Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2345: I just remembered something funny

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The invitation letter came from the nobleman of the East Banya, Duke Camuel Silva.

When the invitation letter appeared, all the team members were blank.

Instead, the people in the hotel, as well as the staff of the tournament side, all congratulated the team members for a while.

After their introduction, the people knew exactly who this Duke Camus was.

Like most other countries in Xizhou, East Banya also has its own king, as well as major noble classes.

Of all the nobility, Duke Camus was the richest.

This duke has an overview of most of the gemstone business in the country, and has made the business worldwide.

In simpler terms, that is the status of Kamuel in East Spain, similar to that of Kafman in Sith.

However, compared with the young Kafman, Camuer has one more duke title than him.

Invited by such a big man, how can we not let those locals congratulate?

"You guys, this is a good time to promote our orphan league competition!"

"Yeah, yeah, if the dinner could make Duke Camuer happy, I might invest in our Orphan League event!"

Even the directors of the division began to imagine, and wished to go to the Duke's Manor immediately.

Only Yehong stood silently, with a mysterious smile in his mouth.

"Mr. Ye, what are you laughing at?"

Ruan Biying asked in doubt.

"I just... remembered something funny."

Ye Hong's mouth smiled more, but Ruan Biying's face was more puzzled.

That night, three directors of the Yan Guo Division, Qian Guo Division, and Xi Dian Guo Division took the members of the four teams to the Duke Manor in the eastern suburbs for a dinner.

There was also an accompanying interpreter who went to the banquet together.

And... Zhou Hao who forcibly followed with a cheeky face.

Hearing that Ye Hong was invited to the banquet, Zhou Hao immediately arranged himself an identity-Phoenix Rose Logistics Painter.

Then he forced himself into the entourage and came to the manor together.

The maid of the manor warmly welcomed everyone and brought them all the way to the hall.

As they had known before, this Duke Camuer was indeed rich in the enemy.

Not only is it a luxury manor with a large footprint, but also a burst of pearly light inside.

The most outrageous thing is that even the maid carries gorgeous gemstone jewelry.

This way of showing off wealth, presumably only the duke can do it.

"Gentlemen, the Duke will be here soon, please wait."

After the maid had prepared coffee and desserts for everyone, she stood by.

There was an accompanying interpreter, and everyone understood her, and sat silently on the sofa.

The expression is restrained and the eyes are fixed.

Only Zhou Hao can't wait to stretch the devil's claws to the dessert on the table, and gobble alone.

Although the maid didn't say anything, a look of contempt flashed in Zhou Hao's eyes.

After a while, footsteps came from the stairs upstairs.

All the people waited and stood up uncomfortably.

Only Yehong still leaned on Erlang's legs, leaning on the sofa, drinking coffee leisurely.

"Where is this rude man?"

A yin and yang strange sound rang from the stairs.

What followed was a middle-aged man with short red hair and brown hair.

He was luxuriously dressed, and his finger was a jeweled ring with pearl jewels.

"This is our master Anderson."

The maid introduced.

Everyone greeted Anderson one after another.

But in Anderson's eyes, there seemed to be no one else, a pair of eyes staring at Ye Hong in the sofa.

Clouds in his eyes seemed to hide a lot of hatred.

Everyone was shocked and looked at Yehong.

Yonezawa asked curiously, "Mr. Ye, won't you even know Master Anderson?"

Knowing the relationship between Ye Hong and Kafman, Yonezawa did not act too surprised.

Yehong tasted a cup of coffee and frowned, "It's too bitter, not as good as tea."

Put down the teacup, slightly raise his eyes, and look at the cold Anderson next to him, with a slight corner of his mouth: "Know, of course."

The Anderson in front of him, full name Anderson Silva.

Another of his identities is Yue Qingsen's former partner in East Banya.

In the New Year last year, Yue Qingsen and Ye Hong set off their anger and invited this person to Longchi Village to prepare to use Anderson's might to extinguish Ye Hong's prestige.

Anderson is also in love with Yehong's Yejue sports car, and intends to force buy and sell.

After being rejected by Ye Hong, Anderson called someone to steal Ye Jue and was found by Ye Hong in time.

After tearing his face, Anderson intends to use the power of his father, Camille Silva, Duke of East Banya, to force pressure on the temple and force Yehong to hand over Yejue.

But his behavior annoyed Wei Qianling, Fu Huaiyong and Qin Zhengyan, the friends of Yehong who were in Longchi Village at the time.

The result is naturally imaginable.

With these three energies, Anderson was sent to the temple and shut.

Finally, his father, Camille, traveled thousands of miles to the Yan Kingdom of Kyoto. After making a series of unequal promises in the temple, this allowed the temple to release Anderson.

So when I saw this invitation letter before, Ye Hong knew that there was no good feast.

This is probably a Hongmen banquet for Yehong!

However, Yehong now is very different from what he used to be in Longchi Village.

At that time, he was not guilty of Anderson, and now he is more fearless, so he will go to the banquet leisurely, ready to see for himself what this guy is going to do.

And while everyone speculated about the relationship between Ye Hong and Anderson, Anderson was sneering with disdain: "Just kidding, how can I know such a crude villager as a son of a great duke?"

The translator was stiff, and I wondered if I should translate this sentence.

Anderson just shook his hand and said coldly: "No translator, I can speak Yan Guo dialect."

He came to Yehong and looked down at Yehong sitting on the sofa. He said coldly: "You are not worthy of staying here, get out of the Duke's Palace!"

Seeing this scene, everyone looked different.

The people of Phoenix Rose, Yonezido, Yang Jingqi and others are naturally worried.

On the other hand, several other teams stood silently, with a faint taste of gloating.

Ye Hong crossed his hands on his chest, raised his eyebrows slightly, and Yun Qingfeng lightly pointed at Anderson in front of him: "I don't know how to roll, why would you ask our Master Anderson to demonstrate it again?"


Anderson pointed to Yehong in exasperation, and he was about to jump.

But at this moment, there was a heavy cough in the direction of the stairs.

At the same time, a majestic white-haired old man walked slowly down the stairs.

Looking at his face, there is some similarity with Anderson.

If there is no accident, this person is the owner of this duke's palace, the famous Duke of Camuel in the whole east.

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