Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2005: Five-star porridge

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In just a few blinks, Ye Hong cut all the ingredients.

The thickness of the slice is the same, the thickness of the shred is uniform, and there is no abruptness in a piece of food.

These amazing knifemen made Jiang Yi completely stupid.

"This is called [a little bit]?"

Jiang Yi took a breath, and Mr. Xin Dao Ye was too humble!

If this can only be called [a little bit], his Jiang Yi knife can only be compared with a three-year-old kid!

However, this is not over yet.

Ye Hong cut the ingredients into the pot of white porridge.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yi was dazzled, completely unable to see Ye Hong's movements, and a strange fragrance came in his nostrils.

Just like a person who hadn't eaten meat for three months suddenly smelled the meat, Jiang Yi's stomach sent out bursts of protest.

"Mr. Ye, what is this porridge?"

He swallowed heavily and couldn't help asking.

"Drunk porridge."

Ye Hong tasted it and smiled with satisfaction.

He is good at pasta and desserts, but it doesn't mean he can't eat other dishes.

With proficient cooking skills, it is not uncommon to cook a pot of fragrant porridge.

As for the name of Drunken Porridge, it was just Ye Hong who got up on a whim.

"It's almost ready, let them get up and eat."

Yehong looked at the time and found that it was around 7am local time.

I don't know how other people's jet lag is adjusted.

But in any case, call them up to eat a bowl of hot porridge, and talk about everything else.

"Okay, okay!"

Jiang Yi looked at the porridge in the pot reluctantly and hurried upstairs.

Walking up the stairs, maybe I was too excited and almost fell.

It didn't take long for everyone else to be called out by Jiang Yi.

Except for Zhou Hao's face before he woke up, there was nothing abnormal about the others.

"What is the taste!"

The confused Zhou Hao suddenly smelled the scent from the kitchen. The whole person was agitated, but they were up.

Then he saw Ye Hong serving the porridge to the table in the hall.

Ge Dan and others could remain calm, but Zhou Hao and Tusca couldn't help but tipped their toes and looked into the pot.

I saw the pot full of salty porridge.

The crystal clear rice porridge is covered with a layer of light oil, bright but not greasy.

Mushrooms and shrimps are steamed to a full appearance by the heat of porridge.

It is pleasing to the eyes with the green vegetables and green onion leaves that are just dotted around.

A scent of compound fragrance keeps drilling into everyone's nostrils, making everyone's index finger move.


Two sounds of swallowing saliva came from the throats of Zhou Hao and Tuska who were dumbfounded.

"Let's eat."

Ye Hong looked at them both with a smile.

The two could not wait for a long time. After hearing Ye Hong's speech, they immediately scooped up a big scoop in their bowl.

"His—it's hot!"

They were eager to eat, but they ignored the hot porridge that was just cooked.

"But it's so delicious!"

The rest of the people also started one after another.

"Jiang Yi, when did your cooking become so good?"

Tusca looked up and poured porridge into his stomach, and asked Jiang Yi curiously.

Jiang Yi shook his head bitterly and pointed at Ye Hong: "This is what Mr. Ye did, and it has nothing to do with me."


Tuska swallowed suddenly, and looked at Yehong in surprise: "Mr. Ye, your cooking can already be a chef in the best five-star hotel in L City.

Really, I promise. "

Zhou Hao next to him looked up proudly: "Hum, don't look at the master."

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