Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2147: Super S-Class VIP

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What Yehong waited for was a rectangular flying machine that flew out of the mountain.

On the boxy display, two sky antennas are plugged in, like an antique TV.

Ye Hong took Ding Zhao out of the car and came to the aircraft.

And the aircraft began to rotate around the two.

The first thing the aircraft aimed at was Ding Zhao, and the display also showed the appearance of Ding Zhao.

Then a cold, electronically synthesized sound came from the aircraft.

"Verifying identity...

The identity is unknown and it is judged as the first time to enter the factory.

Please put your finger on the display for ID fingerprint registration. "

Ding Zhao also saw this thing for the first time and glanced at Ye Hong.

Ye Hong looked at this intelligent aircraft, frowning slightly.

To be honest, this is the first time he has seen this kind of thing.

"Ding! Trigger grandmaster-level seeing ability, trigger grandmaster-level mechanical transformation ability...

After seeing through, the current goal: intelligent identification flying robot.

Target function: identify the target identity and automatically register.

Target threat: None. "

It really looks like a simple identity registration robot.

But even so, Ye Hong was slightly surprised.

He had previously thought that the factory produced ordinary robots. According to the little thing in front of him, the production level of the factory was not low.

But for some reason, Ye Hong smelled a familiar taste from the flying robot's skills.

But no matter how, Ye Hong didn't notice the threat, so he assured Ding Zhao to put his hand up.

With the sound of a drop, the familiar electronic sound came out again.

"After the identity registration is completed, please consciously abide by the factory specifications after entering the factory, otherwise you will be expelled from the factory."

After registering Ding Zhao, the robot turned to Yehong again.

At the same time, Ye Hong's message appeared on the display.

"Verifying identity...



Somehow, this time the identity verification lasted a long time.

Just when Ye Hong thought that the robot was malfunctioning, the display screen kept blinking with golden light.

At the same time, a sound with an intensity far exceeding that of the talent came from the robot.

"The identity verification is completed, it is a super S-class VIP!"

"The identity verification is completed, it is a super S-class VIP!"

"The identity verification is completed, it is a super S-class VIP!"


Not only the robot, but also the canyons on both sides began to sound this sound.

Yehong discovered that the canyon was full of machinery.

And now there is a mechanical broadcast.

The superimposed sounds instantly spread throughout the canyon.

The sound of the car suddenly came from the factory in the distance.

"Super S-class VIP...what do you mean?"

Ding Zhao looked at all this in amazement, and some didn't know what to do.

Obviously he came to find the other party's theory, but at this moment it always felt that Ye Hong became the protagonist.

Ye Hong also didn't know why this happened, so he could only watch the changes.

At this moment, a team of convoys came from deep in the canyon.

The entire convoy is about ten trucks, all wrapped in a camouflage metal shell.

The convoy stopped in front of Yehong and they climbed down a middle-aged man from the front truck.

The middle-aged man's face is broad and round like a pie, with a fat beer belly about to droop to the ground, and he runs like a huge wine barrel rolling on the ground.

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