Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2096: Everyone has a responsibility to clean up the traitors

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As a dark emperor, Semens has his own dignity and position.

Yehong spared his life, but Yehong also indirectly caused his current dismal situation.

Grace is grace, resentment is resentment.

Yehong had already paid back his favor by blocking a shot for Yehong, and then it wouldn't matter to him.

"Simons, you continue to help Yehong. I will give you the position of the leader of the Black Arms!"

Vina looked anxiously at Simons beside Yehong.

At this moment, she doesn't care what the Constana family inherited, it is important to keep Ye Hong's life!

"Huh?" Simons touched his chin and grinned. "This deal seems to be good."

Dongfanglu never saw that Simons actually had any signs of going back and forth, and also shouted anxiously: "Lao Chen, your special lady's shot!"

Chen Lao San immediately lifted his rifle and aimed at Ye Hong again.


Chen Laosan frowned suddenly and immediately put away his rifle.

The body rolled over, dangerously escaped a kick behind him.

He patted the dust on his body and stared blankly at the person who appeared in the passage behind him.

The tall and fit figure is full of vigorous breath.

The waist-length ponytail is casually placed behind a tight fit, like a dancing black whip.

"Qiao Yi, do you want to stop me?"

Chen Laosan asked coldly.

The key moment was Qiao Yi, the ice girl in the Yan group.

Qiao Yi's expression is still like the everlasting ice, and he replied faintly: "It's everyone's responsibility to clean up the traitors."

"嘁." Chen Laosan shook his rifle dismissively. "Everyone thinks you are above me, so you are ranked first, and I am ranked third.

But that's because I usually pretend to be good, in fact, my real strength..."


Chen Laosan was only halfway through, and he was interrupted by Qiao Yi coldly.

At the same time, there was a long ponytail in front of Chen Laosan!


Chen Laosan's pupils shrank suddenly, and the horsetail was taken seriously before the chin was reflected.

And the power on the horsetail is beyond the expectation of Chen Lao San!

This flicking flew Chen Laosan into the air, and his body flew uncontrollably.

Qiao Yi's right hand once again appeared in the scene in the underground base of Tasi Town.

The red magma, wrapped around Qiao Yi's palm, quickly condensed into a red solid.


Qiao shouted, and a quick and violent uppercut chased Chen Laosan in the air.

In just an instant, Chen Laosan's back was firmly hit with a punch.

As soon as he landed, he didn't wait to fully recover, he felt like a volcano exploded from his body!


With a roar, countless fine wounds split from Chen Lao's body.

All the magma flowed through it.

"This is...what...boxing...fa..."

Chen Laosan fell to the ground with a rifle in his hands, looking desperately at the dense wounds on his body.

"Magma Boxing."

As soon as Qiao retracted his fist, he stood still.

"Magma... Um!"

Chen Laosan groaned, his body fell to the ground.

At the moment when his body landed, countless magma exploded out of him, and soon swallowed his body, leaving no slag.

The eyes of the people present at Qiao Yi were instantly filled with terror!

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