Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2011: I am also a genius

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Hearing Yehong's words, Griffin's complexion was sullen and cloudy, and Yin Ying's eyes stared at Yehong.

Yehong pretended not to see the warning and continued: "Even if the visit ends early, Zhou Hao with the invitation letter is also eligible to compete for the only place.

Why should he be excluded directly?

Moreover, the following methods were used to prevent Zhou Hao from entering the company. "

Saying this, Ye Hong glanced at the nearby Nagasawa Yoshira and the security guard.

By now he could be seen.

What really instructed the two to work was the international marketing director named Griffin.

Swept away by Ye Hong's eyes, the two turned a little unnaturally.

At this time, as the atmosphere in the hall became more weird, many angel and anime employees gathered around them, pointing here.

Griffin's hands behind him pinched and let go, put and pinched, and looked impatiently at Ye Hong: "So what do you want to do?"

"Let Zhou Hao compete fairly for the only place, this is my only requirement."

Ye Hong said lightly.

"This is impossible!" Griffin refused immediately. "The quota has been determined and cannot be changed!"

"Oh? Then I don't mind talking to the president of your company about this matter."

Ye Hong is also inconsistent.

Griffin already had some unmanageable expressions, and his face was ruthless: "Our president is on a business trip!"

"Then I will ask FCI to intervene and ask them to investigate whether your company has a fraud."

Not only did Yehong not let her go, but she stepped forward!

Hearing the words FCI, Griffin finally appeared panicked.

Obviously, the deterrent effect of the three words FCI in the hearts of the people of the United States is too great.

Griffin gritted his teeth in anger, and didn't seem to expect to meet such a difficult person as Ye Hong.

Not only is she meticulous in thinking and keen intuition, she also knows the national conditions of the United States.

Where did these monsters come from?

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to slow down his tone: "Mr. Ye Yun, since that is the case, I will tell you the truth.

We invite many outstanding painters to come to the company every year, in order to select the best painters and develop our projects this year.

And this year's painter Matsuda Hideshi of the Sakura Kingdom has a very high level of comics.

At the age of eighteen, he has been praised by the entire animation industry in Sakura.

These geniuses are far superior to others, and are in line with our angel animation strategy.

So I dared to give him the quota directly.

Don’t know this explanation, are you two satisfied? "

Ye Hong didn't speak before listening, but Zhou Hao was upset: "Why? I am also a genius?"

You call out what is loose and what field, we make a gesture! "

Griffin glanced at him silently: "Did you not see the painter Matsuda just now?"

The mentally retarded Zhou Hao only remembered the rickety boy who was sent away by Nagasawa at the door, and suddenly realized: "That's the guy!"

Griffin shook his head, and a strange smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Of course, since you want to compete with the painter Matsuda, I also have a way here."

Speaking, he ordered Yoshizawa Nagasawa to leave and enter the building on the right.

Before long, Yoshizawa Nagasawa returned, holding a canvas in his hand.

Griffin took the canvas and spread out the half-height canvas.

A beautiful cartoon appeared in front of everyone.

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