Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2307: Stormy

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In Labadi’s explanation, Ye Hong only knew that Kafman had received the news just after they left the castle at their forefoot.

He was worried that Ye Hong and others could not adapt to the environment of Rand City, so he sent Labadi around him to follow him, preparing to guide Ye Hong for them.

But I didn't expect Labadi to see the scene just after he arrived outside the store.

Knowing that Ye Hong's status in Kafman's heart, where will it hurt Ye Hong and others?

Without saying a word, they cleared the people of the Blue Thunder team.

Poor members of the Blue Thunder team, until now it is unclear who offended him.

"Mr. Ye, let me take you on shopping?"

Rabaddi smiled after explaining the cause and effect.

Ye Hong's eyes flashed, and he smiled and refused: "No need, we are almost going back to the castle."

Little Phoenixs opened their mouths and wanted to say something, but in the end it was still impossible.

Only the expression on his face became a bit lonely.

Labadi didn't say anything, just smiled and said, and escorted Ye Hong and others back to the castle.

When Ye Hong returned to the royal suite, they suddenly heard a commotion from the atrium downstairs.

Everyone looked into the atrium through the window and found a group of people like ants on the hot pot wandering back and forth in the atrium, shouting something in their mouths.

Many people picked up the phone and did not know who they called.

And their old acquaintance Yonezawa is also among that group.

"Is the director of the major divisions."

The well-known Ruan Biying recognized the identity of these people.

And through the successive voices, they also know what is arguing underneath.

It turned out to be the director of the United States Division, and suddenly a news broke out.

The Blue Thunder team in their division was kicked out of Rand City by an unknown person!

So he quickly pulled the directors of the major divisions to discuss how to get the Blue Thunder team back.

People with a network are on the phone, those with no network can only worry.

After all, this happened for the first time, and no one had much experience in dealing with it.

The Phoenix Rose and others who saw this situation froze for a moment, then laughed.

Ruan Biying was a little dumbfounded, but he soon reacted.

"Isn't that what you guys did?"

The little phoenixes stopped laughing and told the story to Ruan Biying from beginning to end.

After hearing this, Ruan Biying could only laugh and shook her head, wondering if she should sympathize with the Blue Thunder team.

On the other side, Ye Zhinuo squeezed her eyes at Ye Hong: "Brother, now you can say why are we so eager to come back?"

The remaining few little Phoenixes also calmed down and looked at Yehong with puzzled eyes.

It was still early today, and they thought they could go out more, but they did not expect Yehong to be so eager to take them back to the castle.

They just wanted to ask why they were outside just now, but because of their habitual obedience to Yehong, they did not ask for an exit.

But there is a little depression in my heart, it is naturally inevitable.

"Still you understand me."

Yehong Chong scraped Ye Zhinuo's nose gently with his fingers, but caused a big white eye.

Several little phoenixes didn't notice it, but as brothers and sisters who grew up together, Ye Zhinuo was faintly aware of Ye Hong's deep intention.

Ye Hong looked at the unclear sky outside the window and said lightly: "Are you wondering why Kafman sent so many people to follow us?

If it only serves as a guide, is it necessary to send even the bodyguard captain? "

The girls suddenly realized, but then wondered again: "Yeah, but why?"

"The reason is very simple." Ye Hongwei smiled, but a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes.

Word by word: "That's the nearest Rand city, it must not be so peaceful."

It is for this reason that Kafman is worried that Ye Hong will be affected, so he sends elite bodyguards such as Labadi to follow Ye Hong secretly.

The reason why the group of bodyguards reacted so strongly and so harshly to the members of the Blue Thunder team must have been explained by Kafman.

Although Ye Hong did not pay much attention to the situation in the Sith Kingdom, she also knew that Rand City was a mixed place.

Race, class, faith, wealth... Every day there are various disputes, staged in Rand City.

Just looking at Kafman’s reaction, the size of the recent dispute may not be so pediatric.

Although Ye Hong didn't explain much, the girls also understood the hidden feelings.

They all understood why Ye Hong did not let them stay outside for too long, naturally for their personal safety.

A little bit of complaint in my heart had disappeared long ago, and the rest was full of emotion.

When Ye Hong saw the girls restore their old smiles, they smiled slightly and looked back to the sky outside the window.

The gray sky always gives people the illusion of storm.

"My lord, I'm here to travel this time, I don't care about your mess in Xizhou.

Therefore, advise you not to provoke me! "

Ye Hong said silently in his heart, a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes.


That night, with the efforts of all parties, the members of the Blue Thunder team were finally "rescued" back to the city.

But I heard that their mental state is quite bad.

Their captain Kluber didn't even know what inhuman treatment he suffered, and he suffered a back injury.

The director of the United States Division wanted to apply for an extension of the game with the official, so that the people of the Blue Thunder team adjusted the state.

However, this suggestion was boycotted by other major regions.

After all, they have no reason to spend a lot of time here for a Blue Thunder team.

Especially after they heard some news that was not very peaceful, they were eager to leave the city.

Just like that, two days later.

S10's first round of events-32 to 16 events, will finally start.

This time the venue is located in an e-sports venue in the 15th district of East Rand.

The game time is the night of the day.

After dinner in the evening, all the team members will be escorted to the backstage of the venue in preparation for the draw ceremony.

This year's Orphan League Finals, I heard that it was the most watched competition in the past.

The world's major TV stations, online live broadcast platforms, radio stations... all relayed this event.

Not only that, the entertainment industry, the film and television industry, the novel industry, and the boxing industry... even those outside the e-sports circle have followed this event together.

The number of people who watched and listened to the game online broke through the record of all esports events and became the most watched esports event this month.

At this time, the e-sports venues were also filled with audiences from all over the world.

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