Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2321: Bless the world and punish evil on behalf of the world

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Kafman, with gauze wrapped around his head, is slightly funny, but his face is quite dignified.

Labadi and bodyguards stood alertly in the windows of the suite to prevent someone from eavesdropping.

"Head Night, things are getting more complicated."

Kafman sighed irritably: "If the king gave the Highest Treasure to the Temple of War earlier, it would not have attracted [Forty Thieves] and [Association of Divinity Masters] one after another.

Now that the secret treasure is lost, it is estimated that there will also be people sent to the Temple of War to question.

The situation of the Sith nation will become very difficult.

The worst part is that we can't track the movement of the treasure at all now.

However, there is a suspicion that we are self-directed and self-directed in the Temple of War, hiding the secret treasure! "


Ye Hong's eyes flashed, and he asked, "What is the origin of [Forty Thieves]?"

Kafman's eyes narrowed slightly, slowly revealing the data of the forty thieves.

The original so-called forty thieves is a mysterious thief organization that has existed on the earth of Xizhou since ancient times.

There are no more or less in the organization, and the number of forty people is always maintained, which is also the origin of the name of the forty thieves.

According to the ancient records of the Sith Kingdom, the manifesto of the forty thieves' organization statement is [to worship the pirates and punish evil on behalf of the world].

This is indeed the case.

In the past, the forty gods robbed all of them to punish evil and promote good, and left many popular stories in the folk.

But for some reason, the forty thieves in recent years have changed their past behavior styles and began to patronize various ancient things frequently.

Such as theft of ancient tombs, theft of museums, etc.

Several countries in Xizhou have issued Wanted to Forty Thieves.

Unexpectedly, this time the forty thieves will steal the museum of the Sith Kingdom, and by coincidence, steal the most important treasure!

Regardless of how the Sith State explained it, the Temple of War never believed it, insisting that the two thieves were the Sith States themselves.

Speaking of those two people, you have to mention the membership structure of the forty thieves.

Although Forty Thieves is an organization active in Xizhou, its members are from all over the world.

Just like the black man and the hidden identity in the Golden Star tonight, the softness of the black man is all Yan Yan.

And I heard that the forty thieves possessed unique skills and were very good at concealing and hiding.

Once the clues are lost, it will be difficult to find them again.

This is what makes Kafman so headache.

Once the Supreme Treasure cannot be recovered, it is a devastating disaster for the Sith Kingdom!

"Mr. Kafman, don't worry first."

Ye Hong thought for a moment in his mind and comforted: "Forty such a hot treasure, the forty thieves left little meaning for themselves.

It is more likely to transfer hands to other people. "

Kafman's eyes instantly fixed, exclaimed: "Night leader, could you mean... someone secretly instructed the forty thieves to steal the highest secret?"

"This kind of possibility is not ruled out." Ye Hong calmly analyzed: "So it doesn't make much sense to track down the forty thieves, just wait patiently for the person who takes over to appear.

At that time, the injustices of your Sicily can also be cleaned up. "

"It seems I can only wait now..."

Kafman smiled bitterly, rubbing his brow anxiously.

Suddenly, Labadi stepped in and whispered something in Kafman's ear.

Although Ye Hong could hear his words clearly, he chose to temporarily block his hearing.

This is at least respect for the good friend Kafman.

Slightly took a sip of coffee on the table and looked at the reflection in the cup, silently.

Kafman heard the report from Rabaddi, but the whole person stood up from the chair in shock.

"Head of the night, great things are not good!"

The blood on Kafman's face faded instantly: "Information came from the border that the two thieves had left the Sith Kingdom!"

"Where did you go?"

Ye Hong frowned and asked, also a little surprised at the speed of the two men's escape.

Able to escape the heavy blockade of the Sith country and leave the Sith state in just a few hours.

No one helped in the dark, Ye Hong didn't believe it.

Is it the other forty gang associates?

Or was it intentionally done by someone in the Sith kingdom?


Kafman looked at Yehong suddenly with a pleading look.

Ye Hong silently put down the cup and sighed secretly in his heart.

The two little thieves went badly, and had to flee to Lanxi.

As it happens, Ye Hong's next stop is to go to Lanxi.

"Got it, if I find anything there, I will definitely notify you in time.

But don’t be too illusory, after all, Lanxi is so big..."

Ye Hong said a little helplessly.

If it was someone else, Ye Hong had already left, and would never take such a thankless job.

But this matter is extremely important to Kafman.

After arriving in the Sith Kingdom, Kafman's friendly attitude towards himself and the Phoenix Rose was seen by Ye Hong.

It is also time to give this friendship a proper return.

"Then thank you Night Lord!"

Kafman bowed deeply to Ye Hong.

Somehow, when Ye Hong accepted the incident, Kafman felt relieved instantly.

He rarely admire people in his life, Ye Hong is one of them.

Kafman who has been to the sea market knows the horror energy behind Yehong.

As long as Ye Hongken helped, it seemed that the burden on his shoulders had been removed most of the way.

That night, Kafman asked people to find a lot of information about the forty thieves, and gave Ye Hong a brain jam.


Early the next morning, Ye Hong went to the Eastern Airport to bid farewell to Ye Juan before returning to the castle.

After a little tidying up, Kafman asked Labadi to **** Yehong and his party to the western airport in different directions.

They will board the flight to Lanxi in this airport.

In this regard, Yizedo, Yang Jingqi and the shoe king can only express their envy.

They also experienced the chaos personally last night, and at this time they also wanted to leave Sith quickly.

But their team hasn't finished the game yet.

Yonezawa, as the division manager, has to stay with them.

But Kafman has promised to send people to protect their personal safety, but gave them some comfort.

Before noon, Ye Hong and others boarded the plane.

However, compared to the small group, there was an extra word in the team.

As soon as he was free, Zhou Hao caught the little phoenixes and asked if they would paint for them.

The girls of Phoenix Rose are very upset.

But also thanks to Zhou Hao's slaps along the way, it made the shadows of the girls' hearts dissipate a lot.

When he arrived in [Paris City], the capital of the Lanxi Kingdom, the smile on his face was restored again.

In particular, breathing the fresh air of Lanxi and Sicily, it made the group of people cheering and hoping to rush into the city immediately, wandering in the afternoon sunlight of this romantic capital.

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