Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2067: Frozen emotion

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After a long time, Ye Hong squeezed the stele in his hand angrily.

The nightmare factory's means of concealing the breath were still so sharp that Yehong couldn't trace the direction they left.

Lorne also understood what was happening at this time, and came to Yehong with a complex face, bowing and apologizing: "Sorry, we don't want to see all this..."

Ye Hong just gave him a cold look, then turned and left without looking back.

Looking at Ye Hong's decisive figure, Lorne sighed heavily: "It's over, it's over for the family...

Vina, Vina, alas..."

After a while, a large number of members of the Black Arms gathered in the valley.

The returning godmother Vina Constantana issued an urgent order to all members-at all costs, to find Jiang Taotao's trail!


When we returned to the drunkard's residence, it was already late at night.

But apart from Jiang Jiang, they were three, and Zhou Hao had already slept.

Jiang Yuyun, Ge Dan, Leng Feng and others were not asleep, all waiting for Yehong to return.

Zhou Xiaoba They have been to the store and told everyone that Ye Hong and Weina met.

So everyone hoped that Ye Hong could bring back useful information.

Ye Hong did not choose to hide, and told them everything that happened in Yueluo Valley.

When they heard about Vina's life, everyone was in a state of confusion.

When hearing the news of Jiang Taotao's disappearance, Jiang Yuyun fell silent.

Ye Hong sighed silently, not knowing how to comfort her.

For Jiang Yuyun, this matter is too cruel.

Leng Feng at this time suddenly frowned beside him: "Why didn't the nightmare factory take Jiang Taotao, but chose this time?"

Hearing the key words of Leng Feng, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Ye Hong's mind: "You mean... the nightmare factory is probably the information just obtained?"

From this perspective, it is very likely that the meeting between Ye Hong and Vina attracted the attention of the Nightmare Factory.

At their level, it was too easy to probe Jiang Taotao's intelligence.

In other words, the Nightmare Factory did not actually know about Jiang Taotao before, and perhaps really thought that Jiang Yuyun was dead.

But when they learned about Jiang Taotao today, they immediately figured it out.

So Jiang Taotao was taken away, hoping to use this to threaten Ye Hong!

But today there are too many people who saw that scene in the town of Cado. Everyone is suspected of leaking intelligence.

At this time, Jiang Yuyun stood up and looked at Ye Hong firmly: "No matter where Tao Tao is, I believe you will be able to rescue her.

Right? "

Ye Hong's eyes flickered and found that Jiang Yuyun's beautiful eyes were filled with crystal tears.

Obviously, at this moment her heart was extremely panicked, extremely helpless and extremely painful.

But even so, Jiang Yuyun still trusts Ye Hong unconditionally.

Ye Hong nodded firmly to Jiang Yuyun: "Relax, I will definitely send her back to you safe and sound!"

In the next few days, several forces under Yehong began their best efforts to collect intelligence.

The Yan group Ming group, the Black Arms Kado town branch, and two senior agents borrowed from the FCI...carried on the carpet search throughout the United States.

During that, Vina came to Zuiwengju to look for a few nights, but all ate in camera.

Even if Ye Hong once had a complicated feeling for Vina, when Jiang Taotao lost it in her hands, it had been frozen by frost.

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