Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2018: A big foot

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"They are almost there."

Jiang Yuyun, who stood at the door and observed, said lightly to the store.

The sound of the rumbling pickup truck is getting closer and closer, but there seems to be no consensus in the store.

Leng Feng wanted to stay away from the edge, but Jiang Elephant insisted on persevering, saying that even if the Black Arms stepped over his body, he would never give up half a step.

Leng Feng, who had a headache, even wanted to slap away the stubborn old man.

But at this moment, Ge Dan was scrubbing the brush.

Immediately put the brush down, a slight smile appeared on his face, and said in a low voice: "It seems that my old bone can rest again."

At this time, the entire Yantang Street has been occupied by a team of black pickup trucks.

In the back pocket of each pickup, there are groups of fierce Mafia men.

At the end of the convoy is the car Bruno drives alone.

On the main driver in the car, he was looking at Zui Wengju in the distance with a smug look, and said with a smile: "Jiang Jiang, the legendary recipe must be on you.

I don't believe it. This time I bring so many brethren and I can't force you to be an old thing! "

But at this moment, the window next to it was lightly tapped.

The sudden noise made Bruno jump.

"Damn, are you dying?"

Bruno immediately opened the car door, and shouted at the Yan Guo teenager who was standing outside: "Mafia business, idle people, etc. all get away!"

"Really, where the **** are you, even the Mafia car?"

Bruno kept spitting, counting the teenagers in front of him.

Suddenly, Bruno found that the teenager on the opposite side had a harmless smile.

Immediately Bruno only felt a tight waistcoat, and a huge pulling force that could not be resisted instantly came, pulling Bruno out of the car.


Bruno's huge body fell heavily on the stone and brick floor of Yantang Street.

The overflowing violent way broke the stone bricks out of the cracks.

"You bastard... um!"

Before Bruno stood up, his face sank again.

"Boom" a big foot girl, stepped his head directly on the ground.

A cold voice came from the head: "Tell me, what are you doing?"

This young man is of course Ye Hong.

After he took Zhou Hao back to Yantang Street, he found something wrong outside the street.

So Ye Hong asked Zhou Hao to find a place outside to hide, but he entered Yantang Street alone.

In order to understand what happened, Yehong directly picked a car.

I originally wanted to be "gentle", but I didn't expect the bald young man's mouth to be so stinky in the car. How did Ye Hong suffer?

Immediately pulled out of the car, violently pressed!

When Bruno had been subjected to such humiliation, while trying to break away from the suppression of Yehong's feet, he shouted: "You are chaotic, let go of Uncle Ben quickly, otherwise you will cut your hands and feet!"

But Bruno only felt the weight of the feet on his face, and he couldn't get away with any struggle.

"Still threatened?"

Ye Hong smiled coldly, adding a little force under his feet.

At the same time, the pressure from the mountain was released from the body and pressed against the youth underneath.

"Ding! Trigger Grandmaster-level coercion, trigger Grandmaster-level effects [Do not be angry]."

Bruno was shocked, and his eyes were horrified.

He suddenly felt covered in nothingness, and the foot on his head seemed to step him into the abyss.

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