Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2351: Listen to

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Under the treatment insisted by Ye Hong, Ruan Biying's leg injury has almost recovered.

At least the wheelchair can no longer rely on it.

The reason why Ye Hong let Ruan Biying play this time is that he has absolute confidence in this game.

He carefully studied the Seven Star team and found that its strength and En Jing team are a whole grade apart.

The Phoenix Rose Lian En static team can beat, and it should not be difficult to win the Seven Star team.

As for another reason, Ye Hong has other things to do.

While most of her eyes were attracted to the stadium, Ye Hong quietly returned to the hotel.

Yesterday, the abnormal display of the glory of God of War made him unable to rest.

So I wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to secretly investigate.

Most of the people in the hotel have already started the game, leaving only a few employees.

Of course, yesterday's winners, the members of the Glory of God of War team, also rested in the hotel today.

Ye Hong did not disturb anyone, and went behind the hotel building, standing quietly under the building.

The room on the fifth floor above the head is where the members of the God of War glory live.

Because it is an e-sports hotel, the members lived in a collective room similar to a dormitory, but they saved Yehong one by one.

His ears moved slightly, distributing the breath around his ears, and the sound of a hundred meters square became instantly clear.

What followed was the innumerable sounds drilling into his ears, and Ye Hong's head buzzed.

"Ding! Listen carefully to the Quartet, listening +1, current progress 100100."

"Ding! Hearing upgrade, current level: Grandmaster level.

Obtain master-level effects [Listening to Sight]: You can randomly select sounds within a certain range for enhanced listening.

Current range: 100 meters. "

Ye Hong's eyes lit up, and he immediately screened the sound of the room on the fifth floor.

As expected, the other noises disappeared in an instant, making Ye Hong's ears much better.

The voice from that room on the fifth floor gradually became clearer.

"Hey, you said how pitiful are those teams we have eliminated, I don't think you can understand why now?"

"I want to say that the passing team is the most pitiful, I heard that the managers are all alive and dead."

"Huh! That's because he deserved it. Who told them to pass by the team unfortunately got the glory of our God of War."

Hearing this, Ye Hong's eyes were already cold.

And the next conversation made him raise his eyebrows suddenly.

"Unfortunately, Phoenix Rose was not drawn, otherwise..."

"It's okay. Wouldn't it be better to eliminate them at our home country Xidian?"

"Hey, after all..."

The sound came to an abrupt end here!

At the same time, that uncomfortable feeling appeared again in Ye Hong's body.

As if there were a pair of eyes hidden in the dark, he was watching him silently.

At the same time, there was an angry voice above his head.

"who is it?!"

Oops, it seems to have been found.

Ye Hong frowned slightly, and the figure quickly left the building downstairs.

Almost at the moment he left, the heads of the members of the glory of God of War were found in the window on the fifth floor.

The cold eyes glanced around the building, but nothing was found.

After Ye Hong left the hotel, the nausea dissipated.

But at this time, Ye Hong felt a little heavy.

What is certain is that the glory of the God of War must have used some shameless means, which made them go all the way and came to their present position.

This is still more skinny than plug-in.

It can only be said that it is a pity that those teams were defeated by the glory of the God of War.

What makes Ye Hong uneasy is that, with his current strength, he has not been able to find out what kind of power this is.

Instead, he was almost caught by the other party.

There seems to be an atmosphere beyond Ye Hong's understanding, surrounding the glory of the God of War.

Greek country!

Yehong had a feeling that after arriving there, all mysteries would be solved.

The supreme secret treasure, the forty thieves, the glory of the **** of war... All questions that arise after embarking on the land of Xizhou will be answered there!

When Ye Hong returned to the field, the first game was over.

As he expected, Phoenix Rose easily won the first game.

It can be seen that the five little phoenixes have now practiced and finally absorbed the things that Ye Hong taught them.

Today's Phoenix Rose is a top team in the world even if Ye Hong is not present!

The atmosphere at the scene was as warm as yesterday.

In particular, many Yan Guo viewers who came to hear the news, spared no effort to cheer for the Phoenix Rose.

I don't know if it was because the first game ended too fast, and the seven-star team in the second game seemed to have less morale, and was quickly won by Phoenix Rose.

2: 0, today's victory and defeat also decided.

Phoenix Rose finally got the ticket to the final.

The cruel words that the seven-star team put down before the game became a joke.

They did not avenge the Enjing team, but the Phoenix Rose avenged the Jihuang team.

The news came back to the country, and the fans of the Jihuang team were greatly relieved. At the same time, their love for Phoenix Rose also increased linearly.

At the same time, the whole competition area is also full of joy.

With the achievements of Phoenix Rose today, even if it is finally lost to the glory of the God of War, it is at least a runner-up position.

But to this day, YPL fans are no longer as confident as they were before.

They are silently waiting for the day when the Phoenix Rose swells the Canyon God Cup back into the Yan Kingdom!

In this case, the last two remaining teams also left Madry City and embarked on a journey to the country of Greece.

The Greek State is located in the extreme west of Xizhou, and is separated from the east Panya by a whole sea.

According to the historical records of Xizhou, Xidian Kingdom is the initial cradle of the entire Xizhou myth civilization.

The ancient Greek state established a splendid civilization on this barren land, spreading the seeds of culture and war to the whole land of Xizhou.

At its most glorious time, the territory of the ancient Greek state even spanned the three continents of east, west and south, and was the undisputed world hegemon at that time.

Although with the change of time, only one peninsula remains in the territory of the Greek State.

But no other country in Xizhou dares to look down on this soil at all.

The venue of the finals is located in the capital city of the Greek State-[Shenchi City].

The God Pond is the God Pond.

In the whole city of Shenchi, countless gods are enshrined.

Basically, Xizhou said that the name is big and small, and they all have gods in this city.

The whole Shenchi City is surrounded by the sea on three sides and is an area at the corner of the peninsula.

Shenchi City is very unique, the whole city is built around the mountains.

Like a giant dragon, it stretches out from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain are commercial and industrial areas.

The mountainside location is the residential area and the education area.

As for the mountainside, it is the real core of the Shenchi City-the temple area!

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