Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2615: Miracle monster

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"Ding! Trigger Grandmaster-level arm strength, trigger Grandmaster-level foot strength, trigger mastery-level grip strength, trigger mastery-level waist strength, trigger mastery-level gun skills, trigger..."

Yehong seemed to be a machine, all parts of the whole body were mobilized.

When all the power was concentrated on the right hand, the nine-foot ice gun suddenly flew towards the sky.

Concentrate a little and burst out!

This is the secret of [Xian Ye]!

This trick broke the fifth night of Xian Ye in one fell swoop, and reproduced the world in another world!

In addition to the black ice-colored spear, a translucent black light suddenly appeared.

That's the unique color of Yehong!

As the night sky seems to be bright and dark, there is a hidden murder in the deep!

Although Yelong was not around at this time, the ice gun thrown by Yehong into the air was not weaker than Yelong!

I saw the sky battlefield where the crane and the bright element were fighting, and suddenly flew into a black line.

It's like a sharp blade that splits the world and makes the air tremble.

Both sides of the battlefield were attracted by the fast-moving ice guns in the sky.

There was a burst of exclamation, and it came out from the battlefield.

The translucent black seemed to absorb all the radiance between heaven and earth.

Even if everyone stood on the ground well, there was a kind of horror that would be sucked away at any time.

This sense of horror is no stronger than Wu Xian's induction standing next to Ye Hong!

She held her chest tightly, and Liu Mei frowned into a Chuan character.

The feeling of depression that kept spreading in my heart gave Wu Xian the illusion that he was about to faint.

She glared at Yehong with only one voice in her heart.

"What the **** is that?"

And Wu Xian has the same shock, it is the Yote Kris opposite.

The sense of oppression from the ice gun shocked Yotkris.

That kind of shock to the soul is like an apprentice who has just learned gunmanship and met a master gunman in person!

Although this gun is not yet close, it has virtually defeated the arrogance in Jotte Criss.

His face was whitish, and he shivered and ordered, "Bright rhinoceros, let me beat it!"

The rhinoceros roared to the sky, and the invisible air wave released directly swept the clouds.

The silver moon emerged from behind the cloud and projected on everyone in the crane city.

I don't know when, both sides of the war have stopped and looked at the sky intently.

Even the NPCs who were ordered to hide earlier had quietly exited the room door, held their breaths, and watched the air battlefield together.

In the eyes of everyone's attention, the four corners of the big rhino's head lit up together.

Representing the light of the four elements, they gathered in an instant and converged into the shape of a sphere at the top of the four corners.


There was another roar, just like the command to fire.

Four light **** of different colors slammed into the oncoming ice gun!


Ye Hongyao looked at the sky dome, with a shame on his face, and his voice was frozen!

As soon as the voice fell, there was a clear sound in the sky.

The ice gun passed through the first light ball!

"Break me again!"



A few times, the ice gun was like a pair of scissors tearing everything in front of it.

The spheres of light that caused Wu Xian many troubles were like a thin piece of paper in front of the ice gun with a penetration effect of 250 times.


The big rhinoceros obviously didn't expect that the four-element combo he was most proud of was so fragile, and suddenly opened his eyes like a bronze bell.

The ice gun does not give the big rhino a startle!

Passing through the void, smashing the ice gun of the big rhinoceros move, and landed on the big rhinoceros without accident.

The first collision point is the four long horns above the big rhinoceros' head!

However, what made the rhinoceros full of panic was that the four strongest things in its entire body could not resist this ice gun!

In an instant, the four long horns shattered under the impact of the ice gun.

After an earth-shattering wailing, the ice gun moved forward, penetrating, penetrating, penetrating... until it penetrated into the body of the rhinoceros!

The huge body of the bright big element rhinoceros suddenly stiff in the air.

Everyone on the ground followed their wide-eyed eyes and dared not make any sound.

Between heaven and earth, there is a strange silence.


A deafening explosion came from the sky.

The big rhino's body exploded and sputtered a translucent black light.

The sudden burst of cold air, mixed with the flesh and blood of the rhinoceros, seemed to be a scarlet ice rain between the world.

Strange, kill!

The protoss army was dull, and there were nervous sounds of swallowing saliva everywhere.

As gods of the Protoss, only they know the intensity of the rhinoceros.

That was the powerful companion that Joteclis did after a series of continuous missions.

With a lot of resources poured by Jotecris, the bright big element rhinoceros was smashed to level 60 and above.

Its true combat power is not lower than that of a king-level strong!

But such a behemoth was bombarded with one shot!

If this gun was stuck on them...

The Protoss shuddered, and they dare not imagine the cruel and miserable picture.

One by one turned his head, looking at the human race teenager named Yan Yan Ye in horror and awe.

This shot that shocked the soul was thrown out by him!

Contrary to the reaction of the Protoss Army, it is the humans on the side of the Xianhe City.

After a short period of consternation, they burst into heartfelt cheers!

Then they all looked at Yehong together.

It's just that compared with the eyes of the God Race who are about to be frightened, the human side is more fanatic and adore!

They suddenly recalled what I said before in the main city channel.

"Final night, he is a miracle monster!"

Now, everyone finally resonates with this remark.

Yeah, the final night is a monster!

But no one will refuse such a "monster" to stand on their side!

Such a "monster" will only make one feel at ease and make the enemy chill!

Wu Xian looked at the long sword in his hand with a complex face.

This long sword that she was proud of was now like scrap iron in her eyes.

In front of that terrible shot, can your long sword last more than a second?

Wu Xian has never been as confident in himself as he is now.

She knew that for many nights she was going to dream of the ice spear that could not sleep!

But how can Wu Xian's confidence be frustrated, and how can it be comparable to Yot Criss full of grief?

The gun shot across, my darling was seconds away, what can I say?

This is the truest portrayal of Jotte Kris at this time!

Looking at the bright big-element rhinoceros with no scum left, Yotcris sighed with fate, and he already had a choice in his heart.

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