Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2082: Dongfang Luyong's helper

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When he saw Ye Hong's moves, Jackson and Isia were shocked.

"My dear, this is not your...?"

Jackson horrifiedly turned his head and asked Istia.

"Yes, it's my [Alienation of the Earth · Funeral of Hard Rock], but..."

Istiah's face was full of wry smiles: "His power is ten times greater than mine, no, a hundred times!

Honey, how do you say the gap between people can be so big? "

Not to mention the shock in the hearts of the two, Ye Hong has started the killing mode on the field.

As huge boulders flew around the field, every time they flew out, a large swath of genetically modified people fell.

In this underground mine, not only is Jiang Taotao invincible, but also a paradise for alienators of the earth!

Almost inexhaustible stones were used as weapons by Ye Hong.

All he has to do is simply repeat the funeral of the hard rock again and again.

When almost the entire stone wall was demolished by Ye Hong, there were no more genetically modified people on the field.

And the channel behind Dongfang Luyong did not continue to appear genetically modified.

Yehong stood alone on the field, like an invincible **** of war surrounded by blood!

The members of the Black Arms are all tense, even if they are not hostile to Ye Hong at this moment, they will inevitably feel a sense of fear for such a terrorist existence.

It's like a mortal meeting an invincible god.

"Ding! Blood-washed genetically modified person, genetic combat ability +1, genetic modification knowledge +1..."

Countless knowledge about genetic modification instantly filled Ye Hong's mind, even if he had little understanding of this before.

Ye Hong believes that after he digests this knowledge, he will become more comfortable with genetically modified people in the future.

After all the genetically modified people fell down, there was only one person left in the east of the passageway in the north.

"Uh huh, it's really brave.

But even if you are brave, there will not be much breath left in your body? "

Ye Hong ignored him, but closed his eyes silently.

"Ding! Trigger mastery recovery ability to restore breath in the body..."

Dongfanglu smiled coldly, forefinger and **** together, and shook his back three times: "Then, it's your time to play, respectable Inspector."

Immediately after seeing a fat old man, he staggered out of Dongfang Luyong with a bottle of wine.

Even if the surrounding environment is dim, the big rosacea is quite conspicuous.


The moment the old man appeared, Jackson and Istiah both looked very different.

That's right, this person is the FCI senior inspector, the chief instructor of the FCI Alienation Academy, and the professional teacher of Jackson and Istiah-Alec.

Ye Hong just gave him a cold glance, and it seemed no surprise that this person would appear on Dongfang Luyong.

After all, this man lost his face in the drunkard's curry, Ye Hong had long expected that he would not be reconciled.

But Jackson and Istiah could not accept this scene, and stood up one after another, shouting anxiously at Alec: "Teacher, that person is a cadre of the Nightmare Factory!"

What are you doing? ! "

"Hiccup~" Alecdor made a long hiccup, glanced at the two with a drunken squint, and waved carelessly. "Of course I know his identity, but the enemy's enemy is a friend.

Now, Mr. Dongfang is my friend. "

Dongfanglu Yongli immediately saluted Alec and said humblely: "It's a wise idea, Your Excellency."

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