Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2189: Ba la la energy

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Just after Ye Hong said the word, a bamboo wall in front of him suddenly turned over, revealing a passage.

The corner of Yehong's mouth was slightly hooked, and Yun Danfeng walked gently into the passage.

He walked all around, and finally calculated that this is the correct entrance to the next stage.

As for the time report by others, it is waiting for the correct movement of this organ every four minutes.

It is only in this short one minute that this passage will be revealed here.

In the surveillance room, Murong listened to the dream and spread his hands, and said nothing, but his eyes flashed with a smile.


Liang Luoying's fist fell on the display screen, and the picture shook.

"Lao Niang can't believe him anymore!"

He said that he took a walkie-talkie from the side and kept telling what was inside.

At the same time, Ye Hong found that after walking through the passage, a small wooden house appeared in front of him.

The wooden house was stuck in the middle of the passage, and it seemed that it had to pass through the wooden house to move on.

Ye Honggang just reached out to push the door of the room, but suddenly remembered the rule that he couldn't touch the garden objects. He took a slight pause and put his hand back.


A slight coughing sound came out of Yehong's mouth, but it seemed to bring a certain force to make the whole wooden house shake slightly.


A middle-aged man suddenly rushed out of the stunned face, looking at Yehong at a loss.

Obviously, he did not respond that someone would come out of the maze so early.


After a moment, he suddenly touched the wireless earphones on his ears. After coughing twice, he gave a slight salute to Yehong, and a quiet voice came from his throat: "Mr. Yehong, congratulations on your warm-up, come to this recruitment The General Assembly tests the first hurdle."

Ye Hong's heart burst into tears and laughter.

The mobile maze was just warmed up for a long time. Is it the first of the three levels?

Mrs. Liang, I really have you!

The middle-aged man saw Yehong didn't speak. His eyes rolled around, but he took out a test paper from his arms and handed it to Yehong.

"By the way, this test paper is not allowed to use mobile phones and other devices to search for answers, nor can anyone ask for help."

At the end, he confessed with a smile.

Ye Hong took it and found that the test paper was covered with dense questions.

But these questions...

[There was a power outage while a person was eating, so he pulled two meals, but the light was on. Why? 】

Ye Hong glanced at the middle-aged man in a speechless manner, and asked dejectedly: "Is the brain teasing?"

The middle-aged man shook his head silently, but did not answer.

At this time in the monitoring room, when Murong Chuo and Murong Tingmeng saw the questions on the test paper from the monitoring screen, they were also dumbfounded.

"Mom, what a wonderful question did you come up with?"

Murong Chuo said with a bitter smile: "It seems that your mother really made a living in order to make Ye Hong difficult."

Liang Luoying smugly covered her mouth and made a giggle: "If Yehong can answer all these questions correctly, I ate this monitor on the spot~"

Ye Hong looked at the subject several times, but closed his eyes silently.

The middle-aged man opposite looked at Yehong sympathetically, and then closed his eyes to recuperate.

"Ding! Try to crack brain teasers, +1 puzzle solving ability, current progress: 110, current level: entry level.

Trigger the entry-level puzzle solving ability, try to match the correct answer...

After the match is completed, the highest matching answer is [because ba (pa) la (la) la energy]. "

After seeing the answer to this question, Ye Hong only felt that the corner of his mouth seemed to be cramping.

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