Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2204: Two factions

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These are naturally collected by Ye Hong himself and the information about the Ximen family collected from the Yan group.

However, Ye Hong felt faintly that the Ximen family was far more than simple on the surface.

Relying on at least one sub-clan model, Ye Hong did not believe that the temple would solve this stubborn illness.

After all, the temple had already moved, weakening the strength of the ancient nationalities across the country.

And those sub-families supported by the Ximen family will also be greatly affected.

However, it turns out that the Simon family still maintains a detached position.

This is also one of the things that Ye Hong wanted to figure out when he went to the Ximen family.

At this time, Ye Hong stood at the door of the Ximen family.

After leaving Murong's house, Ye Hong rested only one night before heading straight to the Ximen family.

Because Long Qi Ling is only valid for seven days, the remaining time is running out.

In the remaining days, Yehong wants to maximize the effectiveness of this token.

There is only one Yangu Palace between the Ximen family and the temple where Yehong once went.

Yangu Palace was called the imperial palace in ancient times.

I heard that in the past, the royal family of many dynasties would donate part of the Yangu Palace to the Ximen family to show their fear of this first ancient family.

But then Yangu Palace became a famous tourist spot, and the Ximen family moved out in order to be unobtrusive.

Unlike most people think, the Ximen family's house is not very luxurious.

At least Ye Hong felt that it was not as good as the Murong family.

Narrow gates, ancient and old exterior walls, mottled floor tiles... everything looks like a declining family.

It is difficult to associate this place with the name of the first ancient ethnic group in Kyoto.

The exclusive avenue in front of the gate that extends from the east wall of the Yangu Palace highlights the grand atmosphere of the Ximen family.

When Yehong arrived, it was about eight or nine in the morning.

But what surprised Ye Hong was that the road in front of the door was already full of vehicles.

At the same time, two men and women seemed to be gathered at the door of the Ximen family, and they faced each other faintly.

Outside the whole family, there was a restless breath.

"Huh? Does the Simon family have any activities today?"

With this doubt, Ye Hong raised his foot and approached the door of the Ximen family.

As he approached the door, Ye Hong saw the situation in front of him more clearly.

Among the two waves of confrontation, the characteristics are very distinctive.

The left-handed Nabo is dressed in an ancient gown and is mostly middle-aged and elderly.

The men on the right are significantly younger and wear modern clothes.

"The little beasts of the anti-sect, don't do anything!"

"The old hybrid of the pro-sect, forget the ancestors!"

The fierce mutual scolding sounds constantly passed into Yehong's ears.

Ye Hong's mouth could not help slightly.

It was a coincidence that I came to meet the scene of a quarrel between pro-sect and anti-sect.

The two groups of people also looked towards Yehong who was approaching.

Seeing Ye Hong wearing a modern black trench coat, the young men of the anti-sect immediately shone their eyes and shouted at Ye Hong: "Our people?"

Ye Hong shook his head immediately.

The next turn of the pro-sect was happy and excited: "It turns out to be ours!"

However, Ye Hong still shook his head.

Both sides pulled their faces down at the same time, frowning and asking, "Who are you then?"

Yehong raised his deep eyes and spit out two words: "Yehong."


"This name is so familiar."

The men of the two factions were startled, and their pupils shrank in unison!

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