Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2335: Quarterfinals

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"Yeah, because the magic show is over."

Ye Hong rubbed the girl's head with a smile.

He found himself seemingly addicted, and had the illusion of rubbing a kitten.

The girl didn't seem to object to Ye Hong's movements. She looked up at Ye Hong with watery eyes and asked curiously, "Mr. Magician, can I have the honor to know your name?"

Ye Hong was about to speak, but his ears moved slightly.

Turning his head and glancing away, there was already a Taoist figure in the direction of the gate in the distance.

It seemed that the movement of Fang Cai finally caught the attention of the royal guard at the door.

"I'm gone, goodbye."

Yehong put his hand in the trench coat pocket and turned to leave.

"Mr. Magician, haven't you said your name yet?"

The girl shouted anxiously.

"night God."

Ye Hong waved his hand, but the two words left at random came into the girl's ear.

Then a breeze blew through, and the girl lost Ye Hong's figure in her sight.

"night God......"

The girl read the name several times, as if to imprint it in her mind.

The red guards in the distance came near and lined up in front of the girl.

"Have seen Her Royal Highness!"

In front of the quiet girl, there were royal guards who bowed and bowed with respectful expressions.

"His Royal Highness, why did you put on your maid's clothes again and ran out of the palace secretly.

If Her Majesty knows this, she will scold you! "

A captain-like red guard smiled bitterly.

The girl's eyes flickered and suddenly beckoned to the captain: "Go, help me immediately to find out if there is a man named Ye Shen in the city before sunset."

The captain froze for a moment, but nodded helplessly: "Follow the order!"


After the West Coast Beach War, Ye Hong never felt the inexplicable sense of being peeped.

Presumably, the Association of Divinity Masters finally withdrew the manpower to monitor Ye Hong. I wonder if Axiu and Camille played a role in it.

But this is undoubtedly good news for Ye Hong.

The next task is to find out who instructed the forty thieves to splash dirty water on him.

In this case, the Orphan League S10 Finals, eight of the four major competitions, also slowly opened in the e-sports venue in the never-ending city.

At this stage, it is not as simple as a set game.

The format of the game will be changed from BO1 to BO3.

This three-game two-win game format further tests a team's tactical reserves and members' physical strength.

Ruan Biying also began to get nervous.

After all, she has been coaching for many years and is the first time to bring the team to such a front stage.

On the contrary, the girls of Phoenix Rose are much more relaxed than the coach. While eating snacks, they silently observe the video of other teams' games.

The draw for this contest has ended.

Because of the length of the game, there are only two BO3 contests a day.

Eight teams, four games, finished in two days.

This time, Phoenix Rose finally no longer bears the brunt, but got the next day's schedule.

Like Phoenix Rose on the second day, there were passing teams.

Instead, the Extreme King team was drawn to the first day of the game.

In order to get familiar with the atmosphere of the scene in advance during the game of the Jihuang team, Ye Hong also brought the people of Phoenix Rose to the venue to watch the game together.

This time, the opponents of the Jihuang team are from the QCK team in the Qianzhou YCK division, also located in the Dongzhou Grand Division.

Counting the history of the development of the Orphan League, you will find that the team holding the Canyon God Cup the most times is from the YCK region.

This year-long **** tournament has a large number of star players and star coaches.

And their tacit understanding of the tactical operation style is even more competing learners from the major regions.

In the eight teams that entered the quarterfinals this time, YCK and YPL, all three teams advanced, enough to prove their terror.

The seven-star team faced by the Jihuang team today once held the Canyon Gods Cup.

The worst news is that the Jihuang team has never won the Seven Stars team in the historical matchup.

Through the stands, Ye Hong also saw that the members of the extreme emperor team before the game were all nervous except for the experienced shoe king.

On the other hand, the seven-star team on the other side is chatting with each other leisurely, without any tension.

Once compared, the status was judged high.

Ye Hong frowned slightly.

Sure enough, the very best team played very badly in the first game.

Perhaps it was because the pressure on the body was so great that the members made mistakes one after another. .

Even the highly skilled shoe king is still alive.

The first game ended with the defeat of the Extreme King team.

In the second game, it may be because the mentality of the members has been adjusted to play better than the previous game.

And because the shoe king got his signature hero, he helped the Jihuang team win this game.

In the final game of the third game, the atmosphere of the audience on the court was also soaring.

On Yan's domestic network, there are countless fans of the Extreme Kings team holding their breaths, waiting for the start of the game.

However, in the view of Ye Hong, the members of the Seven Star team changed their playful mentality in the first two games, and their expressions became serious.

Upon seeing this, he shook his head, and the girls with the Phoenix Rose left the venue early.

"Brother, why don't you keep watching?"

Ye Zhinuo asked curiously.

"Don't watch it, the Jihuang team has lost."

Ye Hong replied lightly.

Sure enough, before they left the venue, it was reported that the Jihuang team lost to the Qixing team.

For these people participating in the contest, this ending seems to be no surprise.

Even the district director Yonezawa did not have much emotion, and comforted the Jihuang team with a few words.

However, this news spread on the Yan Guo network, but it triggered a huge wave.

You know, the Jihuang team has been cultivating in Yan Guo for many years and has the largest number of fans.

This time the Extreme King team reached the quarterfinals, fans of course hope that the team can break through the historical results and break the magic of the quarterfinals.

Do not seek the final to win the cup, at least have to enter the semi-finals.

As the first team to be eliminated by YPL this time, the news of the defeat of the Extreme King team is undoubtedly a great blow to these fans who have supported them all the year round.

Numerous abuses rolled up on the Internet.

[Eight quarter-finals, it is better to disband on the spot! 】

[Ten years old fan announced his deportation, changed to Phoenix Rose and passed the team! 】


Under this atmosphere, the Phoenix Rose, who will be the first to play the next day, has undoubtedly received great attention.

Even those e-sports enthusiasts who did not pay attention to this team before, are all standing in front of computer TV, waiting for the start of the game!

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