Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2338: Arrogant defeat

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On the Internet, the cheering for the Phoenix Rose suddenly increased.

These people were not optimistic about Phoenix Rose, and they really felt that there was no chance of winning against the Jing En Jing Zhan team.

But in the case of the Phoenix Rose first going to the city, countless people suddenly ignited a flame called hope.

As long as Phoenix Rose wins another game, they will defeat the defending champion!

This picture, which I never thought about, was only a step away.

This caused countless Yan people to squeeze their fists and start praying for the Phoenix Rose.


The five girls were obviously very excited, even during the break, still chattering, discussing the details of the match just now.

Ruan Biying also began to explain the tactics of the second game.

Only Ye Hong was silent.

Apparently this game was won by Phoenix Rose, but Ye Hong noticed two hidden dangers.

One is that the game has been going on for too long.

The Enjing team even dragged the game to forty minutes even when the mid-term approached a crash.

This undoubtedly proves its terrifying endurance and tenacious spirit.

The second is that at the end of the game, several people in the En Jing team did not show any negative emotions such as depression.

In other words, they are confident that they will win the next game.

But looking at the gleeful girls, Ye Hong did not tell them these two points.

After the break time, the second game of both sides also began.

During the selection phase, Phoenix Rose suddenly discovered that Li Xianghe chose a hero named "Baldheaded God".

In the previous intelligence library, Li Xianghe has never played this hero!

In other words, the opposite is that the card killer that has hidden for a long time is coming!

as predicted.

After the game started, I saw the bald prince in the hands of Li Xianghe, like a god!

Not only did they exert a strong repressive force online in the early to mid-term, but also began to roam in multiple lines in the middle and late stages to help their teammates build an advantage.

The girls also wanted to copy the fierce play of the previous game, but because of the haunting of various bald gods, they were successively resolved.

The bald prince in one hand beat the five girls out of breath.

Then they recalled in horror, but Li Xianghe, the **** of the canyon, who controlled the bald prince!

The opposite Li Xianghe, the corner of his mouth also began to overflow with a confident and calm smile.

When the pace of the Enjing team approached the Phoenix Rose Base, the commentators of the Yanguo District kept sighing.

"The chances of the little phoenixes turning over, probably less than 20%..."

"Two percent? I think only ten percent."

It didn't take long for the bald-headed prince to get five kills after a thrilling team battle, and the Phoenix Rose was destroyed.

The main fortress base unblocked was broken by the Enjing team.

At the end of the game, the e-sports hall has become a sea of ​​excitement!

"God of the Canyon!"

"God of the Canyon!"

"God of the Canyon!"

Almost all of the venues are calling this name.

Countless eyes focused on the young man.

Li Xianghe walked to the stage, smiled and bowed to all the audience, which caused another burst of cheers.

On Yan Guo.com, the atmosphere suddenly fell into reverse.

[What about my quick-acting Jiuxin pills? ! 】

【whispering sound! I said earlier that Phoenix Rose does not work, and it is impossible to be the opponent of the God of the Canyon. 】

[Forget it, forget it, it is estimated to be another quarter-finals. 】

The cruelest thing in the world is to give hope first, then destroy this hope to you in person.

Everyone's original expectations were also ruined because of the situation in this round.

In their view, the En Jing team will soon win the next victory in the same way, eliminating Phoenix Rose.

Facts have proved that the Orphan Alliance is still the stage of the people of Guizhou!

Yan people, in front of Qian people, can't stand up for another year!

Backstage, the little phoenixes changed their excitement before the game and all dragged their heads.

Ruan Biying looked at them anxiously.

This bad state made her worry that the five girls would lose even more miserably in the next game.

Can not help but look at Yehong for help.

Ye Hong was not surprised.

The reason why he didn't remind the girls before the game was that he was aware of one thing.

That is, as the Phoenix Rose is getting closer, Ye Hong found that some girls started to float more or less.

The so-called arrogance will be defeated, Ye Hong wants the girls to taste this feeling.

Only by drawing lessons can they go further.

"Okay, don't be discouraged, just win back in the next game."

Ye Hong finally smiled.

But the five girls were still listless.

"We can't do that, Li Xianghe is too strong!"

Hearing the frustration of the girls, Ye Hong raised his mouth slightly: "Do you want to try the feeling of God Tu?"

The five pairs of eyes suddenly looked at Yehong in surprise.

"Coach Ruan, I will arrange the tactics for this game, is it okay?"

Ye Hong solicited Ruan Biying's wishes.

Of course, Ruan Biying had no opinion on this, and smiled likewise: "I am also very curious about Mr. Ye, what good way do you have to deal with the **** of the canyon."

Some words in the lounge were accompanied by the exclamation and exclamation of girls from time to time.

At this time, Leilani was frowning her eyebrows unpleasantly.

She suddenly beckoned to the captain of the guard next to her, and asked faintly: "Captain, how much does it cost to buy an e-sports team?"

"This... estimated to be a small amount, but for the royal family it must be nine cents."

The captain asked in confusion: "Your Highness, what are you doing?"

Leilani sighed quietly, "I want to buy the En Jing Squad directly and let them admit defeat.

This will help Phoenix Rose win, and Mr. Ye Yun will certainly praise me. "

The captain of the guard twitched his mouth, rolled his eyes, and almost fell over.

When the third game started, the crowd discovered that the faces of the five girls in Phoenix Rose were no longer so decadent.

When Li Xianghe once again chose the bald prince, the girls looked at each other and saw the admiration in the other person's eyes.

Because they remembered what Yehong said in the lounge.

Ye Hong looked at Ye Zhinuo at the time and said lightly: "Zuo Nuo, it is estimated that after Li Xianghe tastes the sweetness, he will also choose the bald prince.

You choose [Wandering Demon Ji] to contain him! "

Back in time, Ye Zhinuo complexly selected the missing demon Ji, and also recalled her response to Ye Hong at the time.

"Brother, but I'm not good at missing the hero of the demon Ji."

"Trust your teammates!"

At that time, Ye Hong returned only her six words.

"Trust teammates!"

The memory ended, Ye Zhinuo's expression gradually became firm.

After the selection phase ended, Ye Hong also returned to the background.

The race is about to start.

All eyes are focused on the big screen.

Not only that, among the major media platforms, this game has become the game with the highest ratings and the most online viewers in the entire S10 to now!

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