Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2374: Big coffee gathered

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It should be known that once Zhicai drives up in the city of Egret, it is very likely to be a competitor with Yizhong.

Under such circumstances, why did Tang Ya suddenly appear here?

Could it be that they came to Mawei?

Feng Lubai was stunned, but on the surface he had done enough work and greeted him with a smile.

"What kind of wind blows President Tang?"

Tang Ya didn't dare to act, smiled slightly, and whispered in front of Feng Lu Bai: "Mr. Ye invited me to come."

Feng Lubai was startled again.

Needless to say, Mr. Ye in Tang Yakou must refer to Ye Hong.

Of course, he could see the awe that Tang Ya couldn't hide when he mentioned Ye Hong.

But this is what made him full of horror.

How could a principal in a dignified middle school be afraid of Ye Hong like this?

I seem to know a lot about Ye Hong's horror energy.

But he suddenly thought in his mind: Is this Tang Ya one of the three friends that Ye Hong and he mentioned?

Then there are two friends?

At this moment, a white car drove in the distance.

The car also has a dedicated driver. After stopping the car, I respectfully invited an old man in the back seat.

The old man wore brown-rimmed glasses, and his silver-white hair was meticulously combed.

Wearing a white classical scribe robe, elegant and elegant.

At the moment of seeing the old man's appearance, all the people present changed their faces, and almost all greeted them.

Especially those who are invited by Feng Lubai.

They were supposed to be high above the ground, and they didn't even bother when Tang Ya came, but when they saw the old man, they all put down their shelves.

Only because of the old man's name, Zhen Hong's cultural world-Wei Hongshu.

Wei Hongshu is not just as simple as the president of Jiang University. It has a great reputation in the world of literature.

As long as the heads of these city halls dare to show a little disrespect to Wei Hongshu, tomorrow's notoriety will surely be heard throughout the literary world!

So they greeted them carelessly.

"My God, is this a friend of the night school director?"

Feng Lubai shook his mind, subconsciously speaking to himself.

But he forgot that there was another person beside him.

Tang Ya heard Feng Lubai's words clearly, his eyes flashing sharply.

From this sentence she heard at least two messages.

First of all, Wei Hongshu was also invited by Ye Hong.

However, Tang Ya, who was more or less familiar with the overnight energy, was not so surprised by this matter.

She was surprised by Feng Lubai's title to Yehong.

Night school director...

Is it that Ye Hong himself is the manager behind this Zhicai?

Thinking of this, Tang Ya's mind was shocked.

I secretly decided in my heart that after going back, I must restrain the people under my control. I must never let Yizhong and Zhizhi conflict!

The two also followed up.

far away.

The people in Yucai saw Wei Hongshu's appearance and were all dumbfounded. They only felt that the paint bucket in their hands was heavy like a catty.

"Principal, what shall we do now?"

Principal Yucai's face changed and changed, gritted his teeth and said: "Let's watch the changes first, don't be impulsive..."

When Wei Hongshu was greeted on stage by stars, another car drove in the distance.

This car is plain and plain, with a black shell, which looks a bit old.

Yucai's people finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when they saw the person coming off the car, they were so scared that their hands and feet were cold and dumbfounded.

An old man wearing a black robes came off the car.

Eyebrows are like a knife, and his face is serious.

Like an old-fashioned teacher.

But it was the old man who thought he was unimpressive, but it caused a mess on the stage.

"Zeng Feng Shu Sheng?!"

"Gosh, how could his old man appear..."

"Let's step forward and get a close one, maybe his old man is in a good mood, and he can reward us with half a word!"

So the people on stage, like fanatic fans, greeted the old man enthusiastically.

This old man in black is the great calligrapher Zeng Taoyin with the famous name of Zeng Fengshusheng!

Corresponding to his calligraphy fame is his hard-to-find character.

I don't know how many personally went to the door to ask for a word, but he was scolded out of the door directly.

But even so, the people who searched for his inscription were like Jiang Zhi crucian carp, which was endless.

The name of the book sage is evident.

I heard that Zeng Fengshu was most annoyed by these activities during the weekdays. Apart from hearing that he had inscribed a noodle shop a few days ago, he never heard that he had done such things.

So when he came here today, he surprised everyone.

Wei Hongshu was already very familiar with Zeng Taoyin, so he was not surprised. He just stepped forward with a smile.

However, Feng Lubai and Tang Ya were stupid again on stage.

The emergence of Wei Hongshu was already like a mountain in their hearts.

The arrival of Zeng Taoyin made them dizzy for a while.

At this moment they finally found that they still seriously underestimated Ye Hong's energy!

At this moment, in addition to shock, Feng Lubai was also deeply excited and excited.

He had a little hesitation about coming to Egret City before, worrying that he would not be as relaxed as in Anming County.

But at this moment, there is still a sentence left in my mind: go to the special leisure!

He secretly vowed that he must hold the big leg of Yehong tightly!

Seeing Feng Lubai grinning to the corner of his ear, Tang Ya could also roughly guess his inner activity, and couldn't help but envy.

After gritting his teeth, the ghost thought badly whether he would change jobs.

Not to mention how lively the high platform is over there, but there is silence on the beach in the distance.

When Zeng Taoyin appeared, they had no idea of ​​trouble.

If they were found out, they would dare to go to the school supported by Zeng Fengshu's holy school. Perhaps they are waiting for them with countless words.

"Principal, what shall we do now?"

The person who was interrogating next to him was already crying.

"Bring the paint bucket!"

Principal Yucai gritted his teeth.

Everyone's heart sighed, thinking that the principal still wanted to be the moth that put out the fire.

But in the next second, the headmaster put on a bright smile: "Put on the paint bucket and congratulate your friend!"

Everyone could not help but fall.


At the school gate, the staff looked at a group of people carrying paint buckets and couldn't help being suspicious.

Has the school completed the gift giving paint?

In the end, they could only welcome them in a weird look.

When the ceremony was about to begin, Ye Hong finally arrived late.

Seeing Ye Hong's moment, the heads of the city hall were shocked again.

The title of the night club leader, one after another.

After all, Ye Hong, as the president of the Food and Beverage Association, walked around the city hall.

Especially the Provincial Hall White Pagoda is the place where Yehong often appears.

Therefore, these heads know more or less Ye Hong as a "celebrity".

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