Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2174: I am going to use a knife

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The mixed feelings in Dong Ning Yun's heart recalled the scene when he first saw Ye Hong.

At that time, she just regarded Ye Hong as the manager of an ordinary restaurant.

He had thought that one day this young man would stand on the peak of this dragon horn, and was frightened, envious, and awed by countless people?

It can only be said that fate is a wonderful thing.

If you didn't promise the family delegation, go to Mo Tianlin as a bodyguard, you would not have met such a young boy...

"Look, the iceberg girl smiled!"

Suddenly a family member pointed at Dongfang Ningyun and exclaimed.

As if this scene shocked him more than the duel on the field.

Dongfang Ningyun immediately squinted his eyes and looked towards the man.

A sharp murderousness followed along with it.

The man immediately covered his mouth tightly, and the other members shuddered, and quickly looked away.

But to say that the most gaffe on the field, it is Simon Hongjie.

Although he had guessed that Yehong's combat strength was not weak, when Dongfang Muxue was kicked back by Yehong, Ximen Hongjie's chin was almost dropped to the ground.

Without any language description, he already understands the strength difference between him and Ye Hongtian.

And when I think of myself, I just spoke out to such a person...

This feels like a three-year-old kid jumping up and wanting to hit an adult's knee.

The thing that makes him cry most is that this incident will surely spread in Kyoto after today.

By then, he will surely become the object of ridicule by the major forces of Kyoto!

At this time, Ximen Hongjie just wanted to cover his face and quickly left here.

He couldn't help but glared at Shangguan Wangxuan next to him, "Wangxuan, look at your bad idea, I'm so embarrassed!"

Shangguan Wangxuan didn't seem to notice a little anger, but just looked at Ye Hong on the field and murmured to himself: "It seems useless to deal with this person only by the sea of ​​people tactics... "

"What are you talking about?" Ximen Hongjie didn't understand what Shangguan Wangxuan said, frowning and asked.

"It's okay."

Shangguan Wangxuan regained his smile: "You don't have to worry about Hongjie.

Today is just an accident, we have many opportunities in the future to help you win Miss Ning Yun's heart. "

"Humph! You'd better come up with a reliable idea next time!"

Ximen Hongjie pursed his lips and whispered: "In short, don't let me and Ye Hong face each other in a perverted confrontation."

At this time, the two sides on the court still have no further action.

Since Dongxue Muxue was kicked back by Ye Hong, he kept his head down and didn't know what he was thinking.

After a long time, she suddenly raised her hand holding the knife.

The peculiar scarlet short blade was aimed at Yehong from afar.

"The young people are really powerful now.

I admit that empty hand is not your opponent. "

A flash of regret flashed on Dongfang Muxue's face: "So... sorry, I'm going to use a knife."

Ye Hong waved his hand indifferently: "Senior please help yourself."

This light-hearted, breezy posture made the Eastern Longqi, who was watching the battle, nodded appreciatively.

Dongfang Muxue was not hypocritical, and he swept the knife to the location where Yehong was.

In an instant, the speed of Dongfang Muxue suddenly became many times that of the talent!

In just an instant, it flashed to Yehong.

Even the eyes of most of the people present remained in her original position.

Very fast!

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