Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2085: So ruthless

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Ye Hong glanced up into the sky, and the material of Alekto appeared in his mind.

"Ding! Trigger the guru-level seeing ability, trigger the guru-level effect [Dong Ruo Guan Huo]."

"Ding! After seeing through, the target type: high-level alienator.

The target is good at abilities: brown bear alienation and flying eagle alienation.

Fighting style: both destructive, defensive, and agile.

Target weakness: Fear of elemental alienation. "

A brown bear is the top position in the ecological chain, and there are almost no natural enemies.

And a flying brown bear is even more fierce.

It's no wonder that Alexto, who acquired both alienation abilities at the same time, would be so arrogant.

Ye Hong estimated that in the alienation system, the first-order alienator should be equivalent to the ancient martial artist in the ancient martial world.

Intermediate alienators like Jackson, Istia, and Yeqi are equivalent to ancient warriors.

Then the combat power of the high-level alienator should be not far from the ancient warrior.

Therefore, after the double alienation, Alecdor was not as embarrassed as the previous one, but was inseparable from Ge Dan.

However, Alecdo did not know that there is still an existence in the world that can see through his weaknesses at a glance.

Just when Ye Hong thought about how to tell Alec's weakness to Ge Dan, there was a pain in his head.

"Eh, seeing ability is used too many times today, all have side effects."

Ye Hong frowned anxiously, but suddenly there was an alarm bell in his mind.

He unconsciously flashed his body away from the spot.

At the same time, familiar sarcasm came from his ears: "It seems that you have run out of lights and dried up."

At the position where Yehong was standing, a fist fell heavily, hitting a deep hole.

Dongfanglu never knows when it touched the front, almost succeeded in a sneak attack.

He shook his head sadly, and said strangely: "I had wanted Alec to solve you. I didn't expect the legendary silver pen painter to be with you.

It seems that I can only do it myself. "

Ye Hong looked at Dongfang Luyong with a blank expression, and did not speak.

Dongfang Luyong is indeed an ancient warrior, but it is only an ancient warrior.

In the city hall, Dongfang Luyong was not Ye Hong's opponent, and now it is even more unlikely.

But at this moment, Dongfang Luyong started to untie his robe.

As a piece of clothing fell off him, a peculiar body that could not move his eyes appeared in front of Yehong.

This body turned out to be a mechanical body!

The same black and gold metal as the mask covers the whole body of Dongfang Luyong, as if wearing a set of steel armor.

But he waved his hands and feet at will, but he looked more flexible than human body.

Ye Hong's pupil shrank immediately, and he always felt that this body was extremely strange.

But where is the specific blame, he couldn't say it all at once.

And Dongfang Luyong seemed to be satisfied with his body, and gave a smug smile.

"In order to win you, I specifically asked the organization to transform my body into what it is now.

Now I am no longer the fragile human flesh and blood, but the mechanical transformation of people η! "

He proudly ticked his finger at Ye Hong: "Come on, see if the ancient martial art you are proud of can make me feel pain!"

Ye Hong frowned, and could not help raising a ridiculous feeling in his heart.

To say, who is more ruthless than Dongfang Luyong?

In order to defeat Yehong, he turned into a mechanized man with a mad heart!

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