Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2618: I didn't greet her

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The phone rang, and soon a rough and dull voice came from the opposite side.

"Hello, who do you want to find?"

Ye Hong said indifferently: "I am [Final Night]."

"Final, final..." The voice on the opposite side seemed to be jammed with saliva, coughing one after another.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of something falling to the ground.

Ye Hong couldn't help crying and laughing, was his voice so scary?

"Senior, I'm sorry, I'm so excited.

I didn’t expect that you would actually call me..."

The other side of the phone began to chatter excitedly.

The master of the sound is naturally [I am not a fat dragon] in the game.

Before playing the game, Ye Hong not only added his friends in the game, but also asked him for the real contact information.

Until this time, Ye Hong still remembered the excitement and unbelief that appeared on that big round face.

After telling the address of the family, after [I am not a fat dragon] came to the door, Ye Hong called Gongsun Yang again and asked him to come to the house together.

Then Ye Hong left the Taoist room, preparing to go home and wait for Gongsun Yang and [I am not a fat dragon] to come to the door.

After leaving the Taoist room, Ye Hong saw that the Taoist room where Wu Qing was located was closed.

It seems that he should have left long ago.

No one needed to say hello, and Ye Hong left the dojo.

He casually called a car and returned from the first ring zone to his home in the second ring zone.

It's just that the doorbell rang immediately before he entered the house.

Ye Hong thought it was [I am not a fat dragon] or Gongsun Yang arrived, but the display of the housekeeper's servant at home showed the figure of the bell ringing outside the door.

Not the two above, but Wu Qing.

It can be seen from the impact that Wu Qingzheng was excited, and the hand that kept poking the doorbell seemed to be poking the poor doorbell directly.

Seeing that it was this aunt, Ye Hong couldn't help but have a headache.

He called Gong Sun Yang today, but they came to talk about important things.

If Wu Qing is also on the side, it will be troublesome.

However, Ye Hong knew more clearly that Wu Qing could not be turned away. Otherwise, with the temper of the aunt’s grandmother, she might get an excavator to shovel the door of Ye Hong’s house.

Therefore, she could only helplessly sigh and opened the door to Wu Qing.

"A Hong, are you too good?"

Wu Qingfeng rushed into the hall fiercely, pulling Yehong excitedly, and the whole body was almost attached to Yehong.

In fact, Wu Qing went home to sleep after being directly off-line by Wu Xian last night.

So she also browsed online forums early in the morning to understand how much shocking Yehong did after she went offline yesterday.

So excited Wu Qing went straight to Ye Hong's house.

Even she couldn't figure out why she was more excited than Ye Hong, but she made this behavior subconsciously.

But for Yehong now, there is misery.

Although Wu Qing's face value is not an alluring country, there is a certain distance from Ye Hong's confidante in Lanxing.

But Wu Qing's stature was enough to rank in the top five in front of the woman Ye Hong had seen.

Probably only the enchanting Qin Hongshuang, Bai Ziyan, Jiang Yuyun, Lu Dan'er... and other stunners can compete with one another.

And such a hot body, at this moment close to the body of Ye Hong.

The continuous and wonderful touch can't help making Yehong feel like a horse, and dream up.

Think about yourself as if you are 18 years old, can you do something big talents can do...

As soon as this thought rose, Ye Hong screamed badly.

As if the body was eroded by poison, the concentration system collapsed instantly.

A wave of heat rose from Dantian and soon expanded to the whole body.

The temperature on the surface of the body rose sharply, and sweat beads also oozed from the face.

What made Ye Hong sad the most was that he could clearly feel that Wu Qing's body temperature also increased.

There seemed to be a strong voice shouting inside: "Push her away! I am definitely not greedy someone at night!"

But his hands did not listen to Wu Qing's waist.

And at an angle that Ye Hong couldn't see, Wu Qing, with her head down, was also blushing.

The eyelashes twitched slightly, and eight-point panic and two-point anticipation appeared in the eyes.

Don't look like Wu Qing is usually like a little girl, but the entire Wu family knows that this is just the appearance that Wu Qing deliberately disguised.

Only because of her arrogance and arrogance, some ordinary people can't pursue themselves every day, so she deliberately dressed up in a wild posture, intending to persuade those toads.

So apart from the Wu family who knows the roots and roots, few people know that Wu Qing has not been in love half a time since childhood.

But now the situation is that a perfect man is beside her!

Appearance, temperament, strength, resourcefulness...There is no shortage of these Yehong!

But what most moved Wu Qing to her heart was the perseverance and masculinity displayed by Honghong when he faced the army of Fairy Dog City last night.

If Ye Hong is like a deep lake, Wu Qing feels like a fanatic girl who wants to sink to the bottom of the lake!

"Ahong, I..."

Wu Qing's throat was dry, and when she was about to say something, the doorbell rang suddenly.

It's like a clear sky lightning, splitting a man and a woman in a strange atmosphere.

Wu Qing hurriedly turned her body aside, tidying her hair in a panic.

Ye Hong shook his head a little embarrassedly and waited for Wu Qing to finish his appearance before opening the door.

Appearing outside the door is Gong Sun Yang.


Gong Sun Yang was smiling and wanted to say hello, but he saw Wu Qing aside.

At the same time, the air seemed to be filled with an lingering chill, which made Gongsun Yang tremble.

As a coming person, he immediately guessed what was happening in the room before he came.

Gong Sun Yang couldn't help but secretly complained, looking embarrassed: "Should I come again someday?"

As soon as these words came out, a cloud of red rose sharply on Wu Qing's face, and he gave Gongsun Yang a hard look.

"Cough, let's go first."

Yehong coughed, greeted Gongsun Yang into the room, and invited the two to sit on the sofa in the living room.

The machine steward will serve the juice that has been prepared.

However, none of the three people present moved the juice on the table.

A strange atmosphere filled the air.

Gong Sun Yang was sitting on a needle felt, and several times he wanted to get up and say goodbye.

Wu Qing kept her head down, not knowing what she was thinking.

Ye Hong also had a headache.

If he changed, he would have found a reason to break Wu Qing away.

But after the ambiguous scene that happened just now, if Ye Hong is still pulling people away, there is a suspicion of chasing people.

When Ye Hong was upset, the doorbell rang again.

But when Ye Hong thought that the person was [I am not a fat dragon], looking at the figure fed back on the image, the corners of his mouth could not help twitching.

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