Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2043: Betrayal and escape

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Oni deserves to be a famous hitter of the Black Arms.

Fists punched like two cannonballs flying towards the night.

Even the air is rubbed with a bitter sound.

However, Oni was fierce and always an ordinary person.

What he is facing is an alienator!

Ye Qi turned his alienated wristband on his hand, his eyes glowing violently.


For a moment, sharp fangs, sharp long claws, black hair... Qiqi appeared on Yeqi.

[Husky] Night Seven, reappear!

"Oops, forget that you guy is..."

Oni sees Yeqi turned, and his face immediately becomes stiff, eager to withdraw his fist.

However, it is too late.


The two Hanmangs crossed in the air, and with a wailing cry, Oni's fists were already flesh and blood.

Ye Qi retracted her claws, and a drop of blood dropped from the claws.

That's Oni's blood.

You can't fight overnight at night, but ordinary people like Bully bullying are still at ease.

Oni also screamed, holding his **** hands.

"Bruno, help me stop bleeding!"

"Bruno, did you hear that?"

"Bru... Um!"

Oni still wanted to roar, but Ye Qi took off the smelly socks under his feet and stuffed it directly into his mouth. He also stuffed his words back together.

"Come here, shut this guy up!"

Ye Qi sat back in his chair again, and ordered his little brother lightly.

Soon a member of the Black Arms tied Oni up and carried it down.

But more members gathered around Yeqi.

Three of them were the three who had been in trouble with the drunkard before, and later were ordered by Ye Qi to slap himself.

They looked at Ani with a worried face and scrambled: "Boss, this is the special envoy of the headquarters.

If we are so rude to him, will it cause the headquarters to be unhappy? "

"Yes, boss, let's release Oni, and make a mistake with him."

"And the boss, why didn't the income go to the headquarters, haven't we all paid it on time before?"

Ye Qi glanced at these three people lightly and said coldly: "Will you be the boss?"

The three were immediately frightened by Ye Qi's cold expression, but they promised not to speak again.

"Humph! Don't question my decision in the future!

At this time, it's better to look for what is called... That's right, the news of the Nightmare Factory!

Did you hear it? "

After reprimanding, Ye Qi sent everyone out.

The three people just came together quietly.

"Have you found that the boss went to Yantang Street just like a person?"

"Of course I found it!"

"Yantang Street used to be a big piece of fat for us. The boss said to give up and give up. Is this normal human thinking?"

"Also, the boss even treated a special envoy of the headquarters like this. I always feel that the headquarters will be furious when they know this!"

"This boss, don't worry!"

"Or... let's go to the headquarters to report our boss?!"

"I agree!"

"But before that, we have to save Oni first."

That night, the three left the branch overnight.

At the same time, they were quietly taken away, and there was the injured Oni.

The four escaped overnight and took advantage of the night to catch a car heading to the capital H city.

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