Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2371: South side

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In places where Ke Hua and Lao Han didn't notice, Ye Hong's eyes flashed a cunning trick.

Everything he had foreshadowed was just waiting for Lao Han's words.

"Since you are asking for me, at least have the sincerity of cooperation?

such as......"

Ye Hong stared at Lao Han with eyes and eyes, saying, "Tell me, what do you want to do with magma?"

Don't pervert me with the words of saving the world, I don't believe it. "

"However, this is true." Old Han's face was serious, and he didn't mean to be joking at all. "The Great Tribulation is coming, all beings are painted, and the world is in danger. These are not words to scare you."

Ye Hong didn't have a good air: "Your magma is so good, just go directly to the source of the catastrophe and eliminate them from the root?

Wasn’t the catastrophe forty years ago caused by the fifth family?

I guess it will be them next time. You must act quickly to destroy the fifth family! "

"Your boy, obviously you want to get rid of the fifth family!"

Old Han did not know whether to be angry or to laugh, but just kept shaking his head.

"The big disaster is about the destiny of the whole world, not as simple as you think."

Old Han sighed slightly: "But what you said makes sense. You can't keep you in the dark. Some things have to be understood gradually."

Pulling his palm out of his sleeve, he guided a direction: "Go there, there is information you want to know."

Yehong frowned, following the direction pointed by Lao Han, only to see a dark night.

"Where, exactly?"



After Ye Hong left, Ke Hua looked at Lao Han with a disgruntled face: "What the Sect Master is thinking, why should he give such an important burden to such an arrogant boy."

"He is proud and proud because he has capital."

Old Han sighed silently, raised his eyes and asked, "You were just like magma when he was like his age?

At that time, if you remember correctly, you should just..."

"Shut up!"

Ke Hua shouted angrily.

Old Han smiled silently, looked at the night sky above his head, and muttered: "The Sect Master's idea is not something we can figure out.

What we can do is to help the teenager grow, grow, and grow again...

Until he has the strength to touch the truth of the world. "


Leaving from Jingjiao Manor, Ye Hong was full of old Han's guidance.

Lingnan refers to Lingnan Province in the south of the Yan Kingdom.

It is a prosperous place, but also a place with a long history.

Countless brilliant legends were born on that land.

But there is also an unknown mystery, waiting for Ye Hong there.

However, whether it is to understand the mystery or to find a chance to break through the realm, Ye Hong has gotten a start.

At night, Ye Hong did not rush back, but went into Kyoto City and stayed there for one night.

The next day, he took a seat at some Kyoto acquaintances.

Wei Qianling, Qin Zhengyan, Dongfang Family, Murong Family... all passed by like a dragon.

From their mouths, they also got a general understanding of some recent situations in Kyoto.

Even though he was in Xizhou, Yeblade would also send him information in this respect, but it was not as careful as he heard.

Ye Hong went to Xizhou for almost a month.

In the past month, the situation in Kyoto has been calm.

The stalls left by the last rebellion were also cleaned up by the temple and the Eastern family.

The people of Kyoto have long stopped paying attention to what happened in those days.

It's just a pity that Shangguan and his son still didn't catch it.

They guessed that the father and son were either hiding in the mountains and the old forest, or had secretly left the Yan Kingdom.

Ye Hong knew that neither father nor son was a fuel-efficient lamp, let alone had a grudge against himself.

In order to pay attention to this matter, I was going to ask Yeren's person to help search for these two people.

After staying in Kyoto for a day, Yehong flew back to Egret City.

When he returned, the hot news about the Phoenix Rose winning the championship continued to ferment.

Every day, different media rushed to Egret City and went to Phoenix Rose headquarters to want to interview them.

However, after Ye Hong returned, these interviews were almost pushed by him.

Because he saw many young geniuses who became famous, he finally became a traffic tool.

Ye Hong did not want the Little Phoenix to become a victim of news traffic.

What they have to do now is to precipitate themselves, sort out the harvest, guard against arrogance and impatience, and work towards higher goals.

For example, take a second consecutive championship or something.

The girls naturally have no complaints about this, but are overjoyed. After all, they are almost annoyed by the multitude of media.

After driving away those reporters, Ye Hong took Ruan Biying to visit his parents' house in the name of Yang Jingqi's friend.

For Ye Hong, although Yang Jingqi had evil thoughts in his heart, he was amplified by Fu Ling Ni.

Although Yang Jingqi may die of terminal illness sooner or later, he should not die with guilt and remorse.

The culprit of all this is Fu Nirvana!

However, Yang Jingqi was affected by Ye Hong after all, so Ye Hong apologized in his heart and thought to see if he needed help at home.

Ye Hong didn't say too much, only told Ruan Biying that Yang Jingqi was being used by others.

After Ruan Biying knew the truth, her hatred for Yang Jingqi was not so great. She followed Ye Hong to Yang Jingqi's house.

Yang Jingqi did not have a family, only a younger sister at work, and a pair of parents who opened fast food restaurants.

Relying on Yang Jingqi's usual salary, the conditions at home are not too bad.

However, the news of Yang Jingqi's death brought a great blow to the family.

The parents didn't want to open the store, and sorted out Yang Jingqi's events at home.

Hearing that Yehong and Ruan Biying were friends of Yang Jingqi, they hurried them in.

"Actually, we have long known that Jing Qi can't hold it for too long, but as soon as this person leaves, we still feel the same as losing souls."

"After he left, those friends, co-workers, subordinates... usually didn't come to visit him."


A little bit of nagging, the words are still tossing and turning, but I heard Ye Hong and Ruan Biying are not very taste.

Before leaving, Ye Hong quietly left an envelope.

The envelope is not a small sum of money.

And he also let the night blade people pay attention to the situation of this family, and notify him in time if he needs help.

After concluding this worry, Ye Hong's life was finally brought to the right.

During the time he left, the institutions were operating in an orderly manner.

However, the fastest action should be the Zhicai branch where he prepared Feng Lubai.

No, Feng Lubai has arranged a ribbon cutting ceremony for the completion, and is ready to invite Ye Hong to attend.

However, before that, Ye Hong received another invitation message.

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