Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2052: Slapping

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"Send another...no...two weapon squads, be sure to solve him!"

Semens gritted his teeth and continued to order.

However, he did not hear any response from his men.

Semens lowered his head in doubt, but found that the man next to the car was looking at the rear of the team in horror.

"Boss, he, he's here!"

Simon immediately looked down the line and found a Yan Guo teenager in casual clothes casually strolling from the rear of the brigade with his pockets in his pockets.

To be honest, if you see such a teenager on the street, Simons will treat him as an ordinary student.

"it's him?"

Simons asked with a disbelief.

He could not have imagined that the person who had upset his back with his own strength would be such a teenager.

"it's him!

Leader, what shall we do? "

Asked the man with a trembling body.

"What a panic, a joke that disturbs the army!" Semens stared at the man and ordered to his side: "Linda, I will meet him!"

The group of people next to Semens immediately walked out of a tall middle-aged woman.

No, maybe it should not be called a woman.

I saw that she kept a short and capable head, and her figure was far more burly than ordinary men.

Under the red leather jacket, there are swollen muscles.

And her left and right hands are wearing a pair of fancy gloves.

The pair of gloves were covered with scarlet spikes.

Each spike was stained with blood stains after solidification.

"It's Linda, the number one female beater in the organization!"

"I heard that this hot girl likes to torture her enemies with the spikes on her hands."

"With Linda playing, this is stable."

The members of the central part looked at the woman and screamed and cheered.

Yehong stopped and narrowed her eyes to look at the arrogant figure on the roof.

That dark chimpanzee, known as the black rock orangutan, the Emperor of the United States-Simens

But his attention was immediately drawn to the woman who came in front of him.

Listening to the discussion of the members of the Black Arms, the woman's name is Linda.

I saw that Linda stepped out of Semens and came to Yehong with a frost on her face.

"Little man, I want to punch you into meat sauce!"

Linda slashed her teeth towards the night like a beast, making a provocative gesture.

Indeed, Ye Hong's size did not have much advantage in front of this gigantic woman.

However, Ye Hong did not rely on height to output.

He glanced at Linda and decided in his heart not to waste time on this kind of chatter.

"[Xiyang Palm · Style Three · Chihong Guanri]!"

Everyone saw Ye Hong's figure flashing to Linda's rear at a very fast speed.

Along with it, Ye Hong's raging flaming palm!

The speed was so fast that everyone could not catch how Lin reached the bottom and hit Ye Hong's palm.

But Linda's whole body was stiff in place, and she glanced back hard at Ye Hong, her eyes full of incredible.

Immediately fell to the ground, eyes closed.

After Ye Hong gave a slap, he owed even the interest of looking back, and kept on moving towards the location of Semens.

To deal with people like Linda, you can solve it with a single trick.

But this scene undoubtedly made all the members of the Black Arms present froze for three seconds.

That murderous Linda fell like this?

What kind of monster is this boy? !

Therefore, when Yehong moved forward, even if the number of people had the upper hand, they were still shocked by Yehong's momentum.

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