Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2100: More and more mysteries

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Although I understand the true identity of Dongfang Luyong is Huaiyonglu, one of the four master chefs.

But then another mystery popped out of Ye Hong's brain.

What the Nightmare Factory wants to do?

Really as Huayonglu said, want to create a new world?

Where are the rest of the nightmare factories now?

What exactly did Huai Yonglu's 17 years ago disaster mean before he died?

Seventeen years ago, it was the year that Pu Yunyue's grandfather Pu Changyong, one of the four master chefs, was expected to be killed by mysterious forces, causing Pu Yunyue's parents to die twice.

Seventeen years ago, it was the same year that another four master chef, Jiu Jue, was killed by Qi Shangde in his hometown.

Seventeen years ago, it was the same year that Ye Hong was born.

What happened in that year, so that Huaiyonglu, who was once loved by the Oriental family, embarked on such an evil path?

Perhaps, you can wait for the Oriental family to investigate after returning home.

At the same time, you can also visit the Oriental Ningyun which has not been seen for a long time.

The sturdy chick hasn't heard any news since the last time he took part in Egret City.

Even Mo Tianlin didn't know what she had done.

But these are things that can only be planned slowly after returning home.

It is imperative to deal with the issues before us.

Yehong brought Dongfang Luyong...No...Huai Yonglu's body back to the stone cave.

When everyone saw Huaiyonglu dead, they couldn't help but take a breath.

The endless variety of methods that this person has emerged today have already frightened everyone present.

If he didn't die today, I don't know how many people should sleep well at night.

Ye Hong put down Huai Yonglu's body and arrived at Leng Feng and Ye Qi who were seriously injured and comatose.

Fortunately, the two had good physical fitness, plus Huaiyonglu's two knives were not fatal, so there was not much danger to their lives.

However, at present, Ye Hong can only temporarily stabilize their trauma, and the internal injuries they have to wait for leave here before they are slowly treated and recuperated.

After dealing with the injuries of the two, Ye Hong arrived at Alecdor.

Unexpectedly, Ge Dan's lore did not kill him, enough to see his defense high.

But the whole person was almost dying and could only lie on the ground weakly.

Jackson and Istia were kneeling beside him, looking at him with a complex face.

"It's a shame, and my students will still be watching jokes before they die."

Alecto didn't have much resentment on his face, but just smiled with relief: "Come on, give me a good time."

Both Jackson and Istiah were indifferent and sad.

"Come on! Woman's benevolence!" Alecdor looked at them contemptuously, and moved his gaze to Yehong above his head: "Then give me a happy heart."

Ye Hong said blankly: "I can save you."

Alecdow immediately scorned a smile, and his pupils immediately widened.

"call out--"

A sharp feather flew out of his broken eagle wings in the distance, and quickly flew towards his location.

Ye Hong's eyes narrowed and quickly pulled Jackson and Istiah apart.

However, the feather did not come from three people, but directly and deeply inserted into the heart of Alecor.

Alector looked blankly at the top of the cave and muttered in his mouth: "I... don't need... anyone's... mercy... "

Immediately, his neck crooked, and the legendary FCI generation inspector completely lost his breath.

Jackson and Istiah knelt beside his body and silently lowered their heads.

Ye Hong shook his head and looked in another direction.

There Joe was inserting his hands into his pocket coolly, as if about to turn around and leave alone.


Ye Hong called out to her.

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