Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2135: Just change the venue

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Ye Hong didn't even look at Manager Liao, but walked directly to the crowd in front of the building.

He just listened silently in the car, and had already learned about things.

Unlike Lao Huang's suspicions, Ye Hong almost affirmed that this was Nanhuang Entertainment's deliberate mischief.

Otherwise, what do you do to rent a square for no reason?

Isn't it just to support Xianyu Media?

And to be able to do this, Ye Hong did not believe that the Qifeng Building did not take advantage of Nanhuang Entertainment.

So he dismissed Mr. Liao, the agent of Qifeng Building.

However, Ye Hong's indifference didn't make Manager Liao die, after all, he saw the arrogance of the rich second generation.

Manager Liao accused him of touching his nose, and he followed behind Yehong.

Only when Ye Hong was close to the crowd, Manager Liao heard Lao Huang shouting at the teenager: "Ye Yun?!"

Lao Huang's voice scared Manager Liao trembling, his footwork was unstable, and he almost didn't fall into the mud.

He stuttered and asked, "Huangdao, do you know him?"

"Huh! The leading actor of our crew, can you tell me if I don't know?"

Lao Huang is also very unwilling to see Mr. Liao from the wall.

"Male, male protagonist?!"

Manager Liao wiped his eyes and carefully observed Ye Hong.

But no matter how he recalled, he couldn't remember which star this night cloud was called.

At this time, others in the crew also recognized Ye Hong.

An intimate hello is also incredulous.

Many of them know that Ye Hong and his boss Bai Ziyan have a good relationship, but they also know that Ye Hong is a student of Jiang University.


Seeing the scene where Ye Hong came down from Ye Jue, everyone in the crew understood one thing.

Ye Hong's identity is not necessarily as simple as a student!

Just as everyone and Yehong had a good conversation, Nan Mei Entertainment Director Lu Meijiao, who had confronted Lao Huang before, also came to Yehong.

A strange smile appeared on her face: "Actor?

I advise you to push this drama.

The crew of your family seems to have problems even with the shooting venue. "

Ye Hong glanced at Lu Meijiao lightly. The indifferent eyes behind the sunglasses seemed to shoot Lu Meijiao's heart directly through the lens, making her unable to resist a chill.

"Since there is a problem with the venue, it is better not to change the venue."

Ye Hong's lightly written words made Lu Meijiao and Nan Huang Entertainment a sneer.

Lao Huang and the other crew members shook their heads bitterly.

At this point, Manager Liao stood up with a smile, "Mr. Ye, right?

It’s not my bragging, this whole Egret City can’t find a more luxurious office building than our Qifeng Building.

In the past, there were no fewer than 30 movies and TV series shot in our Qifeng Building alone! "

Ye Hong glanced at Lao Huang, who nodded helplessly, confirming what Manager Liao said was true.

However, Ye Hong just supported the sunglasses frame and said lightly: "No, there is still a place."


Manager Liao asked subconsciously.

The corner of Yehong's mouth slightly evoked a touch of arc and gently spit out a few words: "Phoenix Rose Secret Base."

"Phoenix Rose... secret base?"

This unfamiliar word made all present present confused.

Lu Meijiao said unkindly: "What is the 18th line breaking the building, I haven't heard it!"

"To shut up!"

Manager Liao shouted at Lu Meijiao innocently, and then his lips trembled and asked Ye Hong: "Is that the secret base of the Phoenix Rose in the Shuanglu Center?"

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