Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2348: My head is so funny

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When Ye Hong showed a completely different smile from Sen Han, Camuel's expression changed for the first time and shouted anxiously:

"Guard, take him!"

The guards behind Ye Hong immediately stretched out their spears towards Ye Hong.

"Strike the stone with an egg."

Ye Hong's eyes were light, and his fingers lightly counted around his body.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Those spears that were spotted were actually broken.

The guards stared dumbly at the remaining spear body, a chill rose sharply from their backs, and they stepped back a few steps, watching Yehong like a monster.

This is an iron spear!

The blood on the faces of Kamuel and Anderson faded away in an instant, and he stared at Yehong in horror.

Ye Hong was expressionless and walked towards the two step by step.

The two also shrunk and kept hiding.

"Wait, wait a minute, Mr. Ye Hong, we can have a good discussion!"

Kamuel turned blue, begging to Ye Hong.

Anderson was even more embarrassed. When he saw no way to escape, he knelt down directly in front of Yehong and shivered, "Mr. Yehong, I, I know I was wrong!

Please, a lot of adults, bypass us..."

In the eyes of Ye Hong, Han Mang flickered and stepped on Anderson's head with impunity.

The enormous force forced Anderson's head to be stepped on the ground little by little.

The whole face was squeezed on the floor, and there was hidden bleeding.

Limbs twitched constantly, but there was no sound in his mouth.

The guards looked at this scene horrificly, but no one dared to step forward to save Anderson.

Looking at Anderson at the foot, Ye Hong slowly said indifferently: "In the future... don't just let anyone kowtow you, remember?"

A vague voice came from Anderson's deformed face.

Camus, who was already on the side, was already trembling with fear, and begged Ye Ye repeatedly: "He remembered, he really remembered!

Mr. Ye Hong...No...Master Ye Hong, please raise your hand and spare him! "


Ye Hong raised his eyes to Kamuel and said lightly: "I haven't settled the bill with your old dog yet."

Camel was stared by Ye Hong's cold eyes, only to feel cold all over his body, his feet were soft, and he fell to his knees directly in front of Ye Hong.

Slapped his hands with his hands and said: "Master Yehong is right, I am an old dog!

Master Yehong, I am willing to compensate you in any way.

Just beg you to let us go! "

A bit of disgust rose in Ye Hong's heart, and suddenly he didn't want to talk to the father and son again.

He was still stepping on Anderson, but he was facing a table next to him.

A gust of wind blew through, blowing a piece of paper and a pen into Yehong's hands.

This miraculous method scared the people around him.

Ye Hong wrote, using standard East Asian script, and soon wrote a dense agreement.

Throwing the paper in front of Kamuel, he said lightly: "Sign and draw."

Camel was so scared that he didn't dare to read anything on the paper, and pressed the fingerprint directly on it.

"Master Yehong, is it okay?"

He looked up and stared at Yehong.

"There is also the Duke's seal."

When Ye Hong said this coldly, Camilleton was ashamed.

If it was only his personal painting, it didn’t matter, but once it was stamped with the Duke’s seal passed down from generation to generation by the Silva family, there was no room for loopback.

But now he had no other choice but to follow the request of Ye Hong, Wei Weiwei took the Duke seal from the safe and covered it with a painful expression on his face.

Yehong took the agreement back, and then loosened his feet.

Although Anderson felt that the feet above his head were not there, he was afraid to raise his head because of the fear in his heart, and still stuck his face on the floor by himself.

Ye Hong closed his body a little, smiled again, and stretched out his hand to Camille: "Come on, shake hands, and cooperate happily."

Unexpectedly, this stretch of hand was mistaken by Camuer to think of him, and he was so scared that he sat back on the ground.


Those who were being imprisoned in the restaurant suddenly heard something coming from the door of the restaurant.

Whispered again for a while.

"It must have been Ye Yun's head."

"Great, we can leave!"

It's just that the scene that appears next is not quite the same as they expected.

I saw that Ye Hong was the first to walk into the restaurant as if he were the master here.

Behind Yehong, Kamuel and Anderson bowed their heads and flattered, like two servants behind Yehong.

Anderson's face is even more swollen.

As for the guards, they looked at Ye Hong's back in horror, but they dared to follow in the distance, not at all.

This weird scene made everyone sitting in a mess.

They were even more shocked, but still behind.

I saw Ye Hong handing the paper in front of him to Kamuel, and said lightly: "Read it to them."

Camille shuddered, took the paper in Ye Hong's hands, and complexly read the content above.

"I, Duke Kamuel Silva, have a funny head, a super old confused..."

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

The guards who were originally in the restaurant seemed to be petrified, and they didn't even know that the spear in their hands fell to the ground.

The people of the major teams looked at each other, and their faces were all replaced by a look of consternation.

Instead, the girls of Phoenix Rose laughed out of no doubt.

The maid, who was originally caught, was also stunned, and then focused her eyes tightly on Ye Hong, who was thoughtful.

In a weird atmosphere, Kamuel's face was gloomy, and he continued to grind his teeth to read the rest.

"I hereby make apologies to you and vow that I will never pursue what happened today."

"I will donate the East Asian currency of the Orphan League game for free..."

Camel clutching his heart, said with a painful expression: "...Eastern coins, 100 million..."

Afterwards, what Camuil read was not paid much attention by everyone present.

Their heads are now flooded with question marks.

Is this still the strong Grand Duke just now? !

What happened during the time they left? !

After finishing his studies, Camuel was so weak that he slumped in a chair with a look of irresistibility.

"Send, send guests away..."

The incomparably weak voice seemed to grow old for decades.

In a mist of water, the crowd was sent out of the Duke's Manor.

They can never forget the flattering smiles that Camille and Anderson gave to Yehong before they left.

Recalling the previous aim at Ye Hong in the restaurant, many people were sweating from the back.

"Hey! What did you do to them?"

After leaving the manor, Yonezawa approached Ye Hong and asked curiously.

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