Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2115: Wei Qianling

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Ye Hong had no mercy at all for the tragic encounter of the silver-faced thief.

Since this person is staring at his blue swan diamond, he has to be ready to be retaliated by Ye Hong for failure.

Ye Hong just asked Ye Qi to take him to the hospital.

As for what "good memories" they will leave this night after discharge from the hospital, it is not what Yehong can manage.

Coming to the wing of the airport, the majestic Yanlong plane had been waiting for a long time.

The two large platoons of Yanwu soldiers, like the standing pine, were motionless in the wind.

This is the real Yanwu soldier.

Silver-faced thieves can imitate their faces, but they can't imitate this unique spirit of the world.

This is also one of the reasons why he was taken out so quickly.

Before boarding the plane, the heads of Ye Hong and Yan Wujun briefly mentioned the issue of mask thieves, letting them pay attention not to be deceived by similar means.

The person in charge attached great importance and immediately reported the matter back to China.

It didn't take long for the Yanlong plane to skyrocket.

Yehong was still in mid-November when he came, and when he returned, he came to early December.

Although the situation has been slightly turbulent for more than half a month, he has finally achieved his goal of returning to China.

The other gains from this trip made Ye Hong feel worthwhile.

After a long time of air travel, across the vast sea of ​​scales, I finally returned to Egret City.

However, due to jet lag, it was still daylight when arriving at Egret City.

The place of landing was the Nanjiao Seaport Spare Airport when it arrived.

What surprised Ye Hong was that Wei Qianling actually brought someone to pick him up at the airport.

"Leader Shi said that you made a great contribution to this trip, and let me deliberately treat you.

There is a nice seafood restaurant in the southern suburbs. Let's go. Brother takes you to a meal. "

Wei Qianling revealed that signature smile without a low profile, and patted Ye Hong's shoulders for several times.

Ye Hong froze for a moment, didn't say anything, just turned around and arranged for others.

The long flight journey, coupled with the jet lag, made everyone look slightly tired.

But this has no effect on Ye Hong.

So he decided to go to the banquet himself and let others go back to rest.

Zhou Hao, the little fat man, was confessed to Ge Dan by Ye Hong and asked him to send him back to Anming County.

Among so many people, it is estimated that only Ge Dan can hold this boy.

No way, Ye Hong was afraid Zhou Hao would not want to go back alone.

And his parents heard that they were too worried to eat.

At this time, Ye Hong would not let Zhou Hao continue to be willful, and quickly arranged to send him back.

Under the reluctance of Zhou Hao's face, Ge Dan silently took him out of the airport.

As for Leng Feng, because the injury is not so good, Ye Hong asked Jiang Yuyun to take him and Jiang Taotao together to go to Yebla base for cultivation.

Vina was also going to see Yehong's "Lao's Nest", but Yehong dare to let this little witch go.

Especially when he was away.

At that time, if she made any moth, it would be dangerous.

Seeing that there was no room for discussion, Vina had to scold away and went to find Bai Ziyan.

In this way, Ye Hong and Wei Qianling and the five men he brought with him left at the airport.

"Come on, this spot is just for lunch.

I tell you, the grilled fish in that restaurant is particularly good..."

Wei Qianling was talking in front, but found that Ye Hong did not keep up.

Can not help but turned around and asked: "What's wrong?"

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