Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2317: Thief

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Although Ye Hong has experienced many incredible things now, he still has no respect for the so-called gods.

Probably this is related to growing up in Yan Guo from an early age.

The belief of the Yan people is arguably the most complicated in the world.

It can be summarized as two sentences:

The left eye jumps fortune, so happy.

The right eye jumped to the disaster and went to the feudal superstition.

So for a Yan national, the so-called supreme secret may not be attractive at all.

In Yehong's view, the Supreme Secret may be a long-standing antique.

There is no need to make the already chaotic Rand City more complicated for such an illusory thing.

But Xizhou people who believe in the highest **** in their bones obviously don't think so.

So Ye Hong did not say this in front of Kafman.

But Kafman at least made up his mind to persuade the king to transfer the secret treasure, which is enough.

As for the change of Kafman's status in the Sith Congress in the future, it depends on his character and ability.

This is what Ye Hongai can't help.

Just as the two were about to return to their seats and celebrate with everyone, the golden building suddenly sounded a harsh alarm.

The elongated alarm sound made everyone in the restaurant nervous.

"Don't be an earthquake, we have no place to escape in such a place!"

Zhou Hao shouted palely, and then desperately stuffed two prawns into his mouth, vaguely saying: "Even if you die, you must be a full ghost!"

Everyone was not so alarmed, but was scared to death by Zhou Hao's words.

Especially the girls of Phoenix Rose were scared out of their eyes.

"You are a fat man, will you die without talking?"

Ye Zhinuo glared at Zhou Hao fiercely, but his body was honestly and closely behind Ye Hong.

"Don't be afraid, it's not an earthquake."

Ye Hong comforted himself, but frowned at the door of the restaurant.

The waiters at the restaurant there have been a mess of porridge.

And the wealthy people have also inquired about what happened in the building.

Soon, the waiter Xiaorou Zhao Yehong walked quickly.

"Guests, please don't worry too much, the cause of the matter has been clarified.

It turned out that the National Museum was stolen, and the thief sneaked into the Golden Mansion.

Now the City Guard is searching for the thief in the building. "

It turns out so.

Everyone was a little relieved.

It turned out that only a thief came in.

Only Ye Hong asked calmly: "Dare to ask what was stolen?"

He didn't believe that ordinary theft would cause such a commotion.

"I don't know too well, I heard that they are a very important treasure of the Sith Kingdom."

Xiaorouxiu frowned lightly, her face confused.

Very important treasure...

Ye Hong suddenly sighed.

Is it that thing?

Sure enough, Kafman, who didn't take long to investigate the news, also returned.

But his face was quite ugly at this time.

"The supreme treasure, stolen..."

The Kafman face twitched slightly when he said this.

At this juncture, the supreme secret was suddenly stolen, but it was a great thing.

For the King's faction, it is undoubtedly a major loss.

For the faction of Chengfu, it is impossible to explain to the temple of war.

It can be said that both defeats hurt.

But what it looks like is a catastrophe for Sith.

If the thief cannot be caught in the end and the highest treasure can be retrieved, the national power of the entire Sith nation will cause great shock!

Half an hour later, the alarm sound in the ear continued, as if the thief had not been caught.

Kafman couldn't eat any more, and he didn't stop using his mobile phone to explore the news.

At this moment, the noisy sound is getting closer and closer to the Golden Star.

In the clutter of footsteps, Xiaorou suddenly rushed over with a huge backpack.

"Dear guests, great things!

The thief is coming to our golden star.

I heard that he had heavy weapons in his hands, and he had already killed several members of the City Guard.

Hurry up and follow me first! "

There was a sudden disturbance in the restaurant.

The guests have begun to look for hiding places.

Yehong frowned slightly, letting Ye Zhinuo hide under the table next to them.

He stood silently in the corner, looking at the direction of the door.

"Let me go, I will get another crab!"

Ye Hong suddenly heard a familiar sound in his ear, turned his head to look, and suddenly looked black.

At this time, Zhou Hao didn't forget to take a stack of crabs on the table.

Xiaorou's face next to him was anxious.

Yehong had a headache for a while, and when he was about to pull back this wonderful second product, his eyes suddenly froze.

A fast running shadow suddenly rushed in from the restaurant door.

Just like a humanoid truck, it has knocked over countless tables and chairs all the way.

Only a few blinks, he came to Xiaorou Zhou Hao.


Ye Hong could not help but scolded!

"Come on--"

The crab plate was dropped to the ground and smashed into pieces.

Zhou Hao looked at the black dagger around his neck with a frightened face, trembling: "This man, we have something to say, don't use a knife to succeed?"

"Fat fat man, shut up!"

It was the figure who just rushed into the restaurant.

I saw that this man was tall, but he was covered in black fabric.

Black face mask, black tights, black boots.

There is also the black dagger that hangs around Zhou Hao's neck.

But even if the person wanted to disguise his accent, Ye Hong still heard the person's rich Yan Guo accent.

Therefore, judging from his posture, this person should be a Yan Guo man aged about 20 or 30.

As for the other bad news, the waiter Xiaorou also fell in his hand, and the man put another dagger on his throat.

This sudden scene made the restaurant scream.

Kafman hid behind a bar and made an angry sound.

"You shameless thief, quickly let go of the people and return the treasure!"

It appears that this person is the thief being pursued.

However, the thief smiled coldly, suddenly pulled a black ball out of the bag, and threw it towards the bar.

"Be careful, it's a grenade!"

The reminder sounded just now, and a huge roar came from the bar!


The debris flew over, and the fire was all over.

"Protect Mr. Kafman—"

Among the thick smoke was Labadi's anxious cry.

At the same time, intensive footsteps also heard from the restaurant door.

Then a group of members of the Chengfu Guard wearing body armor entered the restaurant neatly.

A flashing brown rifle pointed at the thief.

"[Forty Thieves] shameless thief, you have been surrounded by the City Guard.

Advise you to put down your weapons and surrender immediately! "

The cold voice came from the thick smoke.

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