Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2368: good night

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Perhaps it was the first time in life to drink so much wine. When the girls returned to their rooms, their faces were all red.

I walked back and forth in the room with an unknown destination, and also talked nonsense that I couldn't understand.

Ruan Biying didn't drink much, at this time he was busy preparing hot water for the girls.

Ye Hong had already been so disturbed by these movements that he could not practice at ease, and he helped Ruan Biying helplessly.


Ye Zhinuo grabbed Ye Hong's sleeve and drunkenly said: "I, I can drink!

I'm the captain, no, they can't be underestimated by them...hiccup! "

Several other girls around were also laughing and making fun of each other.

The fear of Yehong on weekdays also disappeared.

With Ye Zhinuo, he ran to Ye Hong and held him drunk.

Ye Hong looked at the girls who had covered her body with tears, and there was an urge to record the scene in front of her.

I don’t know if the little phoenixes will wake up tomorrow to know if they are so presumptuous in front of Yehong, will they be too scared to see him?

But he finally endured the bad taste and called Ruan Biying to send them to their rooms one by one.

As soon as several people lay down, they fell asleep in a few seconds.

Ye Hong and Ruan Biying shook their heads and smiled, turned off the lights for them, and silently returned to the suite hall.

"You go to rest early."

Ye Hong explained with a smile.

With Ye Hong's non-stop treatment these days, Ruan Biying's injury has been fully recovered.

However, it is estimated that Ruan Biying has not had a good night's sleep in these days, so Ye Hong also asked her to take a rest quickly.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Ye."

I don't know if it was because of drinking some wine, Ruan Biying's fair face rose two flushes.

The pair of cold and ice-like phoenix eyes on the weekdays are tangled.

"what happened?"

Ye Hong saw that Ruan Biying had something to say to herself, and the body that had just stood up sat back on the sofa.

Ruan Biying sighed silently, and looked up at Ye Hong said: "Just now, several division supervisors came to me and wanted to pay me a high salary to hire them to teach in their division."

Ye Hong was stunned and smiled: "In fact, you don't need to tell me this kind of thing."

Ye Hong knew in his heart that not only is the e-sports industry, but there is a phenomenon of job-hopping and digging people in any industry, which is not unusual.

In particular, Ruan Biying now has the title of champion coach, which is even hotter.

She would be dug into the corner secretly, and Ye Hong was not surprised at all.

But this kind of thing, Ruan Biying can not tell him.


Ruan Biying lowered her head and sighed quietly: "Everyone thinks that the Phoenix Rose wins the championship, which is inseparable from me.

Only by myself, Mr. Ye, you are the key person.

and so......"

She looked up sharply and looked at Ye Hong with pleading eyes: "Mr. Ye, I want to stay in Phoenix Rose and continue to learn from you.

You... won't you drive me away? "

Ye Hong burst into tears in his heart.

For a long time, she was worried about this.

Ye Hong suddenly felt that Ruan Biying like this did not have the style of a high-cold coach on weekdays, but was much more cute than usual.

The ghost messenger patted her head poorly, smiling like a child, "rest assured, I won't be willing to leave you."

But as soon as the words came out, Ye Hong suddenly felt the ambiguity in the words.

He meant that the team could not do without an excellent and responsible coach like Ruan Biying.

Especially with this intimate movement, the atmosphere suddenly becomes weird.

The blush on Ruan Biying's face suddenly spread, his body shivered, and he unconsciously removed his head from Ye Hong's hand.

Ye Hong also felt quite embarrassed and scratched her head. For a moment, she didn't know what to say to alleviate this strange atmosphere.

"I, I go to rest first..."

Ruan Biying's voice was a little trembling, and she even staggered with her feet, almost caught by the sofa feet.

Finally, she walked to the door of the room, and she turned around suddenly.

Smiling at Ye Hongyan: "Mr. Ye, good night."

Then he immediately entered the room, giving Yehong no reaction time at all.

Ye Hong looked at the closed door, and suddenly felt a warmth in her heart.

"good night."

With a slight smile, he murmured to himself, and Yehong returned to his room to rest.


The next day, the girls really forgot about the madness of last night.

Ye Hong also did not happen at all, preparing to take them back to China.

Throughout December, the crowd almost spent in Xizhou.

After a journey, everyone more and more missed the land of Yan Guo.

As soon as the award ceremony was over, I couldn't wait to embark on a return journey.

Before leaving, Kafman could not withdraw because of his busy schedule.

Rabadi had to personally take someone to the airport to see him off.

But he also asked Labadi to select a bunch of Sith antiques, famous products, and special products for everyone... ready to bring them back to China.

Today, Labadi is already the captain of the Sith King's Royal Guard.

The bodyguards of Kafman were naturally put into the Royal Guard.

It was because the people at the airport that Ye Hong and his party were escorted by the Royal Guard personally were shocked.

I thought I met politicians from other countries.

Then, in the afternoon, everyone boarded a plane to Haidu.

It wasn't until late at night that he landed at Haidu Airport.

However, Ye Hong let Ruan Biying take the person to return to Egret City first. As for himself, he transferred from Haidu alone and went northward to Kyoto overnight.


When Ye Hong was heading to Kyoto, the people of Phoenix Rose were stuck in the airport.

But these people are not malicious, but fanatical fans of the team.

Compared to their desertion before departure, all the fans present at this time were holding the Phoenix Rose's support card.

At a glance, the phoenix pattern in the hall attracted other passers-by dumbfounded.

"Relax, when I come back from the competition, I guarantee that these fans will hold the brand of our team."

Ruan Biying's unintentional words before departure now became a reality.

Fans are no longer shouting at the Extreme King Team or the Passing Team, all of them are Phoenix Roses!

"Phoenix Phoenix, the King of the Alliance!"

"Once Nirvana, shake Unet!"

Fans, the little phoenixes who have never experienced such scenes are blushing.

At this moment, they actually had the illusion of becoming a star.

"No, this is not an illusion."

Ruan Biying proudly said: "You are now the hottest star in the country!"

That day, the little phoenixes were faced with countless fans who asked for a group photo. They almost checked out their hands at the airport, and their cheeks almost cramped because they kept smiling.

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