Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2305: Blue Thunder

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Because he just planned to stroll around at random, Yehong didn't alarm Kafman.

Presumably Kafman stayed in the royal castle this time, there should also be important matters to discuss with others.

If it's no big deal, don't bother him.

Registered with the soldiers at the gate, and a group of six people let it go smoothly.

But knowing that they are the top VIPs staying in the royal suite, the soldiers also performed a Sicilian ancient ceremony with a respectful face.

I also politely asked if I would equip them with local guides.

This respectful attitude made other people who were going in and out of the castle now show envious eyes.

After rejecting the soldier's kindness, Ye Hong and others finally stepped out of the castle.

The entire Land City is divided into twenty-five areas.

It is one of the most complicated cities in the world.

Even Kyoto, the country of inflammation, has only nine major urban areas.

The reason why so many areas are divided is because of the historical accumulation of Rand City.

Because of the geographical environment, Rand City has become the junction and conflict point of Dongzhou and Xizhou culture.

Throughout the dynasties, countless cultural conflicts and fusions have occurred in this city.

So there are as many as twenty-five major ethnic groups living in Land City today.

These twenty-five regional divisions are also for this reason.

The royal castle is located in the center of the city, surrounded by twenty-five urban areas.

Yehong they didn't think too much, they entered the nearest city at random, and didn't even know the name.

The air quality in the urban area will be much better than what they felt at the airport yesterday.

At least it's no longer the people wearing masks on the streets.

Because there are many ethnic groups here, there is no shortage of Yan Guo faces like Ye Hong.

Therefore, Ye Hong and others walked on the street without attracting special attention.

The main target of the pedestrians is the restaurant on the street.

Randomly visited a few, I do not know if it is the characteristics of this city, most of the main restaurants on the street are barbecue.

However, compared to the bread that is difficult to swallow, everyone is quite willing to try this special Rand City barbecue.

Randomly selected a store, everyone came in, ready to start tasting food.

Of course, everything ordered is Yehong.

The little Phoenixes didn’t even bother to ask Yehong why he spoke Sicilian.

For Ye Hong, who is omnipotent in their minds, the lack of Sicilian language is what makes them unbelievable.

Similar to the Western Xinjiang of Yan Guo, the barbecue here is served in the form of kebab.

The slap-roasted barbecue slices were uniformly worn on the iron pick.

From the inside out, revealing a bold atmosphere.

With the unique spices of the Sith Kingdom, the whole store is filled with rich fragrance.

The five little phoenixes suddenly shined with two eyes, staring at the skewers being grilled by the store.

As soon as the skewers came to the table, several people could not wait for it, and immediately grabbed the skewers on the plate.

Put it to his mouth, and he gnawed it in full.

Ye Hong did not participate in it, but couldn't help crying and looking at the five girls who were reborn in starvation.

Like a helpless old father.

"Waiter, let's have another kebab."

Shaking his head, Ye Hong ordered another one for the five.

And just as the little phoenixes were immersed in the delights of food, the next table sounded a taunt.

"Sure enough, it is the poor ghost Yan nationals who have never seen the world, and it is so exaggerated to eat a kebab.

It's worth mentioning that this person speaks in Glan.

Yehong frowned slightly and glanced at the situation at that table.

Perhaps it was because it was too early and there were only two diners in the shop.

One table is Yehong, and one table is the person next door.

I saw five people sitting around this table.

While sneeringly looking at Ye Hong's table, it was a young man with blond curly hair who said that just now.

The man went up and down twenty, with freckles on his cheeks.

The corner of the mouth slightly raised, with a touch of frivolous color.

This person and the four other youths around him all wore uniform blue coats.

Three blue lightning logos were printed on the arm of the clothes.

Ye Hong's gaze paused on this sign for half a second.

The heart is clear.

The thirty-two teams competing for the Canyon Gods Cup came from different regions on four continents.

The number of expedition teams varies in different regions.

It's just that there can be at most three teams in a division.

Before going abroad, Ye Hong had kept the data of the remaining 31 teams in mind.

If you remember correctly, the five people in front of you are [Blue Ting] from one of the three major teams in the North American League.

This team, like Phoenix Rose, is a cutting-edge team just established this year.

Because of the fierce play, a large number of fans have accumulated in the United States.

On this journey of competing for the S10 Canyon Gods Cup, domestic netizens in the United States have given high hopes that they think they will be the biggest black horse.

Like the Gland, the people of the United States speak Glan.

And because the little Phoenixes are obsessed with eating meat, and most of them don't understand the Glenn language, they did not notice the ridicule from the next table.

Instead, it was the only Ye Zhinuo who went to school, frowning directly.

Stopped the attack on the barbecue and turned to look at the table next door.

Seeing Ye Zhinuo's gaze, the young man who had just spoken suddenly froze for a moment.

Immediately, a surprise appeared in his eyes, and it seemed that the girl who was mocked by herself would be so beautiful.

"Hey! Shall we gamble, how long can I use this Yan Guo chick?"

The young man didn't seem to see the anger in Ye Zhinuo's eyes, but instead showed a smirk at the members of the Blue Thunder team at the table.

In a burst of laughter, the youth left the table and walked towards Yehong's table.

Immediately before, this person held out his right hand to Ye Zhinuo, smiling and saying hello in the grungy Yan Mandarin: "Nimo, beautiful woman, I am the captain of the Blue Thunder team Kluber.

Can you give me a link to Fang Shi? "

The little phoenixes who were eating the barbecue were stunned.

Immediately, he happily teased Ye Zhinuo.

"Gosh, captain, a handsome guy talked to you?"

"Blue Thunder team, isn't this the famous team in the United States?"

Looking at the performance of the little phoenixes, Kluber's mouth couldn't help but aroused the triumphant smile of the winning ticket.

But his acquaintance was Ye Zhinuo, but he wiped the corners of his mouth calmly with a paper towel, without any intention of shaking hands with Kluber.

Instead, he said expressionlessly: "Sorry, I am a Yan Guo who has never seen the world before, and is not worthy of making friends with the "noble" Americans."

Kluber's face immediately stiffened, apparently not expecting his own sarcasm to be heard by Ye Zhinuo literally.

But he was not discouraged, his eyes moved, and a strategy came into his mind.

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