Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2140: Tan Ruqing

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Now Ye Hong can basically confirm that the statue of the mysterious man he saw in Taiyi Hall of Lanque Peak and the statue he saw in the shrine of the Xuanyuan family are all mysterious people in black robe.

Combined with the mystery of the Xuanyuan family, Ye Hong couldn't help but suspect that the Xuanyuan family was the inheritance of this person.

In other words, that mysterious person is the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family and the founder of Taiyi Daozong?

This can also explain why generations of the Xuanyuan family are so good, because they are descendants of this mysterious person.

But why can I see these fragments?

Ye Hong glanced at the bone clock with a headache.

Since he can understand the text of the Xuanyuan Dynasty, of course, he can also understand the small lines recorded above.

"Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang, cosmic flood..."

Ye Hong couldn't help but read the above words.

These small lines are what the mysterious person in the fragment opened to teach and teach the sentient beings when they were ancient martial arts.

But he read it several times and found nothing strange.

The inexplicable Ye Hong decided to leave these hair loss to the laboratory, but decided to leave.

But just as he was about to leave, there was a very polite voice beside him.

"Hey, did you find anything, deliberately hide us?"

Ye Hong frowned, and found that she was talking about a petite girl.

Depending on her age, she should still be in college.

A round-framed glasses that occupies most of the face hangs on the rounded face like a small meat wrap.

The cute appearance resembles a cartoon character named Ala Lei.

The long white lab robe, like a long skirt, was wrapped around her petite body and almost dragged to the floor.

At this moment, this lovely face bulged, staring at Yehong with exasperation.

"She is......?"

Ye Hong asked inexplicably.

"President, she is a student of [Shan Ruqing] of the Archaeological Research Association of Lingnan University, and she just had a freshman this year."

Zhou Qian pulled Ye Hong aside, and whispered with a bitter smile: "Although she was just a freshman, she is an archaeological genius.

When you let Lingnan University send the fossils to us, Lingnan University sent her to come to participate in the research.

However, this girl has some muscles in her head and believes that we have taken credit for their Lingnan, so..."

Ye Hong nodded understandingly.

No wonder there will be such a stunned young man in the research room, originally from Lingnan University.

At this time, Shan Ruqing saw that Ye Hong didn't respond, and even chattered: "Also, I think they all call you president, what are you president?"

Why don’t you apply in advance and touch our research props at will?

If you don’t make it clear today, I will..."

Shan Ruqing's mouth is like pouring bamboo beans into a bamboo tube.

The speed of speaking like a machine gun made Yehong burst out several black lines on his forehead.

"Forgot to tell you, this girl is still a tuberculosis..."

Zhou Qian was helpless beside him.

Fortunately, Yue Shiyin stood up and rescued Ye Hong.

She pulled La Shanruqing's sleeve and interrupted her long speech, pointing at Ye Hong: "Ruqing Xuemei, he is the boss of our laboratory and the chairman of the Yanuo Archaeological Union.

That's why we called him President. "

Shan Ruqing doesn't seem to be very resistant to the gentle and kind Yueyin poetry.

But hearing Yue Shiyin's words, Shan Ruqing suddenly widened the pair of round eyes behind the lens.

"President?! Are you the president of the Archaeological Union?"

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