Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2153: Visit product

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In this core area, there is a line of production workshops side by side.

Is there a figure wearing gray tooling and white robes walking around inside and outside the workshop.

When Ye Hong and Yue Songsheng appeared, they stopped working and looked at them.

Among them, those in gray tooling greeted Yue Songsheng, but they doubted Ye Hong's identity.

Those in white robes face Yehong without hesitation and said in unison: "Have seen the boss."

The uniform greetings scared the workers next to him.

Ye Hong nodded.

These white robe figures are familiar faces, but they are all members of the night machine team in the night blade.

It must have followed this factory and instructed these workers to produce robots.

After Yue Songsheng introduced Ye Hong's identity as a boss, the expressions of the workers became more restrained.

After the two parties greeted each other, Yue Songsheng took Ye Hong into a workshop nearby.

In this workshop, the production of a Taiwan Yejia No. 2.

This is also the most mature mass production robot in the factory.

Although Ye Jia No. 2 could not withstand a blow in front of Ye Hong, it also depended on who the target was.

If you meet the people of Ye Hongwai, Ye Jia 2 will undoubtedly have a great lethality.

This robot, which combines the advantages of multiple models such as human α and β in the nightmare factory mechanical transformation, also added an intelligent ancient martial system with Yewu Zhendian imprinted in the core.

What is an intelligent ancient martial system?

This is a set of intelligent ancient martial arts mechanisms proposed by Yehong and carried out by the Yeji team.

When Ye Jia No. 2 senses the ancient martial art used by the opponent's target, it will intelligently determine the current environment and use the martial arts in Yewu Zhendian to deal with it.

If you are an ancient Wu robot, are you afraid?

In the second workshop that Yue Songsheng visited with Yehong, he was producing more petite robots.

According to the introduction, this flexible and compact robot model is [Yajia No. 3].

Ye Jia 3's flexible and compact body is equipped with a breathless system.

The so-called breathless system refers to the existence of the warrior, and various devices that isolate or even absorb the breath of the human body are installed on Yejia-3.

Once responding to the existence of such an ancient Qiwu warriors who rely on breath, Ye Jia 3 is their nightmare.

However, due to the rare materials, Yejia No. 3 could not be mass-produced like Yejia No. 2.

At present, there are only ten or less in the factory.

Next, Ye Hong visited several workshops.

In turn, I saw the huge strategic-grade mecha [Yajia No. 4], the [Yajia No. 5] with intelligent treatment equipment, and the reconnaissance robot that looks like a drone but can be deformed at any time [Yajia No. 6]... ...

Of course, most of these robots are currently in the experimental machine stage, and mass production is not yet possible.

But Yehong believes that with the efforts of the night crew and the workers in the factory, these are just a matter of time.

In the near future, this factory will build a 100% loyal robot team for Yehong!

This made Ye Hong even more convinced that his decision to invest a large amount of money in the construction of a machinery factory was correct.

After a round of visits, Ye Hong left the factory with Ding Zhao.

At the same time, there was also Yue Songsheng, the factory director.

After knowing what happened to Ding Zhao's family, he was deeply guilty and prepared to apologize to Ding Zhao's parents.

The car quickly returned to Zhanghe County.

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