Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2626: Startled snake

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There was not much reaction on Ye Hong's face, but he smiled secretly in his heart.

The current situation is actually what he expected.

In fact, he has 10,000 ways to defeat Wu Xian, but why did he choose to end the showdown with the fifth day of Xuan Xuan Xiao?

There is only one reason.

He did it on purpose, the purpose is to be recognized.

Ever since the information discovered in the dojo battlefield learned that the fifth family had disappeared mysteriously, Ye Hong tried his best to find out the whereabouts of the fifth family.

However, in the eyes of the current high-ranking Xianzong, the fifth family is obviously a taboo word, blocking the relevant information to death.

Thinking about it, Ye Hong decided to change his way of thinking.

Since it is not easy to find the information of the fifth family by yourself, can you do the opposite and let the information come to you?

So in Fangcai's duel, Ye Hongling made a move and deliberately used the moves related to the fifth family.

The so-called thrilling snake first grasses, if you want to lead the snake out of the hole, you have to throw a certain bait first.

This trick to Xuanxiao Day is Yehong's bait.

Sure enough, he did not let him down, Wu Kuan recognized the origin of this trick.

So Yehong casually said blankly: "The fifth family?

This trick was only taught to me by a senior I met while traveling.

Is she from the fifth family? "

Ye Hong's superb acting skills made his expression and tone flawless.

Wu Kuan looked at it seriously for a while, and the original dignified expression finally finally eased down.

He breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that you might actually meet someone from the fifth family, but it's not too deep a connection.

However, I still have to remind you that you will use this trick less in the future, otherwise someone will know your relationship with the fifth family and no one can save you! "

Ye Hong seriously thanked Wu Kuan for his reminder, and then sincerely asked: "Six Young, the younger brother is still young, and he knows very little about the fifth family.

So I have been wondering, that the fifth family has been completely wiped out, why is Xianzong still so worried about this family? "

"Genocide? Which idiot told you?!"

Wu Kuan really put on the set of Yehong's words, with a look of contempt: "Everyone knows that the fifth family is just hiding in a certain place.

It was just that after all, the fifth family ruled the fairyland, and for many people, there was a feeling of monarchs.

So these people clearly shouted and killed the fifth family. In fact, they were secretly helping the fifth family hide their whereabouts..."

Speaking of which, Wu Kuan shut his mouth suddenly and alertly, apparently feeling that he accidentally said too much.

But Ye Hong has already got the information he wants.

At least we can know that the fifth family still exists in this world.

And because of the old sentiment, there are still a lot of twenty-five in the fairyland protecting the fifth family.

Even the intrepid dads in front of him, Master Sword Crane Sage, are also one of the two or five.

And his grandmother, once the Immortal Sister, was also very likely to be alive.

This made Ye Hong feel at ease.

With the harvest of Ye Hong, in order not to arouse suspicion from several people, he turned the subject lightly and discussed Wu Xian, who was running away in tears.

"Alas, it is estimated that the 25th sister will be hit hard this time."

Wu Kuan smiled bitterly.

Wu Dao and Wu Qing next to them both nodded in agreement.

However, they will not blame Ye Hong, after all, this is Wu Xian forced to pull others PK.


Wu Kuan seemed to have something to say, but in the end he shook his head: "Forget it, it shouldn't have reached that point."

In this way, this absurd showdown ended in an absurd atmosphere.

Ye Hong, who showed his ability to understand the horror in this duel, had a huge amount of weight in Wu Kuan's heart.


Since that day, Wu Xian never appeared in front of Ye Hong.

Strangely, she was not even seen in the game.

The current size of the guild was handed over to several vice presidents.

According to the information disclosed by Wu Qing, Wu Xian shut himself up and was likely to be autistic by Ye Hong.

Ye Hong was relieved by this, and finally no longer had to be entangled.

Soon, Ye Hong left this behind, and peace of mind improved his strength in the game.

At the same time, there are also three levelling coolies, Lin Le, Cheng Hu and Qiao Yun.

However, Ye Hong's level has already surpassed them, and they no longer need to make them hard laborers.

The reason why Ye Hong still took them was to remember the sentiment during the novice period, and was prepared to give some return.

Of course, the three of Lin Le were overjoyed, and they followed Fangdian by the side of Yehong.

They admired Yehong very much. After the war that night, Yehong became famous overnight, making him very proud of the three people who were around him very early.

And knowing that when the final night actually took three people to level up, they made their relatives and friends so envious.

As for [I am not a fat dragon], that is, Fei Long, he was also brought by Ye Hong.

Ferron has been busy making money these years, and his rank is actually not high.

Taking advantage of this time nothing, help him to improve his strength.

After all, as Ye Hong's men, they shouldn't be too shabby.

After a few days, the ranks of several people came to level 30.

Ye Hong's level has quietly reached level 36.

It took only a few days to rise by one level. Compared to the rocket speeds that had risen many levels in a row that night, Ye Hong was quite dissatisfied with this efficiency.

This made him start to despise other guilds, why didn't he attack the Crane City during this period?

Where does he know that since the night of Yehong’s fame, even though Yehong has never joined Xianhe City, the four characters of the final night have been bound to Xianhe City by default.

If you want to attack Xianhe City, you have to first decide whether you can cross the night.

The result is obvious. Many people saw Ye Hong's perverted defense and the second-level ice gun in the video. They all shuddered, and they all dispelled this unrealistic idea.

So the Crane City during this period was so peaceful that it made people sleepy.

Therefore, Ye Hong has made up his mind and changed his level to another place.

Before he went off the line that day, he stopped Feilong and was going to visit his mother in the hospital tomorrow morning.

Fei Long didn't think too much, thinking that it was only Ye Hong who was sympathetic to his subordinates and gratefully agreed.

But Ye Hong planned to take advantage of this opportunity to meet the legendary weak-qi syndrome for a while.


Early the next morning, under the leadership of Ferron, he arrived at the [Xianhe Hospital] in the Third Ring District.

Just like the Xianhe Hotel, Xianhe Hospital is also a hospital under the name of Xianhe City and the best hospital in Xianhe City.

Just before entering the hospital, Ye Hong accidentally saw an "old acquaintance."

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