Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2009: Yoshizawa Nagasawa

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Among the two Sakura Kingdom men, one is a teenager of the same age as Zhou Hao.

Wearing a painter's cap on his head, his body seemed a bit rickety.

As for the other middle-aged man, he wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses that looked deep at first glance.

On the top of the bald head, use wax to make the hair stand up, which is quite funny.

At this time, the two stood side by side. The teenager in the painter's hat bent over and bowed to the middle-aged man, and said in the Mandarin Mandarin, "Nagasawa, thank you very much this time, and gave me such precious Of places.

Next time I return to Sakura, I will definitely invite you to eat the best salmon sashimi in your hometown. "

"Matsuda does not have to be polite, we are all Sakura natives, and we should help each other outside."

The middle-aged man replied with a smile.

The two chatted a few words at the door, and saw the teenager leaving the door and heading away.

But the middle-aged man glanced at Zhou Hao at the door, a flash of taunt flashed deep under his eyes, and he had to go back inside.

The dialogue between the two was just falling into Ye Hong's ear without any word.

Under the transformation of language learning ability and translation ability, the dialogue between the two was clearly heard and clearly understood.

Ye Hongmin sharply captured this strange color in the eyes of middle-aged men, and then combined with the two before talking, knowing that this middle-aged man had a big problem!

He immediately stepped across and instantly flashed in front of this man from the Sakura Kingdom, blocking his way into the door.

"who are you?"

The cold three words made the middle-aged man panic.

His eyes rolled, and he shouted in Glan: "I don't know you, this gentleman, and I don't understand you..."

Before the words fell, Ye Hong immediately asked again in standard Glan: "Who are you? Who was that boy just now?"

The middle-aged man's eyeballs turned more frequently, and he shouted in Sakura Mandarin: "Sorry, I am a Sakura Mandarin, please use Sakura Mandarin..."

Halfway through the conversation, Ye Hong interrupted him again.

I saw the tone of Yehong quickly changed again, and asked in a very fluent Sakura Mandarin: "What is your surname Nagasawa? What is your full name?"

The man's cold sweat couldn't stop overflowing from his forehead.

Obviously, he did not want Yehong to be proficient in multiple languages, and he could switch smoothly and freely.

The momentum was overwhelmed by Ye Hong at once.

He glanced at the security guard on the side and hurriedly waved at him: "Simon, did you see any trouble here? Hurry and drive them away!"

The security guard came over with a cold face, reaching out to push Ye Hong away from the door.

"Please leave immediately... ah-"

Only halfway through the warning, Ye Hong had already grabbed his hand.

With a slight twist, the security guard turned his backhand behind him, and the whole person was pressed against the wall by Ye Hong.

Ye Hong suppressed the security guard with one hand and continued to aim at the Sakura country man with cold eyes: "Finally give you a chance to answer me!"

Sakura Man saw that the security guard was subdued by Ye Hong's move, and was suddenly scared to tremble, wiping the cold sweat that kept flowing, trembling: "Naga, Yoshizawa Nagasawa...Angel Animation International Marketing Manager ..."

"Huh? My invitation was sent by the International Marketing Department."

Zhou Hao picked up his invitation and looked at it.

Ye Hong immediately showed a cold face.

At this time, if he still didn't understand what trick Nagasawa had done, it would be really stupid.

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