Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2109: Oliver

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In FCI, the execution order signed by the chief executive is divided into several levels.

The emergency execution order is the highest-level execution order, and it is also the execution order that all FCI members must comply with for the first time.

"and so......"

Istia said with a smile: "If you want to continue to do it, you are against Lord Olivion, and you are also against all our FCI members."

The words of Jackson and Istija let the cold sweat from Oudru's face flow out.

After confirming the authenticity of the execution order again and again, he smiled and said: "Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings.

I came here today just to make a friend with Mr. Ye Hong.

Don't misunderstand me, everyone. "

However, what responded to him was that the members of the Black Arms and the FCI watched.

Odru just felt like sitting on a needle felt, and after leaving a few words, he took the person out of the way.

After Audrew's cowardice, there was no greater presence outside the hall than he dare to step into the hall.

Just kidding, even FCI came forward to support Ye Hong.

Even with the previous Black Arms, Ye Hong was actually protected by two of the strongest forces in black and white in the United States.

In this case, who would dare to provoke Yehong unless he was killed?

As a result, the people in Yantang Street dispersed one after another.

But today, they all remember a name.

A Yan country name.


It didn't take long for the name Yehong to spread throughout the United States.

The major forces are inquiring about the sacredness of this suddenly emerged person.

"Ding! Fame sensation the United States, +1 influence, +1 popularity, +1 connection..."

Ye Hong did not expect a little blue swan diamond to make himself famous in the United States.

Today, he is receiving Jackson and Istiah in the store.

He was curious about the origin of the execution order.

"You can rest assured that this execution order is true."

Istiah apologized: "Your Excellency Olivier knows that the teacher has brought you a lot of trouble, and I feel very sorry.

In order not to affect the good relationship between the FCI and the Yan group, we specially sent both of us to express his apology.

This execution order is the expression of His Excellency Olivier. "

Yehong nodded, only to understand why they suddenly appeared.

Indeed, with the FCI's execution order, there should be no people with short eyes coming to trouble Yehong.

However, Olivia's meticulous thoughts and superb interpersonal means were seen by Ye Hong.

With this execution order, Ye Hong was pleased.

This also makes up the relationship between FCI and Yan group.

And sent Jackson and Istija who knew him well to come in person, it is expected that Yehong will not refuse this kindness.

Such a meticulous mind is really an extraordinary figure.

With such a person in control of the FCI, Ye Hong did not know whether it was good or bad for a while.

However, these should be the headaches of Shi Yishou and Wei Qianling, and have nothing to do with Ye Hong.

After solving the trouble caused by the Blue Swan Diamond, he really had to set off for his homeland.

However, after Jackson and Istiah took the FCI people back to life, Vina let the Black Armed people go back, and stayed in the drunkard Curie.

"Do you really want to return to the United States with me?"

Ye Hong did not expect to mention casually before that, Vina actually took it seriously.

The reason why he would say this casually before was that he ignored Vina's current position.

But after responding to Vina's black arm godmother status these days, Ye Hong knew that she would not be able to get away with herself so easily.

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