Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2390: Professor Ge's thoughts

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Another existence that puzzled Ye Hong was the [magma] organization.

And the mysterious suzerain.

If magma was built to resist the fifth family, why not directly destroy the fifth family because of the ability of the magma?

Yehong believes that this is not difficult for a master who has such a terrible master as the mysterious sect master and the nine monks.

Or is it not as simple as it appears on the surface?

With a cloud of mist in his mind, Ye Hong unconsciously returned to the mess.

The wrecker has started to work, and the person who seems to be responsible for clearing the roadblock is finally at work.

But looking at the movement of these wreckers, Ye Hong's eyes flashed a strange light.

The workers responsible for clearing the roadblocks were also terrified when they suddenly saw a figure appearing across the mess.

Especially when Ye Hongling passed through those troubled times, it made a group of people keep rubbing their eyes.


"No! It's a ghost!"

This was originally a mausoleum of tombs, and suddenly saw the existence of superhumans such as Ye Hong, which really scared them.

Rolling down from the car, there was a strange cry, and fled here with a crawl.

And this is the purpose of Ye Hong.

He slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, lifted his foot and left the tomb, and went straight back to Lingnan University.

Ye Hong came to the fossil laboratory again.

What he looked at was the busy figure of Professor Ge.

Seeing Ye Hong coming back, Professor Ge seemed very happy and relieved.

"How is it gaining?"

Ye Hong looked at Professor Ge and smiled meaningfully: "Yes, I entered the Haoshanhou Tomb."

Professor Ge seemed to be struck by lightning and stuttered: "But, isn't there a road closure, you, how are you..."

Ye Hong continued to smile: "Yes, there is a road closed, and I also know that someone wants to make the road there forever."

Professor Ge suddenly fell silent, his face twitching slightly.

"Professor Ge, the reason why you volunteered and took over the wreck removal project was not for the purpose of wreck removal, but for the complete burial of Haoshanhou Tomb?"

When Ye Hong said these words confidently and calmly, Professor Ge knew that Ye Hong had already mastered everything, and the whole person was like a deflated ball sitting in a chair.

The reason why Ye Hong can say this is to see the purpose of the work of the wrecker.

Where is to clear the obstacles, it is completely prepared to dismantle the mountain walls on both sides, ready to completely bury the tomb of Haoshanhou deep in the mausoleum group.

As for why Professor Ge did this, Ye Hong had already speculated.

When he retrieved the fossil file, he found an electronic letter in Professor Ge's computer.

It turned out that Professor Ge had written a request letter to the City Hall of Haoshan City a long time ago, asking City Hall to close the path to Haoshanhou to prevent the rampant tomb thieves from continuing to steal.

However, City Hall did not respond to this.

Combining this matter, and then reminiscent of Professor Ge's strange behavior of undertaking the obstacle-clearance project, Ye Hong guessed Professor Ge's thoughts in ten or nine.

"If I am right..." Ye Hong's eyes are above the fine mans, "Professor Ge is a descendant of Haoshan Hou Gehao, right?"

Professor Ge was shocked all over again, and then he smiled bitterly: "It's worthy of being the president of the Archaeological Union. I really can't hide anything from you.

Yes, I am a descendant of Haoshanhou! "

Professor Ge squeezed his fists tightly, revealing a hateful expression: "Tomb robbers are arrogant and arrogant and arbitrarily enter and exit my ancestral tomb.

In order to completely cure this matter, I intend to prevent anyone from seeing the grave.

It's a pity...it's still seen by you. "

Professor Ge was dull and said with a lonely face: "You plan to hand me over to the City Hall or the Province Hall, whatever you want."

However, Ye Hong smiled slightly, patted Professor Ge on the shoulder, left a word, and left the laboratory.

"Professor Ge, wait for the good news."

At first, the confused Professor Ge did not understand the meaning of Ye Hong's words.

Until the next day, the people in the City Hall of Haoshan City accompanied a group of big men to the research room and found Professor Ge.

In Professor Ge's uneasy mood, the group of big men clarified their identities, but they came from the Kyoto temple.

This group of people promised to Professor Ge that they would urge the city hall of Haoshan City to protect the safety of Haoshanhou Tomb and prevent any invasion of tomb robbers.

Professor Ge felt a sudden feeling of being hit by happiness.

Confused, after seeing the city hall of Haoshan City also set up a guarantee, he realized that he was not dreaming.

It turns out that everything is true!

But at the same time he did not understand why the temple people would help him.

Until he recalled the meaningful sentence before Ye Hong left, he immediately reacted, it turned out that Ye Hong was helping him silently.

Thinking that he almost made a big mistake, if it wasn't for Yehong to detect it in time and pull him back from the edge of the abyss, the consequences would be unpredictable, and there would be a burst of old tears.

The people in the temple were indeed called by Ye Hong.

After realizing that something was wrong that day, Ye Hong had already begun to arrange the matter.

Intentionally staying in Lingnan City for one night is to deliberately communicate with Kyoto.

Mausoleums and tombs like Haoshanhou's tomb have long surpassed the meaning of ordinary tombs.

If it is destroyed, it will be a major loss to the archaeological community and even human history and culture.

As a student of archaeology and president of the Archaeological Union, Ye Hongshi couldn't bear to see such a tomb mound destroyed for some unknown reason, so he helped Professor Ge.

But the thought of Jiu Deng's old monk was almost buried by Professor Ge in a pile of rocks, Ye Hong wanted to laugh.

After returning to Egret City from Lingnan Province, Yehong went to Haiye Island for the first time to find Ono and asked about the fairyland.

Ono was also caught off guard, stunned for a long time, and did not know what to say to Ye Hong.

In the end, Fifth Xuanying and Fifth Dancheng resolved the siege for her.

The two naturally knew the true source of the fifth family, but they were born in this world like Ono, and did not know much about the fairyland.

The only words and phrases I know are also rumors heard from the old people in the tribe.

But those old people have passed away now, and it is obviously impossible to prove the authenticity of these rumors.

In desperation, Ye Hong could only put this matter aside for a while.


In the New Year and New Moon, the world is still full of peace.

The student party is busy with the final exam, the office workers are looking forward to the year-end awards, the researchers in the research room are still losing their hair, and the night blade people are still strengthening their strength day after day.

Everything seems to be no different from last year.

Only when Ye Hong became more and more disturbed, she always felt that something was gradually approaching.

Finally, a message from Nanzhou confirmed Ye Hong's uneasiness.

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