Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2395: Ye Hong eating soft rice

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And just before the squirrel was about to succeed, a puppet of stone was drilled on the ground.

The puppet grabbed the squirrel with one fist and pinched it directly.

A touch of white Qianying silently glanced at Yehong not far away, and then hid in the crowd.

The three of Sha Wufeng were stunned first, and then sneered at disdain.

"It turns out that ancient warriors secretly protected, no wonder they dare to be so crazy."

"Oh, after all, it's a soft meal."

The three people's contempt for Yehong deepened, but Yehong didn't care.

Mu Qingju followed him secretly, this was something he had known for a long time, and he was not surprised at this time.

Moreover, even if Mu Qingjue didn't shoot, he would have noticed the squirrel's approach.

This episode did not affect Ye Hong's research at all.

He was now squatting on the ground, looking at the body of a cub.

"Ding! Trigger proficient level analysis ability, combined with target intelligence, has initially analyzed the current target characteristics: high-speed growth.

Target food: breath of life. "

Ye Hong looked up at the sky and suddenly sighed, "Nanzhou...coming chaos."

It seems to confirm Ye Hong's prophecy that more eggs fell in the sky at once.

The cubs one by one emerged from the eggshell and ran in all directions.

After all, the number of people on the scene was limited, so there was no way to take care of so many cubs, only to watch them disappear into the dark night.

"Come on, go back and notify Aria, and let him prepare early."

Ye Hong clapped the dust on his hands and said to the crowd.

But the three of Sha Wufeng were indifferent.

"You represent the temple, and there is an obligation to inform him, but we do not."

"Let's separate here and investigate separately."

Ye Hong stunned slightly, shrugged, and smiled lightly: "Then follow several seniors."

"Ah, why are you all this?"

Qingmei sighed and shook his head silently.

"Qingmei, as an old friend for many years, I have to remind you that sometimes you are not attracted to worldly power, those are illusions!"

Sha Wufeng was invited by Qingmei, and he said seriously to him.

As he spoke, he looked into Yehong's direction, and his thoughts overflowed with words.

Shui Lingyun and Gu Ting, invited by Sima Zhengming and Wu Chi, also expressed their views on Ye Hong in a similar way.

However, they did not know that these words could only make Qingmei real people cry and laugh.

But Qingmei and others didn't do much retention, after all, some things can't be explained by words alone.

Especially for an arrogant ancient warrior.

In this way, the two groups of people parted ways at Wangnan Cape.

The three men left to investigate the truth of the mysterious beast, and Ye Hong and others drove back to the city of Kaibudan.

Ariad heard Ye Hong talking about what happened in Wanganjiao, and his scalp was numb and his heart was terrified.

Ye Hong gave him advice to evacuate all the civilians near Wangnanjiao.

And completely isolate the area, circle the movement range of the beast within a fixed range.

Ali Aji quickly followed Ye Hong's ideas and ordered to continue.

But it was too late.

The major tribes nearby were moving too slowly.

In addition, there are many ignorant local aborigines who simply do not believe the announcement from the Tawang Kingdom and do not want to leave their homeland.

So when they started, the beasts had already invaded the major tribes.

All of a sudden, the massacre continued.

The monsters that have absorbed the breath of life have triggered the characteristics of rapid growth.

In less than a day, it grew from a cub to an adult form.

The grown monsters are even more fierce.

Gradually, even the elite Tawang soldiers could not stop this group of beasts.

The blockade was broken, and the beasts invaded toward the hinterland of Nanzhou.

A variety of fierce monsters began to appear on the ground in Nanzhou.

A three-headed wolf, a rabbit larger than a human, a bird that can drown...

These three beasts can be seen in the three major areas of sea, land and air.

Tribes, villages, cities... The pace of the beast is getting faster and faster.

Nanzhou was suddenly immersed in panic, and countless people sought refuge.

The countries of Nanzhou have once again sought assistance from all over the world.

This incident directly detonated the entire network of the world.

Many posts called [End of the World], [Biochemical Change], [Alien Bio-invasion] and the like are hot.

All corners of the world are discussing this matter in Nanzhou.

Dongzhou, Xizhou and Beizhou issued a joint statement prohibiting people of all countries from traveling to Nanzhou and refusing entry of Nanzhou people.

Nanzhou seems to have become an isolation zone for the entire Blue Star.

At the same time, more ancient warriors, psychic masters, and alienators entered Nanzhou.

Because a few days after that, Nanzhou broke another news.

After someone killed an adult beast, a gray crystalline object was found in the body.

Since then, some people have obtained this gray crystal.

According to the analysis, that gray crystalline form has various peculiar functions.

For example, enhancing the intensity of breath in the body, stimulating human nerves to make people crazy, and allowing wounds to heal quickly...

These effects of gray crystallization are exactly the reason why many powerful people have entered Nanzhou regardless of the danger!

One of the most incredible effects is that ordinary people gain the ability to transform into strange animals by swallowing gray crystals.

Now even the locals couldn't sit still, and began to join the team to hunt the beast.

For a time, the land in Nanzhou was in chaos.


In the city of Kabdan, well-armed elite soldiers blocked the outskirts of the city and patrolled them 24 hours.

The purpose is to prevent foreign animals from entering the city.

The population density of Kabdan City, once invaded by foreign beasts, will be the biggest nourishment for these foreign beasts!

Therefore, this kind of situation is absolutely not allowed on the ground, and the city's power is used to lay a lot of defense.

The people are hiding in the city, trembling and praying that the beast can be destroyed.

In the residence where Ye Hong and others stayed.

Ariaci was in a state of anxiety, wandering back and forth, raising his head from time to time and anxiously asking, "Night Advisor, what should I do next?"

Ye Hong has been thinking about how to deal with these strange beasts these days.

Don’t look at the strange beasts just messing up in Nanzhou now, but Ye Hong knows that if he doesn’t put out this tide in time, Blue Star’s other places will soon be victimized.

Thinking of the pictures of these disgusting creatures killing in the Yan Kingdom, Ye Hong couldn't accept one hundred.

But if you want to destroy these monsters, you can only destroy them at once.

Otherwise, with their terrifying characteristics of reproduction and growth, wildfires will surely endless and the spring wind will blow again.

But now it seems that even if the former Sima Zhengming said, slap the cracks, it seems that it is impossible to completely destroy the foreign animals on the ground in Nanzhou.

Things got into trouble at once.

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