Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2072: I'm here to atone

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It is a mechanically modified creature!

This is another kind of mechanically modified creature that Ye Hong encountered after mechanically modified creatures α, β, γ, δ, and ε!

Mechanical transformation spider ζ!

Obviously, this group of guys broke out before the frequent underground shaking.

But at this time, Ye Hong did not focus on them, but stared at the opposite side.

The iconic mechanically modified creatures have all appeared. Will the people in the Nightmare Factory be far behind? !


A heavy footstep, with a familiar melody, came slowly from the passage opposite Ye Hong.

Under the slightly dim light above the stone cave, a familiar figure appeared at the entrance of the tunnel.

The black metal mask exudes a cold and strange atmosphere.

The tall but extremely thin body, just at that simple stop, kept passing the breathless low-pressure gas field like the surrounding.

Director-level cadre of the Nightmare Factory, mask man, Dongfang Luyong!

After a long time, finally in this foreign country, Ye Hong saw him again!

"Yehong, meet again."

Under the mask, it was still very hoarse, unable to hear the voice of a specific age.

"Dongfang Luyong, was Jiang Taotao taken away by you!"

Ye Hong was not nonsense, he asked straight away.

"Young man, I'm so impatient. I don't even have the patience to tell me old."

Dongfanglu Yong sighed and spread his hands: "Jiang Yuyun, as the director of the organization, betrayed the organization.

Do we have no reason to take her sister away?

Besides, you may not believe it. Her sister actually followed me voluntarily. "

"You fart!"

Ye Hong immediately scolded without any words.

Dongfang Luyong didn't have the slightest anger, but just shook his head silently: "Yehong, I admit that I used to underestimate you before, and I will make you cheap again and again.

But this time, I no longer have the patience to play with you every game.

Today this blue swan diamond mine is your burial place! "

Suddenly he brought a thick killer in his words, aimed at the fifty giant spiders in the hole with the manipulator, and said in a deep voice: "Let the latest achievements of the organization [mechanical transformation spider ζ] come to send you to Huangquan!"

With Dongfang Luyong launching the manipulator, fifty mechanical spiders suddenly came to surround Ye Hong's location.

Ye Hong looked blankly, preparing to shoot.

However, at this moment, there was a dense footstep in a nearby channel.

These footsteps made Ye Hong and Dongfang Luyong both stop and watched together.

Then I saw a group of strong men wearing black clothes and black armbands on their arms, rushing out of the passage at a neat pace.

They held various thermal weapons in hand, and arranged the formation in just a moment, aiming at the mechanical spiders.

A slim figure slowly stepped out from behind this group of people.

Who is not Vina?

As for these brave men who suddenly appeared, of course it was the army of the Black Arms brought by her.

"I have come to atonement."

Vina did not have the past hippie smile on her face, but her face was haggard.

From the bloodshot eyes, it can be seen that she has been sleeping unreliably in recent days.

However, Ye Hong frowned, and Shen Sheng scolded: "Nonsense! What are you doing here? Hurry and bring me away!"

"I'm not too good!" Vina turned her head sullenly, "Who told you to ignore me these days, why should I listen to you?"

She waved her hands under her hands: "Shoot, smash these broken coppers!"

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