Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2620: He has only one person

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With the power of Yehong alone, finding someone in the fourth ring zone is really like finding a needle in a haystack.

But the Wu family is different!

As the master of Xianhe City, if you really want to find someone, it should not be difficult.

Just looking at the fact that Ye Hong was being traced to death, this intelligence control can be seen.

So Ye Hong made a long story short, and briefly told everyone about what might be happening on the phone.


Gongsun Yang was stunned.

According to Ye Hong's introduction to him on the phone, [I am not a fat dragon] should be a fairy.

But even a fairy can be bullied, what terrible origin is the other party?

Wu Qing's reaction was also very direct, and he looked at Wu Xian without hesitation.

In front of Wu Xian, she still has self-knowledge.

If you want to quickly find someone in Xianhe City in a short time, you will undoubtedly use the power of Taiyi Xianzong.

As the favorite daughter of Jianhe Xianjun, Wu Xian has much more power resources than her Wu Qing.

Ye Hong suddenly had a headache.

After a long time, I still have to ask for this grandma.

Wu Xian also reacted, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes, but there was an expressionless expression on his face: "If you want me to help you find someone, you must accept my challenge."

To this day, for the fat dragon that he valued, Ye Hong could only suffocate and nod.

I secretly swear in my heart that I must give this woman some color to look at.



A dilapidated apartment near the fifth ring road in the south of the fourth ring road.

In any city, there will be rich people with pearls and jewels, and naturally there will be poor people without clothes.

Xianhe City is no exception.

This dilapidated apartment in the south of the city was originally a factory.

After the factory was abandoned, it was transformed into an existing apartment.

Those who lived inside were all the people at the bottom of Xianhe City.

Migrant workers, beggars, homeless people, disabled people...

It can be said that this is the slum of Xianhe City.

No one can imagine that the high fairy would live in such a place.

In fact, there is indeed a special fairy here.

His name was [Feilong], because he was fat, he was given the nickname [Fatlong].

Speaking of Ferron’s tragic experience, people in the apartment can say three days and three nights.

But now Ferron is being blocked at home by a group of people.

In front of him, there were five dangling dudes.

These sulky faces stubbornly blocked Ferron in the corner.

"Fat Dragon, don't think we don't know, you made a fortune in the game yesterday."

"Then don't talk nonsense, quickly return the money owed to our school!"

There were several bruises on Fei Long's face, and obviously he had worked with this group of people before.

At the moment, he lowered his head, his eyes flashing fiercely, as if he was about to attack at any time.

"Is deaf? Ye asked you!"

With a bang, a gangster kicked Fei Long directly on the chest, kicking Fei Long directly against the wall.

"Fat Dragon!"

An angry roar came beside him, full of anxiety and worry.

In the corner is a skinny young man with only skinny skin left.

His name is Shou Hu, a tramp near the apartment.

Because of the fate in the name, he became a good friend with Ferron.

Privately, some people dubbed the duo "Fat Dragon and Slender Tiger Brothers".

It was Shou Hu who called Yehong just now.

But before Shou Hu finished the phone call, he was robbed of the phone by the group of debt collectors and suffered a severe beating.

"Noisy, beat me until he is quiet!"

A young man with a mixed head looks fiercely at Shou Hu.

So there were two lumps walking toward the corner with a stern expression.

Seeing this scene, Shou Hu was so frightened that he curled up in a ball, his hands clasped tightly on his head.


Ferron looked dizzy and shouted.

"Huh! It's okay if we want to stop, just pay back the money."

The **** said coldly.

Fei Long's teeth were clenched and his fists were clenched.

It took a long time before he opened his mouth with grief and indignation: "Brother Min, this money is what I plan to use to pay for my mother's medical expenses..."

"I control what you are doing!" The head of the gangster, known as Min, slapped on Feilong's head and said in a cold voice: "Borrowed our [Jinxianmen] money, then honestly Return, don't make so many excuses.


Suddenly a strange smile appeared on Min Min's face: "Fat Dragon, Brother advises you.

Your old lady's illness is incurable and will only consume your money.

I think you might as well give up the old lady..."

No matter how hard the flesh hits, Ferron can grind his teeth and insist.

But Kemin's following sentence made Fei Long red his eyes!


After a roar of anger, the long-pressed Ferron headed straight forward, and the head of the head was firmly on the belly of Brother Min.

Although Fei Long can't use breath, as a fairy, his physical fitness is not bad.

This top directly sent Min Ge to the top several meters away.


Brother Min covered his stomach and kept coughing.

Pointing to Fei Long with a pale face, he said, "Let's die! Beat me hard!"

The other four gangsters didn't have to talk about it, and they had already encroached on Ferron.

"Dare to go against our Jinxian Gate, Fatty Dragon, you are dead today!"

The fools rushed up and greeted Feilong directly.

Brother Min was sneering at the side, and his heart was alive.

In ordinary times, who would dare to bully a fairy like this?

But they have turned to the Golden Fairy Gate, they have no fear!

Even if Fei Long was killed here today, Jinxianmen would wipe their **** for them.

"Fight! Hit hard!"

"Also, let someone go to his room to find where the money is hidden."

Brother Min only felt like a strategic battlefield commander, proudly commanding his men.

At this moment, an icy voice was like a thunder, and it blew directly into everyone's ears in the room.

"Who dares to move him again, I will let you have your hands and feet broken and your bones broken!"

Everyone in the room looked up in amazement, but found a teenager jumping in from the window.

"He, how did he come in?"

The dumbfounded dumbfounded.

You know, this is the 12-story apartment high-rise!

But when he saw the young man's face, Fei Long cried out in surprise: "The final night!"

"Final night?"

Brother Min frowned twice and read the name twice, always feeling where he had heard it.

But he quickly put the matter aside and turned to wave his face fiercely: "He only has one person, everyone goes together!"

The gangsters regrouped and headed towards Yehongwei.

"There is only one person, are you sure?"

Ye Hong's mouth was light, like looking at the five big fools.

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