Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2094: Crimson traitor

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In this world, many countries use red as a totem color.

But there is only one country that is most famous, and that is the Yan Kingdom!

The Yan people like red, and the indoor and outdoor decorations are red all the year round.

Within the Yan group, the color of many members' equipment is also crimson.

The snake-shaped rifle that appeared in the stone cave is the SNK 72-type modified rifle that comes standard with the Yan group.

As for the owner holding this gun...

"Lao Chen?!"

Many people who recognized this person were exclaimed.

Standing at the entrance of the passageway, holding the rifle and pointing at the back of Ye Hong's back is the oldest Chen Chen of the Yan group!

The think tank in the group respected by Zhou Xiaoba and others.

At this time, in vain, such a change, he suddenly looked at the scene.

When everyone is exhausted, a rifle has become the most powerful weapon here.

Ye Hong felt the faint coldness coming from his back, and did not look back, but said indifferently: "What conditions has Dongfanglu Yongkai opened, and is it worth you to betray the Yan group?"

Ye Hong tried to move his body slightly, but no matter how small the movement was, the cold behind him always followed the shadow.

It seems that the mystery of Chen Lao San's gun implied that Ye Hong was always locked by him.

His idea now is to delay time and allow his breath to recover more.

At the same time, Ye Hong finally understood why Dongfang Hire could predict in advance that he would come to the Blue Swan Mine and made so many preparations in advance.

Presumably it was Chen Lao San who leaked the news to Dongfang Luyong.

Even Yu Hong suspected that the news of the Blue Swan Diamond was a fake news that Mr. Chen intended to take a walk. The purpose was to let Ye Hong come here.

In addition, Ye Hong had always suspected that some people had leaked information about their meeting with Vina to the Nightmare Factory, causing their people to find Jiang Taotao's residence.

Now I want to come. When he and Vina met, Zhou Xiaoba and Fang Jiujiu were also in Kado Town. It should have shared this information with Mr. Chen.

It was then sold by Chen Lao San to the Nightmare Factory, and there was only a series of follow-ups.

Mr. Chen is a traitor planted in the Yan group by the Nightmare Factory!

Thinking of this, Ye Hong couldn't help but chill.

Even the top intelligence agencies such as the Yan Yan group have been mixed into the Nightmare Factory. Imagine how many Nightmare Factory forces have penetrated into the entire Yan Guo?

"My wife and I joined the Yan group together."

Chen Lao San held the posture of holding the gun, and said indifferently: "She accidentally sacrificed in a latent operation.

Only the Nightmare Factory can let me see her again. "

Ye Hong immediately sighed.

It was another poor man who was cheated on board by the cheery words of the Nightmare Factory.

The resurrection of the dead is a temptation that no one can resist.

This temptation is enough to make a Yan group elite betray it.

At this time, Dongfang Luyong was able to stand up.

Although he looks miserable now, his whole body seems to be falling apart, but his eyes are flashing with pleasure.

"Unexpectedly, Ye Hong, I still have this deadly killer!

To tell you the truth, his gun is equipped with a special gas extinguishing bomb organized by our organization.

With just one shot, you can break your breath defense and take away your life. "

Ye Hong remained silent.

He hadn't seen the power of a gas bomb, so he wasn't sure whether he could escape the gun with the remaining breath.

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