Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2354: God Mountain God Sea Painting Temple

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If in accordance with the original rules, the final form of S10 is naturally based on BO5, which is a three-win system in five games.

But this time the temple decided to adopt the form of a game.

The event side also sent people to protest, but even the gate of the temple could not enter, they were stopped by countless gods.

In the Greek State, the temple is above everything!

In desperation, the event side can only compromise and announce this form of competition.

There were uproars all over the world.

Ruan Biying was still instructed today.

This coach who grew up with Phoenix Rose has a steady face and a handsome style.

After arranging the tactics, she left the stage and stood beside Ye Hong to watch the game together.

"Mr. Ye, did you see the lineup selected?"

Ruan Biying asked with some uneasiness.

Ye Hong nodded silently.

He knew the source of Ruan Biying's uneasy emotions.

The lineup chosen by the glory of the God of War can no longer be described with a wonderful flower.

Straightforward, as bad as shit.

It is simply the selection of the five most popular hero characters.

However, this is a big stage for the finals. Why do they do such things that they don't want to win at first glance?

There must be a demon if something goes wrong.

Ruan Biying is naturally worried about fraud.

Ye Hong knew in his heart that the strange power would appear again later.

But he did not tell Ruan Biying, but waited silently.

At the same time, the audience who saw the broadcast picture also looked puzzled.

If it weren't because the venue was a temple of war, they even suspected that the glory of the **** of war was a counterfeit match.

At this time in Shenchi City, many people were watching the broadcast.

However, a fat figure like a ball, but a person silently rented a boat, sailed out of the Shenchi City.

The ship took him to the sea behind the temple.

As soon as he looked up, he could see the back of the giant **** at the top of the cliff.

He sat on the boat, took out the drawing board, and while nibbling the snacks in his hand, he drew the scenery in front of him.

"Oh! What's so good about the game, painting is the ultimate pleasure in life."


The screen comes to the game interface.

As everyone thinks, the five characters chosen by the glory of God of War are too weak.

Soon after the game started, the five characters of Phoenix Rose gained advantages one after another.

It can be described as a three-way blossom, full of dominance.

However, the audience who are familiar with the glory of the God of War also knows that the glory of the God of War is a strange team that started to turn over in the middle period, so it is not too anxious.

Sure enough, when the game came to the mid-term, the God of War glorious people played like chicken blood, blowing the horn of counterattack.

The people of Phoenix Rose do not know why, one after another.

The advantages accumulated in the early stage of the game are being taken back one by one by the glory of God of War.

The game suddenly became exciting.

However, for those who support Phoenix Rose, it is full of depression.

In particular, the internet barrage in Yan'an was brushed up unkindly.

[Bloated? 】

[After all, it’s a girl, it’s a matter of critical attitude! 】

"Mr. Ye, what happened to them?

How could there be so many mistakes? ! "

Ruan Biying was anxious.

Ye Hong didn't speak, but his eyes flashed coldly.

As Ruan Biying said, the mistakes of Caicai could not have appeared from the Phoenix Rose.

And even if one person makes a mistake, how can five people appear together?

There is only one answer.

That strange power appeared again.

And this force not only acts on the glory of God of War, but also quietly envelopes the members of Phoenix Rose!

This power makes the people who are glorified by the God of War become extremely excited, and the operation seems to be a personal change.

On the contrary, the people of Phoenix Rose seemed to be cursed, and their mental states fell one after another.

There is no such thing as a mistake!

Ye Hong closed his eyes, concentrated his energy, and carefully understood the source of this power.

Close your eyes, as if immersed in the world of light.

There seems to be a strange position that hangs over the entire temple of war.

From this standpoint, two breaths are quietly separated, acting on the glory of God of War and the rose of Phoenix, respectively!

found it!

Yehong opened his eyes together, staring northward.

There, the statue of God of War stands tall.

"You are waiting here."

After leaving a word to Ruan Biying, Ye Hong left the square and went north.

After he left, there was a priest who was wearing a golden robe and followed.

Ye Hong naturally knew that he was being followed, but he didn't care.

He kept walking north and raised his foot to the place where he met the war ambassador yesterday.

The hall at this time was already filled with a group of priests wearing gold robes.

They all faced Yehong with no expression, as if they knew he would come.

Ye Hong stopped at the same place and stood in front of the hall.

His eyes crossed these gods, looked at the figure shrouded in dazzling light, and said slightly: "Unexpectedly, the temple of war would actually use the following methods to help the famous team cheat.

Did the glory of God of War lose you embarrassing? "

There was no response from the war angel.

Instead, it was a familiar voice, which came out from the crowd.

"Yehong! It's impolite to rest!"

Yehong looked sideways and saw a familiar face in the crowd.

The forty thieves who have just met in Madry City not long ago, [King of Bullfighting]!

However, at this time, he was wearing the golden robes of the temple attendants!

In a flash, Ye Hong's head crossed like a meteor.

Many things that I don’t understand are instantly clear!

"The original so-called forty thieves is basically an organization under the Temple of War?!"

Ye Hong's eyes grew colder.

"Hahaha, you just want to understand now, it's too late!"

Another familiar voice.

This time it was revealed from the crowd that it was another member of Forty Thieves [Ghost Knife]!

He looked at Ye Hong with a mockery: "Since ancient times, our forty thieves have served the temple of war."

Ye Hong glanced at him, and found that there were exactly forty Taoist figures in the hall.

If there is no wrong guess, this is all members of Forty Thieves.

Ye Hong finally wanted to understand why the forty thieves had to steal the highest secret treasure.

Because the Temple of War saw that the Sith Kingdom did not intend to hand over the secret treasure, and it was not easy to steal it, it simply sent forty thieves to steal it.

And just because the forty thieves is behind the temple of war, it was possible to escape from the Sith Kingdom that smoothly.

However, Ye Hong still had a doubt.

"Why are you targeting me?"

He asked this sentence with cold eyes.

He and the temple of war have no injustice and hatred. Why did the other party do everything possible to splash dirty water on himself, and also provoked the Shennian Association to come to trouble him!

"Good question!"

The ghost shadow knife evil said with a smile: "Because we want to bring you here!"

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