Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2151: Desperate Manager Zhao

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This also explains the reason why the No. 2 robot appears in this place.

It can also explain why the identity robot will show Ye Hong as a super S-class VIP.

Yezhang Yezhang, isn't that what the Ye Family's banner means in Zhanghe County?

After a long time, the culprit that caused Ding Zhao's father to be fired was himself? ?

Ye Hong glanced at Ding Zhao with a guilty conscience, and then looked at Yue Songsheng depressed.

The only thing he didn't understand was why Yue Songsheng, a member of an educational institution, turned into his own factory director.

Hearing Ye Hong's question, Yue Songsheng smiled bitterly: "It's not because it's getting harder and harder to make money as a teacher...

In addition, I was already interested in machinery. After knowing that Secretary Jiang had recruited machinery directors in Zhanghe County, I immediately resigned from my original position and came here.

I didn’t expect Secretary Jiang to be behind you..."

Yue Songsheng looked at Yehong with a complex face.

Although he had predicted in the examination room that Ye Hong's future achievements were limitless, he did not expect Ye Hong to grow so fast, and the energy behind it was so terrifying.

Especially when seeing Yejia II and other products, Yue Songsheng was amazed by the mechanical technology in Yehong's hands.

So he immediately adjusted his mentality and became a subordinate of Yehong as sweetly as he could.

Ye Hong nodded after listening.

He once mentioned Yue Songsheng with Jiang Yuyun.

So after knowing this relationship, Jiang Yuyun realized that Yue Songsheng was a trustworthy person, and recruited him as the director of Yezhang Machinery Factory.

No wonder Yue Songsheng frequently wants to see himself.

Knowing the causes and consequences, Ye Hong frowned and asked, "What happened to the old workers fired by the factory?"

Yue Songsheng froze for a moment, and quickly said: "The old workers are all traditional mechanic masters, and they can't keep up with the development of the times.

So we decided to dismiss them after discussion.

But rest assured, boss, we have made proper arrangements and will never let them chill. "

However, Ye Hong smiled coldly: "Huh! Your proper arrangement is to swallow compensation from others?"

Ye Hong suddenly exhaled the cold momentum, making Yue Songsheng's momentum tighten.

At this moment, he suddenly felt like a minister serving by the emperor, and instantly became trembling, like thin ice.

He finally understood that Ye Hong had the results he has today, and it was definitely not accidental!

"Boss, what do you mean..."

Yue Songsheng didn't dare to look at Shang Yehong's eyes, but dare to ask in fear.

Ye Hong snorted, and then told the situation of Ding Zhao's family from beginning to end to Yue Songsheng.

Yue Songsheng became more and more angry.

But this anger was not directed at Yehong, but at the fat man who was still caught in midair!

He shouted fiercely at this person: "Manager Zhao, what is going on?"

Seeing Ye Hong's doubts, Yue Songsheng quickly explained: "Boss, this is the personnel manager of the factory department I hired.

The follow-up compensation matters of those old employees are arranged by him. "

Manager Zhao already understood Ye Hong's identity at this time. He was actually the boss of his boss, and he was already terrified.

And when I thought that I had just commanded a robot to attack my boss, I now had the heart to want to die.

In addition to being roared by Yue Songsheng, the crotch was so wet that he cried and said: "The factory director, I'm just fascinated for a while. I took the compensation money... and took the bet... ..

I promise to never dare again!

You give me another chance! "

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