Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1902: One person controls two corners

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In the orphan alliance, the duo of the lower lane is a very important line.

But it is also the most test of the team's tacit understanding.

Although Qiao Xiaoxi and Qiao Xiaoshui are relative sisters, it is still difficult to be seamless in terms of cooperation.

While Ruan Biying watched only one game, he found the key problem, and he did not lose the reputation of the top coach.

Ruan Biying touched her chin and thought for a moment, then said: "Well, you start another game and teach you how to cooperate more effectively while playing me."

The five little phoenixes began to have admired Ruan Biying's thoughts and opened another game obediently.

During the game, Ruan Biying's eyes were fixed on the two sisters, and she continued to make guidance sounds.

"Yes, it was at this time that Xiao Xi Li immediately moved forward."

"No, no, this time, Xiaoshui should use the summoner skill."

"Oh, I shouldn't be on this time..."

However, the talents of the two girls are ordinary after all, and they are not professional professional players. They cannot immediately understand many of Ruan Biying's professional terms.

As a result, after the end of a game, the two still didn't make much progress.

"Sorry Coach Ruan... we are too stupid."

The two sisters looked down, not daring to face Ruan Biying's angry expression.

"You, you... alas..."

Ruan Biying sighed, but couldn't scold.

Ye Hong saw this scene, silent for a moment, but silently stood up from the chair and came to the two sisters' computers.

"Let's play another game."

He said lightly.

When everyone did not know what Ye Hong was going to do, they saw Ye Hong taking the place of the sisters.

Put the left hand on Qiao Xiaoxi's keyboard and the right hand on Qiao Xiaoshui's keyboard. With only one person, he controls two characters!

"how did you do that?!"

Ruan Biying suddenly widened her eyes and looked at the horrible scene in shock.

Opening the bow left and right is unheard of!

The most outrageous thing is that there is no mistake in the coordination of the two characters, and the level is far more than the sum of Qiao Xiaoxi and Qiao Xiaoshui combined.

Ruan Biying shook her head hard to confirm that she was not dreaming.

However, she did not know that Ye Hong's purpose was not this.

"Look closely at my next operation."

Ye Hong Shen Sheng pointed at Qiao Xiaoxi and Qiao Xiaoshui.

The two sisters held their breaths and looked at the computer screen carefully.

On the screen, Ye Hong manipulated the two corners alone, and through a series of coordinated means of walking, covering each other, crossing skills, etc., he cleanly killed the duo on the opposite side.

"Did you see clearly?"

Ye Hong folded his hands and turned to ask.

The two sisters with straight eyes nodded and shook their heads again.

"Then read it a few times!"

Ye Hong demonstrated the coordination skills several times for the two sisters to learn.

After the game ended, the sisters could not wait to start another game, ready to digest the skills taught by Ye Hong.

Ye Hong rubbed his hands and came to Ruan Biying, who was already sullen, and said lightly: "Coach Ruan, they are in a special situation. You may have to change your academic teaching method.

In the future, follow my method of teaching.

Do you have anything to add? "

Ruan Biying's eyes hesitated, and he shook his head subconsciously.

Immediately, he looked at Ye Hong with a bitter smile: "Mr. Ye, your coach is not below me at all. I am curious why I have to hire me again and again?"

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