Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2167: There is a warlord in the house

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This voice carried a sense of awe-inspiring spirit, as if it could expel all the ghosts and ghosts in the world.

After hearing the response from the room, Dongfang Ningyun gently pushed the wooden door open.

For the first time, Ye Hong saw her move so carefully.

It is worth mentioning that Ximen Hongjie and the strange youth also followed.

At the moment, Ximen Hongjie glared at Ye Hong and Wei Qianling fiercely, and led the young man into the entrance.

Ye Hong and the two shook their heads, crying and laughing, and never thought that the heir competitors of the dignified Ximen family would be so naive.

However, on the way just now, Wei Qianling secretly told Yehong that he hoped that Ximen Hongjie would be the owner of the next Ximen family.

Because if such a fool controls the Simon family, the Simon family is basically no threat.

The two then entered the cabin.

The small wooden house has little space and few furnishings.

Only a bamboo bed and a few daily necessities were placed near the window.

The coffee table in the middle of the room is bigger than the bed.

Next to the coffee table, there are two figures sitting.

Located just north of the coffee table is an old man whose hair and eyebrows almost disappear.

The thin face was covered with wrinkles densely.

But even so, just simply sitting there, it seems like a tiger lurking in the mountains and forests.

The upper body as thin as a dry bamboo is like a young man from the Oriental family, wearing only a simple white vest.

Directly in front of the vest, there are two large red characters-"Long Qi".

Although the words are faded, they can still vaguely see the killing breath hidden in these two words.

The old man changed his face when he saw Dongfang Ningyun enter the door.

Suddenly the mouth accelerated smoking, and three or two mouths would have to smoke the cigarette in the mouth.

"Cough cough--"

Probably because the pumping was too fast, the old man was coughed by the smoke rushing into the throat in an instant.


Dongfang Ningyun rushed in angrily, grabbed the cigarette butts in the old man's hands, and stared at him fiercely: "Doctor Qian Dingwan asked you not to smoke anymore, do you want to live?"

"What does it matter to occasionally pick one..."

The old man seemed to be a little afraid of Oriental Ningyun, his neck shrunk, and he was aggrieved.

One mouth reveals a large gum with few teeth left.

"You strictly prohibit family members from smoking frequently, how about you?"

Dongfang Ningyun didn't feel soft at all, and continued coldly.

The old man rolled his lips and whispered: "It's a big deal to wait for me to punish myself for running ten laps on the top of the mountain."

Ye Hong watched with joy in the side.

Such an old man with personality, plus those two words on his vest, can't think of anyone else except the legendary grandfather Ye Hong of the Oriental family.

Dongfang Longqi, the former head of the Oriental family, is the father of the current head of the family, Dongfang Huan, the father of Dongfang Ningyun.

At the same time, it is also the soul figure and benchmark figure of the whole Oriental family.

It is also the actual controller of the Yan Wu Yan Wu Army, a well-deserved military god.

Many outstanding figures emerged during the war.

In addition to [Yan Guo's Spear] Fu Huaiyong, [Yan Guo Barrier] Qin Zhengyan, legendary staff Zhong Liyuan... and other well-known names, there is also a name that will never be forgotten by the world.

That is a generation of military gods, [Long Qi Command] Oriental Dragon Qi!

When the Oriental family was still a member of the traditional ancient ethnic group, Dongfang Longqi decided to join the Yanwu Army regardless of the family's prevention.

From then on, the legend of a generation of military gods was written.

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