside their springs.

And the loss of their resistance also made Ye Hong lose the teaching materials.

That being the case, it is simply over.

As the explosion of the base sounded, [Ji Mu Tai Mei] was finally released, and Phoenix Rose also won the online game!

There is no mention of how the little phoenixes celebrated on the other side, but Yonezawa, who watched the game all the way on the other side, had his eyes glowing.

"Isn't this the special team I was looking for?"

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